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Horde but NOT on the seventh day?


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Remove the GPS horde - it sucks.


Instead I wonder what would the experience be like if a full horde could appear on any day.


The only warning you would have would be towards late afternoon you see the familiar red sun in the sky....you think "O ♥♥♥♥ it's tonight and I'm not ready".



The next day.....there may not be one at all. Or the next.


Or you could get a number in a row.


Would that greatly increase the sense of fear and the unknown? Would it be hard for the devs to implement? For me it would mean there'd be no point at which you'd be so secure that you could relax. If you happened to get a few in a row then no base would be safe. Imagine getting a full horde at the end of day 1....what a scare.


Is this a mad idea or could it be a good one? I'd love to play it to find out.

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A glitch did this to me back in A12. I had learned to start at the top of diersville hospital for horde night and make my way back down on a stilted road. One day, I accidentally quit the game right as the horde was supposed to come, and it just skipped that day. A couple of days later, I was moving my stuff from one base to another, and the feral horde suddenly attacked me(there was not the warning scream in those days), and I didn't have anything to defend myself with. It was a terrifying experience, afterwards the horde night thing's snych was off, so I couldn't judge when they were going to come just by if the day was a multiple of seven.


In conclusion, I don't think the randomness would need to be very much to add that sense of fear. An occasional skipping of a day or two would be all you need.

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So the Hordes show up on random nights??


Interesting. You'd have to be somewhere safe each night.


I would try that Mod if I found it.






Yes indeed....you could go days without one but you'd not know that until each day on the late evening.


Or you could get a few in a row...but as you played all the time you'd never know "is today the day".


I couldn't find the mod that did this but if anyone does please can you share the name.

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This is one of the better ideas I've heard, more unpredictability and little warning would keep you on your toes. Way better idea than keep coming up with "Boss" zombie arcade bullet/arrow sponges that break immersion.

Why not have escaped zombie zoo animals. An enraged zombie rhino or elephant? A giraffe so you arent safe on a roof lol. Crocs in the water, now theres some fun waiting to happen! Zombie gorillas climbing up buildings, cheetahs lions and tigers that run faster than you!

My god! I'm a genius! No probably not, but it fits the game better than poison spewing cops who exist solely to destroy your base/poi/hideyhole etc.

Props for your idea its a damn good one!

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Theres mod that does this?

Maybe I'm wrong... But I seem to remember one...


Maybe comb through the mod section... I haven't looked through it for a while, so maybe I'm remembering wrong.


i think that was for 14 i never saw an update to it. but it basically gave every night a % change to spawn a horde, and every day you go by without one it increases the change so by day 10 its was pratically 100% but you could (small chance) get hit 2 nights in a row

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i think that was for 14 i never saw an update to it. but it basically gave every night a % change to spawn a horde, and every day you go by without one it increases the change so by day 10 its was pratically 100% but you could (small chance) get hit 2 nights in a row


Thanks man. I knew I had seen it somewhere.


Cant seem to find it anymore though? Oh well :)

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On one hand, this could be annoying and make for an overall un-fun experience. ON THE OTHER HAND...


Imagine that feeling you'll get in the pit of your stomach, when this happens.... You've decided to loot an old farm house miles from your base. Finished, you set on your way out, when you pass by a window. An eerie red glow floods the valley as the Sun falls behind the distant mountains. What follows is a heart shattering roar of thunder.... Oh ♥♥♥♥. You have two options. Flail your arms as you sprint like a maniac through two biomes only to MAYBE make it back to your fortified base in time. Or bust out the hammer, wood, and scrap iron and get ready for one hell of a slumber party.


Under the right circumstance, this could make for some of the best memories.

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On one hand, this could be annoying and make for an overall un-fun experience. ON THE OTHER HAND...


Imagine that feeling you'll get in the pit of your stomach, when this happens.... You've decided to loot an old farm house miles from your base. Finished, you set on your way out, when you pass by a window. An eerie red glow floods the valley as the Sun falls behind the distant mountains. What follows is a heart shattering roar of thunder.... Oh ♥♥♥♥. You have two options. Flail your arms as you sprint like a maniac through two biomes only to MAYBE make it back to your fortified base in time. Or bust out the hammer, wood, and scrap iron and get ready for one hell of a slumber party.


Under the right circumstance, this could make for some of the best memories.


You've described the exact feeling and experience I want with this!

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