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Handing my Notice in (critique)


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So its gonna be one of these type of threads where i wanna get a really serious critique on why i am not pleased with how waiting for one full year of editing has lead to some huge disappointment in a17. in this, id also like to start a dialogue. Im taking quotes from both Gazz and Joel and then adding my two sence into it, and what better place to talk about that and discuss 7DTD,. Ill start with 7dtd since its why im here :)

P.S A lot of info was from Joel's comment section on the latest video so it might be word-for-word quotes from that. im just addressing it here so it gets more views.


Before anyone says "you cant give criticism" You cant turn around and say that an animator/Concept Artist whos been in the industry for 3 years cant give criticism? I know all about giving a well descriptive critique.


"no way to explain how much work has gone into this new build..." - Joel

Well I surely would have loved to play it rather than sit here and type this in, but its to depressing to pick up now. Youve spent too long adding things into the game RATHER than listen to community feedback.


Number One: No longer able to loot or harvest zombies


Im sorry? Looting Zombies was a core feature in 7dtd and played a huge part in surviving the wastelands. Looting Zombie Cops for guns, military Zombies for ammo, Cloth and clothes for hot and Cold temperatures. These things add up and play important roles.


Number two: we STILL have no raiders, and these were addressed two years ago in A15


Number three: Inventory space nerfed

Incase you werent wondering there was a mod on 7DTD's forums (here) what increased the space becuase the A16 bags were tiny for a game about looting.


Number four Health and Stamina Nerf - "Death has consequences now" health/stamina bars, no longer showing totals but instead rates of change.

Yes, like we needed this like a hole in the head. I think losing -10 Wellness and losing your backpack/inventory wasnt bad enough. I wasnt already pleased with the fact we have to MOD it just to get Food and water.


now moving on to the Quotes from Joel's Youtube video and Gazz's responce to some of the negativity.


"For those comments about me not playing the game, let me clarify. I play the game every day, focus testing things I'm working on." So you dont play long-term? I mean from the videos you make on the game, you clearly dont play the game to have fun and interact to be like "hey, this seems a bit overpowered, lets tune it down"


"But I deliberately don't play any long term games for fun so that each Alpha I can experience all the changes as a whole and enjoy it as much as you guys will" those two dont go hand in hand, its like making your own flavour of ice cream, taking a lick to get 10% of the taste and then giving it to your customer to get the full 90%. Its admitting you dont interact with the game to get the full entertainment of it, bad move im afraid.


"but sorry I when things are changing so fast and I'm working hard on my own areas its impossible to keep up with what the other 20 something guys are working on." well thats where good leadership and tactical analysis comes in and both Joel and Gazz have shown that they dont have any.


That was Joel's comments on his latest Youtube video, Lets move onto Gazz's Opinion.

(Link: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?86670-NEGATIVITY-Yikes! )


"A lot of user feedback has been taken from the forums over the years but in such a case it would be incorporated into the design, not some change applied on a whim." Well thats a good idea, smart one actually. Don't make rash decisions, thats a thumbs up


"Personally I have a very thick skin so I'm okay with reading the forum and ignoring the self-entitled demands, game over predictions, and enthusiastic (but not well thought-out =) feature suggestions." This is when i start to disagree with you, Gazz. No one on the forums cares about your thick skinned characteristics, criticism isn't a personal attack on the individual, its a message people are delivering about disagreements/improvements on the game.


"In many cases it is obvious that the person has no idea of how A Game works." So who are you now? Electronic Arts? Saying that your playerbase are uneducated? Gee, thanks.


"Why don't you just make it so that... no.

But what if you just... no.

But it would be so easy to... no.

That's not how it works."


Now this situation was quite a humorous, because i got first-hand backlash from a suggestion "can we add zombie children to the game?" Now, not only did it get rejected within an hour, you didn't even explain why, it was just "no" there was no discussion because you'd closed it before it even happened! You couldve done what Dead space did and just made the zombies look even less like humans and more zombie-like to avoid your game getting flagged.


