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Huge problems with hunting (boars)


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We are playing as a team of 2 (private game), we're new to the game and we have huge issues with hunting boars.


My wife is using the wooden bow and I am using the wooden club (since we find very little feathers and arrows run out too fast anyway, we concentrate the arrows for one person).

From what we have experiendced: When we come across a board, the first arrow makes it running in circles, the second makes it coming after us... and if we don't have full health we won't survive the attack. Sometimes the third arrow is a kill, but most of the time it isn't.


Can anybody please give us some advice?


(Sometimes we also come across deers but it is rather rare)

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Known issue in the AI tracking.


If you want to do a little modding, you can mostly fix the running in circles issue.



For the rest, if you cannot kill it, go for something easier, like deer.

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When I am shooting boar I try to crouch and do a headshot...then if it is far enough away I will make a second crouched headshot. Sometimes depending on my bow, arrow (stone or iron), my level etc that is enough. If not I will jump up and run a little ways and crouch, shoot and repeat.

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  • 4 weeks later...

First of all I wanted to apologize for not reacting here. I was sure I had email notification enabled and relied on this.


Thank you for your help. Crouching and headshotting makes all of this alot easier. Well... headshotting is a thing of practice. Crouching was something we had not thought about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wooden bow and wooden club ... and probably stone tipped arrows. These are among the weakest weapons available. You should at least try and upgrade the club, which takes a bit of iron, but that can be found, mined or scavenged pretty easily. And level up your skill in building/using them.


You also might want to get a forge up and running (or find one in working order), that stuff really opens up new possibilities.


Oh, and while I am at it --- wearing proper protective armour does lessen the damage, while eating and drinking the right stuff will slowly increase your maximum stamina and maximum health.


Boars are not the easiest animal to kill, so you might want to avoid them for now. You do not have to kill them. Deer and pigs and rabbits are easier and less risky. But if you attack boars, how about trying to attack from (or retreat when they come after you to) a place where they cannot follow easily? Just food for thought.


Oh, shooting accurately is usually a very good idea, since ammunition tends to be limited. You could make a trip to places where nests would really stand out (though these places may be a bit more dangerous).

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Boars don't detect you until you hit them, meaning you can run right up to them, crouch, and get the sneak damage bonus on your headshot. Pretty hard to miss when their head is 1/4 of your screen.


Boars are by far the easiest animal to kill, as anything else runs away or attacks.


If you want to find more feathers, look in the burnt forest. Nests are absolutely the easiest to see there, plus you can dig up fertilizer on day 1 with a stone shovel and start farming corn and potatoes ASAP for meat stews. Nests also stand out well in the snowy forest, depending on the weather. When it starts snowing they are nearly invisible. Some people say the desert is the easiest place to find nests but it's far too cluttered with grass. Most of the time you can walk right by them unless you're looking straight down.

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