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The chillout waiting Channel for A17


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Here comes in the next Time some Prefabs, i will try to convert to A17.

The most of them can actual be seen on GERPVE.


The PanTile-House


The University-Tower



Perhaps, if you want them, i try to make some of them public.


The ressurection-spell is activ on me ^^

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I'm surprised not to find more gorgeous, lag inducing skyscrapers in this thread :D


In the spirit of the channel title: Here's one of my my last a16 bases:





If this trick still works in a17, I want to build a whole little floating scrap village on a lake as a prefab :]





"The Blue", another one that might make it as prefab.




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And here's my last bigger project in a16 – Kam's Marina. Never got around to adding the boats. Just imagine I did :p







All built as player without godmode, CM-blocks sold for dukes by admins. Every building is fully decorated of course. Hoping to get someone to do a video walkthru, my graphics card won't do that for me sadly. The whole thing won't be practical as prefab, but the buildings exported by themselves might work out okay. :]

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Hey Kam,

nice to hear from you. I am glad to hear, that there are other people here going on building up to A17 :)

We try to give this Thread a little bit of Life. Your buildings are wonderful. I hope to see the Bluehouse as

a Prefab in A17, if we can convert them. The other 2 ones are difficult for Random Gen I think. It would be great to

live on a Houseboat when the waves are shaking the House ^^, and the Marina looks realy good. A lot of Work I think.

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Not a trick method, but you can make a new airblock that has SI and no collision and put a few of those blocks under a POI so it floats


		<block id="" name="air2">
			<property name="Material" value="air" />
			<property name="StabilitySupport" value="true" />
			<property name="Shape" value="Invisible" /> 
		<!--include these lines below if you want to see your support air blocks for ease of placement, but be sure to comment of the invisible property line above as well.
			<property name="Shape" value="New"/>
			<property name="Model" value="cube_glass"/>
			<property name="Mesh" value="transparent"/>
			<property name="Texture" value="285"/> -->

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Pille: The non xml-editing approach is 2 drawbridges stacked on each other.^^


There's that other trick that involves placing stuff in the right order, which I always messed up so far :D


The new air block idea seems like a smart way to go for this though in mods.

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Not a trick method, but you can make a new airblock that has SI and no collision and put a few of those blocks under a POI so it floats


Ofc but that's cheating whereas the drawbridge method is completely legit and intentional assuming the Fun Pimpal infallibility. ;)


Pille: The non xml-editing approach is 2 drawbridges stacked on each other.^^


There's that other trick that involves placing stuff in the right order, which I always messed up so far :D


Yep, but that looks strange. I hope you can reproduce the other trick one day...^^



Thanks for the suggests guys.



The Experimental House

Nice prefabs!

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  • 2 weeks later...

All Prefabs i show here in Video I will try to convert to A17 and then you can download. Now it is to much work to build them ready for A16 and then again for A17. The smaller Houses are A15 Prefabs and almost without Deco, and in the Manor are a lot of secret Rooms i will finish for A17. I thought the A17 would be out earlier ^^. The destroyedBluehouse is A17 exclusiv for our Server.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A relaxing stroll through our last map. This Community is still active and creative as hell through the wait for A17!

Sadly no chill music – Just put some tunes on in the background if needed :p

This contains the Marina I posted earlier in full glory, thx to our admin peeking in every nook and cranny. (Starts at ~36:00)


Enjoy and maybe be inspired too :]


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Hi Kam.

I made it as you said, with a handfull of chilloutmusic,

and the Video gets great. Wow. A lot of astonishing Houses.

Sad, that none of them become public. (Same as the most beautiful Projects

on our Server.)

With your Waterhouse you can play Raft Deluxe.

Only your Bluehouse i only saw in Distance.

Lets see how many Projects i can realize in A17 ^^ after i updated my existing Prefabs.

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There are some Problems to get those buildings from a public Server to a public Prefab. The most People only wants to play the game, and doesn´t know if it is possible to make it public. A lot of Houses like the Marina are build at positions that makes it very difficult to insert it in Random gen. And then there must be free resources by the Admins to safe this Houses. After saving it, it is not ready for Random Gen you know.

Who should build it ready to use it. A lot of reasons and a lot more against making it public. I hope that it will become easier in Future to save it as a Prefab, and to insert Sleeper and Mesh, but now the most Players doesn´t know how it works.

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