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This game is doomed!


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Sorry about that just wanted a catchy title (mods feel free to change it if you want, I know it doesn't look good in the forums). It isn't doomed, it's a great game. But here are some concerns. I was thinking of how to start this post, saying that in my mp games, seeing people suicide to get rid of debuffs or not giving a dime about wellness is a usual thing and continue on saying how this is "a little" problematic for a survival game that wants to have a roflcopter, ziplines and dialog trees, but meh, too tired to be all proper and tactful now.



Death. The worst thing that can happen to you when you are trying to survive (duh).

Deleting inventory with some simple inventory management and chests with an easily acquired ton of stockpiled goods is not impactful at all to me. It just isn't. Apparently, neither to most people I've played with online.


A frequent phenomenon is also people suiciding to get rid of debuffs. And to think some of these debuffs lead to death, the irony. Infection might as well not exist at its current state, the player has no real reason not to spam rotten flesh/berries (food poisoning? please, wellness? below), heck, the player has not a really compelling reason to do many actions related to his survival. In general I find them to be more of a slight annoyance rather than something dangerous or impactful. And that also applies to the wellness penalty due to how wellness currently works.



Wellness is just flat. It could represent your immune system, how fast it's failing, your physical AND mental condition all in one (giving some gameplay functionality to cosmetic items/furniture), a chance to fail at certain actions, trader disposition, future events trigger, melee damage/accuracy, increased carrying capacity and much more.


I would enjoy death, if wellness was more than it is now or ignoring wellness alltogether and playing in an permadeath mode (new character in mp).


Also, last but not least, spoilage needs to be a thing. Hunger without food spoilage, when consumption is even a little bit less than supply, is like an economy with no money sinks inflating endlessly. Even with minimum loot abundance. Because of this and wellness/debuffs being mostly inconsequential, there is no real need to create a farm or to have to keep hunting later in the game.



These are the main reasons, everytime a discussion about ziplines, water content, dialog trees, gyrocopters etc pops up, I die a little bit inside (that and the underground, but I did not mention the underground since this will eventually become a discussion about it and it doesn't have to be (it needs it seperate monthly thread but this is not it, ok?)). Just had to get these off of me.



Disclaimer: The above are personal opinions. Goes without saying (*without saying please, cough*) that these could be options so that none's playstyle will be harassed, so it doesn't have to be said that these should be added as options. Did I mention that it doesn't have to be said that these must be added as options? Also none will break in your home at night and force you to play the way he wants (or will he).

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In MP it might seem inconsequential, but in SP death is a huge deal. That -10 wellness is a serious impact. Especially if you don't have readily available supply of coffee. I play on medium settings. Nothing too hard, but I never suicide just to get rid of debuffs. I play the game for the roleplaying aspect of it, not as the ultimate bad ass who is willing to cheat.


Suicide to debuff should carry a significant penalty. You could make your Backpack/Belt Content disappear as well as upping the Wellness penalty to 15. Maybe tie death from falling or deliberate eating of glass when debuffed to increased penalties. Maybe make a 5 minute wait period prior to respawn.


I only play SP and I have never had my wellness above 130. SP is much harder to divide your time up. I've also never made it passed day 7 without dying once while defending my base.


Do I work on my base?

Do I play lumberjack?

Do I mine for resources?

Do I farm?

Do I look for books?

Do I make a drug store run?


Usually when I die I restart with a new world. My goal is to make it through Night 7 with zero deaths.

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Wellness seems like a pretty big deal in MP imo. You raise a lot of good points and I don't disagree with you (TC), but in a PvP match between someone with 200+ HP and someone with 50HP the 200+ is going to stand the best chance of winning.


Even in PvE I've survived some crazy situations with single digit HP with a max of 200+.

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The devs have plans to make death be a bigger deal. Attributes are going to be important and losing progress in attribute stats due to death is going to hurt a lot worse than any debuff. People will quickly do the cost comparison and you’ll see more people frantically searching for honey and making splints rather than just eating glass and spending the 10 wellness points.


Wellness as we know it will be gone and be replaced by a much more robust system that won’t simply be able to be spent as respawn currency.

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The devs have plans to make death be a bigger deal. Attributes are going to be important and losing progress in attribute stats due to death is going to hurt a lot worse than any debuff. People will quickly do the cost comparison and you’ll see more people frantically searching for honey and making splints rather than just eating glass and spending the 10 wellness points.


