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Right time to make a mod?


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I want to delve into modding but have some questions regarding the right time to do it.


1. Should I start now or wait until A17 drops?


2. I will be getting into SDX if that makes any kind of difference. Or should I practice with XML first?


3. How much of a pain is it to update a mod between Alphas?



Any insight will be appreciated.

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1) No harm learning now. Just be aware items, blocks, buffs and quests are all changing but the basic knowledge you'll get is STILL useful (especially how files link together).


2) Always start with just XML. SDX on it's own is just patching the DLL and then referencing unity3d files to put models/sounds into the game. But using unity can be a right pain in the arse. I started with XML first and only started with SDX over the past week or two and I do NOT regret it. :)


3) Can't comment on this one... but I'm about to find out.

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3. How much of a pain is it to update a mod between Alphas?


Look into a three-way merge tool. It will save you oodles of time. I use Apple's FileMerge.


Another tactic I use is to take an all-or-nothing approach to the xml files. I don't make just one change here or there - I commit to understanding a file or section of a file, and making a batch of changes. Then when there's an update, I don't spend a disproportionate amount of time trying to get that one-off tweak working again. I can ignore updates to files where I haven't made any changes.

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1. Start now, its fun!


2. Been at it on an off since alpha15.1 - still, only just managed to install the SDX not done ANYTHING with it ..yet lol


3. Err I'm no wizard with these cool files tools n such so for me if simply copy&paste from old to new don't work and I cant mend manually, I just start from scratch again. But thats ok as I still haven't released anything LOL (and with that method in-mind i'm unlikely too ever either haha)


Good luck in yer ventures!

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Start now to learn how modding works.

If you like it all is fine

If not too


If you like it you will start small and make larger mods over the time. So nothing speak against a start now.


I as example finished my Vanilla + mod at Christmas and make a break until A17, because most i woud like to add/edit will need to be done from scratch in A17.

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