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Thoughts... 5 Good things from Madmole's Day 1 video


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Reference video posted in the images/ & videos forum -----> https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?86620-Video-5-GOOD-things-about-the-new-A17-from-Joel-s-Day-1-Let-s-Play&p=840634#post840634 <-----


There's been a lot of shall we say "feedback" coming from Joel aka Madmole's Day 1 let's play video. I thought I'd take a look and pick out 5 good things I caught watching it, and focus on the positives here rather than any negatives (which, there's been plenty written about already :)


While there are a number of other things, here're some of mine:


1) Improved graphics. Though this is only the visual bit, it is quite evident a lot of time has gone into it. Blocks, textures, and underlying code (like texture streaming taking 2 gb off ram?).


2) Sleepers now exist outside, and not just in POI's. I think this can be very interesting, as the world feels very quiet now that we can't bump up spawning rates in menu as of A16 for the regions.


3) Power attacks! Maybe nothing ground breaking, at least it's moving the needle a bit as far as melee goes which has been static for a long time. Hopefully the first in more changes, such as allowing blocking, and a better feel for melee. Though not sure if the melee is improved at horde nights, where it's a hit and miss with lots of running around at blood moon hordes due to lag/slow AI/etc.


4) Expandable inventory/backpack! This has been so frequently highlighted, that at least it's good they finally did something. Someone did highlight that on the forums it was mentioned even Day 1 quests should give enough skill points to unlock the first of the two locked rows (bringing it back to regular size), so then it just helps in the long term to have an extra row for a day or two of smaller size... Not too bad!


5) While not much was shown, Madmole did mention better zombie pathing, and highlighted the change in vulture ai to a more complex set. Hopefully this translates into fixed AI and improvements all through out, even though not much of that was actually seen.


What other GOOD things do ya'll pick up from the video? :)

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I totally agree! As most of us know there'll probably be a few 'patches' before A17 become stable at which time I'll put it on our dedi. Don't forget about the Cars! Bicycles! I think and hope the biggest improvement is the 'full remake' of the system. Hopefully it'll provide stability and more options. But why speculate, we'll have to wait and see!

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A small thing I noticed that no-one seems to have mentioned yet...


As well as recovering arrows from corpses, at one point he plucks an arrow from the head of a live zombie that's still chasing him!


Wouldn't it be great if even a few days later (after shooting at that one zombie that you gave up on because you had something other to do) you would still see that zombie walking around with the arrows sticking out of him that you could still recover. Or even a different one that someone else had shot at and didn't kill. Or or or there be random zombies in game with arrows in them just for that little bit of extra bonus when you kill one.

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I totally agree! As most of us know there'll probably be a few 'patches' before A17 become stable at which time I'll put it on our dedi. Don't forget about the Cars! Bicycles! I think and hope the biggest improvement is the 'full remake' of the system. Hopefully it'll provide stability and more options. But why speculate, we'll have to wait and see!


I'm really looking anxiously forward to the vehicle physics change, so we can avoid the issues minibikes had with falling through the ground :D Just that will be major if it's fixed, as people stopped using them, or had to drive very carefully in A16 :p

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Not sure I agree with all your points being good - I wouldn't want combat to start getting too complicated. After all, this is not Tekken. The rest though, yeah, totally agree.


I think the reduction in zombie drops is good, as it can be pretty boring going round carving up all the gore blocks after dealing with a horde. The resultant uncertainty about whether a zombie is actually dead adds to the atmosphere nicely.


The addition of pre-looted containers is good. I have to wonder though how it will work come respawn time - Will those exact containers be eternally empty, or will it be random?


Mixed feelings about the dungeon-style POIs. As a long-time CRPG player, I like to go off the beaten track wherever possible, so being guided to loot a house in a particular order might feel strange. Loved the zombie breaking out of the wardrobe toward the end of the video though! Those kind of surprises will keep us on our toes nicely!

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After all, this is not Tekken. !


Dunno man i think it would be kinda cool if a swarm did turn up they all form a huge circle around you then a big fat cop zombie comes through the crowd to face you and you buss some killer combos on each other xD

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I am really looking forward to changes in weapon tiers, modifications, zombie AI and player skills/specializations.


We are waiting with friends to start server after patch launches again and are hyped with these changes.


A lot of people are angry it seems about changes, but I love them, no loot from zombies, digging zombies, POI, No Gore etc., only thing I am worried about is melee system with all the talk about "give one, take one" approach...

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