Wellness as we know it will be gone and be replaced by a much more robust system that won’t simply be able to be spent as respawn currency.


Sounds awesome! Really look forward to the new skill/attribute system!

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In MP it might seem inconsequential, but in SP death is a huge deal. That -10 wellness is a serious impact. Especially if you don't have readily available supply of coffee. I play on medium settings. Nothing too hard, but I never suicide just to get rid of debuffs. I play the game for the roleplaying aspect of it, not as the ultimate bad ass who is willing to cheat.


Suicide to debuff should carry a significant penalty. You could make your Backpack/Belt Content disappear as well as upping the Wellness penalty to 15. Maybe tie death from falling or deliberate eating of glass when debuffed to increased penalties. Maybe make a 5 minute wait period prior to respawn.


I only play SP and I have never had my wellness above 130. SP is much harder to divide your time up. I've also never made it passed day 7 without dying once while defending my base.


Do I work on my base?

Do I play lumberjack?

Do I mine for resources?

Do I farm?

Do I look for books?

Do I make a drug store run?


Usually when I die I restart with a new world. My goal is to make it through Night 7 with zero deaths.

Wellness seems like a pretty big deal in MP imo. You raise a lot of good points and I don't disagree with you (TC), but in a PvP match between someone with 200+ HP and someone with 50HP the 200+ is going to stand the best chance of winning.


Even in PvE I've survived some crazy situations with single digit HP with a max of 200+.


200 vs 70 stamina/hp surely makes a difference, no argument there. The thing is I've seen very few people make the effort to raise it and I can understand why. First of all due to the minimum cap, the difficulty of increasing it and how fast it can be lost, it's much easier to just let go and stop caring about it, because besides a max flat amount it doesn't affect anything (definitely not saying it should be easier to increase and harder to lose, but that it should be more impactful).


That flat amount will help you get, for example, two extra dogbites or allow you to run double the distance but I really don't find this crucial at all. In the end I believe it is easier to survive spending that time to scavenge/fortify instead of taking care of yourself and raise your wellness to that amount.


@warmer I try not to die and take care of myself as well, but not because I feel the game compelling me to. I also try not to overuse berries or coffee even if there are no consequences (I just use the time being food poisoned, doing something that doesn't require stamina). Even with no coffee at all, spamming water does have the same effect (not to mention that with perks you don't really need it). These are also reasons why the stamina cap of wellness is less impactful.


The devs have plans to make death be a bigger deal. Attributes are going to be important and losing progress in attribute stats due to death is going to hurt a lot worse than any debuff. People will quickly do the cost comparison and you’ll see more people frantically searching for honey and making splints rather than just eating glass and spending the 10 wellness points.


Wellness as we know it will be gone and be replaced by a much more robust system that won’t simply be able to be spent as respawn currency.


Ah perfect! Can't wait to see what it is! Hope they look at the buffs/debuffs as well - some debuffs being completely inconsequential (e.g. food poisoning) and buffs/substance abuse being too beneficial without drawbacks.


Wow, suicide to get rid of a debuff. :ghost: I have never done that.


I hate it every time I see it, especially when someone on my team does it, but I can't really persuade them not to do it if the game doesn't.

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The devs have plans to make death be a bigger deal. Attributes are going to be important and losing progress in attribute stats due to death is going to hurt a lot worse than any debuff. People will quickly do the cost comparison and you’ll see more people frantically searching for honey and making splints rather than just eating glass and spending the 10 wellness points.


Wellness as we know it will be gone and be replaced by a much more robust system that won’t simply be able to be spent as respawn currency.


Wellness should be a binary value. :p


Here's to hoping the death penalties also make it into the XML for modding purposes.


Also... will "dead is dead" make into A17 as a game option (or ever for that matter)? I can't recall the last time I read a response about this but then I haven't been doing a good job of keeping up with the forums as of late.

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Wellness should be a binary value. :p


Here's to hoping the death penalties also make it into the XML for modding purposes.


Also... will "dead is dead" make into A17 as a game option (or ever for that matter)? I can't recall the last time I read a response about this but then I haven't been doing a good job of keeping up with the forums as of late.


Neither can I, I've been waiting for it since alpha -1, THE PEOPLE DEMAND ANSWERZ! And I don't want to sound ungrateful and accuse the roflcopters and trolllines that were in debate recently, but yea. This.

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