Now your thinking "but thats a dumb idea anyway, Link!" and yes, it is but its not the point im making, the point im making is that idea wasn't taken as seriously as the ideas TFP make and implement.


im gonna conclude this two hour rant, summarized with:

"TFP. if you want to please your audience, you need to put more effort into it, you need to focus on more swifter and smaller adjustments made to the game to keep your audience hooked with the game, because as the days go by another game comes out and steals the dim flame this game has" I don't care, Delete your comments, Delete this thread, ban me. Its not helping anyone. Put down the pitchforks, put out the torches and listen.


and as a reminder: Its my JOB to critique and improve my artistic skills otherwise no one would want to look at my content, let alone buy it.


Im probs not coming back, but maybe in the distant future, i might come back. The future looks dim for now, but it might bloom later ;) Remeber, fox what you can before its too late

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You always hurt the one you love

The one you shouldn't hurt at all

You always take the sweetest rose

And crush it till the petals fall


You always break the kindest heart

With a hasty word you can't recall, so

If I broke your heart last night

It's because I love you most of all





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Snip ..


Number One: No longer able to loot or harvest zombies


Im sorry? Looting Zombies was a core feature in 7dtd and played a huge part in surviving the wastelands. Looting Zombie Cops for guns, military Zombies for ammo, Cloth and clothes for hot and Cold temperatures. These things add up and play important roles.


Like you I have reservations on this but am willing to see how it plays out, what we dont know right now is what other changes have been made to other loot containers and recipies to balance this, lets wait and see till we can play it.




Number two: we STILL have no raiders, and these were addressed two years ago in A15


I do agree on this one, I have seen bandit NPC's done quite well in mods, they could have introduced this even if it was basic and refined it from there


Number three: Inventory space nerfed

Incase you werent wondering there was a mod on 7DTD's forums (here) what increased the space becuase the A16 bags were tiny for a game about looting.


After further clarification from Roland on this it seem that even on day one you can almost get to parity with A16 inventory space and from that point on its an enhancement depending on what perk points you put into it, seems positive, again lets wait and see



Number four Health and Stamina Nerf - "Death has consequences now" health/stamina bars, no longer showing totals but instead rates of change.

Yes, like we needed this like a hole in the head. I think losing -10 Wellness and losing your backpack/inventory wasnt bad enough. I wasnt already pleased with the fact we have to MOD it just to get Food and water.


This is a complex change and I while I worry its overall negative the truth is that of all the changes this is the one were we really need to see and feel it in action before getting to animated about it.





im gonna conclude this two hour rant, summarized with:

"TFP. if you want to please your audience, you need to put more effort into it, you need to focus on more swifter and smaller adjustments made to the game to keep your audience hooked with the game, because as the days go by another game comes out and steals the dim flame this game has" I don't care, Delete your comments, Delete this thread, ban me. Its not helping anyone. Put down the pitchforks, put out the torches and listen.


Anyone that knows me also knows that I give detailed feedback all the time to TFP, not all of it well received so i am no fanboy of many many design decisions they take BUT A17 is only a few (hopefully) days away so by all means ask clarification questions on the changes, as I have done, but dont get too worked up until we see it, and then, if it sucks, I will be right besides you with many others either lighting the pitchforks or heaping on the praise! till then keep your powder dry :)

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Let me guess Guppy, you mean the forum rule stating :


Goodbye Threads and Posts

Do not start threads or create posts for the purpose of saying goodbye to the community or announcing that you are ceasing to play the game any longer. People come and go on the forums and start and stop playing the game for a variety of reasons and there is no need nor desire for an announcement every time this happens. If you create a goodbye thread/post it will be closed/deleted and you will receive an infraction and/or ban.

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I've been waiting on breadcrumbs since a12.


What your point?



Did you read any on the huge amounts of information about development being delayed due to upgrading the game engine, not once, but twice?


Number One: This is a lie. You will still get loot from zombies.


Number Two: You would rather they implemented features known to not be working yet?


Number three: it's hardly a nerf. Go and read the actual facts on it before you spout nonsense.

Number four : That's your opinion. Keep in mind that one of the core aspects of the game is survival. Not just being a sandbox to play in.




It's kind of obvious you spent two hours doing nothing but looking up quotes that fit what you wanted to say, and somehow completely missed information that would correct your skewed opinions.


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