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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Here are some technical questions that I hope you can help me out with.

First a DF specific one.


Regarding radiation.

I think I see that buffStatusCheck01 test is performed in buffs.

Inside of which is;

                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew">
                    <requirement name="InBiome" biome="8"/>
                    <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffHazmatComplete"/>
                    <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffPowerArmorComplete"/>
                    <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>


        <buff name="buffHazmatComplete" name_key="buffHazmatCompleteName" description_key="buffHazmatCompleteDesc" tooltip_key="buffHazmatCompleteTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_radiation" icon_color="0,153,0">
            <stack_type value="ignore"/>
            <!--<update_rate value="1"/>-->
            <duration value=".1"/>
            <effect_group> <!--
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="1" tags="buffRadiationNew"/> -->
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew2"/>

Q. Where is the test for Hazmat complete?


I would have expected to see something like set hazmat complete true if requirements met, where requirements met would count up the items of hazmat clothing worn.

I think I see that sort of testing done in sorcery to see if you get some bonuses if you wear a complete set of onbe

Am I missing something?


The reason I ask is that I wanted to accomplish the act of being 100 percent protected vs radiation, but the 100 percent we see on screen is nothing more than a number which indicates how many of the hazmat clothing items you are wearing, not a direct percentage of protection vs radiation.

How do I know?, well I gave some items of clothing a low number for radiation protection, like say;

        <buff name="buffHazmatMaskweak" hidden="true">
            <effect_group name="display">
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="RadResistChanceDisplay" operation="add" value="5"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="RadResistChanceDisplay" operation="subtract" value="5"/>

By wearing a combo of normal hazmat clothing items, but not the full set and my hazmat clothing, I got the number over 100 but still got radiated.


Does that mean that RadResistChanceDisplay is meaningless, other than a visual, and the tests for complete sets are performed elsewhere, specifically not in the xml files?


I do see;

        <buff name="buffPowerArmorBoots" hidden="true">


        <buff name="buffPowerArmorComplete" name_key="buffPowerArmorCompleteName" description_key="buffPowerArmorCompleteDesc" tooltip_key="buffPowerArmorCompleteTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_armor_iron" icon_color="0,153,0">
            <stack_type value="ignore"/>
            <duration value=".1"/>
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="1" tags="buffRadiationNew,buffHazmatComplete"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew2"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffHazmatComplete"/>

But again it looks like the set buffPowerArmorComplete true test is performed elsewhere?


Even messing with;

                <passive_effect name="ElementalDamageResist" operation="base_add" value="5" tags="lowerbody,feet,radiation,toxic" match_all_tags="true"/>
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="0.1" tags="buffRadiationWeak"/>
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="0.05" tags="buffRadiationStrong"/>
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="0.2" tags="buffRadiationNew"/>

does not seem to do the trick?


How does one go about dealing with acquiring radiation protection, either partial like a percentage, or complete other than putting on the hazmat items, or adding the hazmat ready item modifiers (which act as buffHazmatMask etc) or wearing the power armor?


Now for something not specific to DF;


A thought exercise, using sloppy code talk...


Say I have an item, lets call it fudgeStick.

It has a base_set block damage of say 10.

Now lets say it has a damagemodifier of base_add -1 tag metal.


a) First question, could we not say, damagemodifier base_subtract 1 vs metal and get the same result?

b) Is there any merit to using base_add negative over base_subtract positive?


c) Hitting anything other than a metal item would cause 10 damage to the thing hit, yes?

d) Hitting a metal thing would only cause 9 damage to the thing hit, yes?


Pushing on, lets say I have carefully added some new tags to some blocks.

Say I added 'likesFudge' tag to all tables.


Now we can create an item modifier, lets call it fudgeLikesTables.

Lets give it a damagemodifier of base_add 20 tag likesFudge


Add fudgeLikesTables to fudgeStick,

e) hitting a none table, none metal item causes 10 damage,

f) a none table, metal item, 9 damage,

g) a table, wood, 30

h) a table, metal, 29



Now lets make an item called biggerFudgeStick,

which does 20 blockdamage, same damagemodifier metal -1

we would get,

i) none table wood 20, none table metal 19, table wood 40, table metal 39.


Right now for the tricky part.

Lets say that we want to only do 20 damage to blocks tagged with likesFudge.

We intend to do this with the item modifier fudgeLikesTables.


j) Would this process as desired;

item modifier fudgeLikesTables,

base_set block damage 20


The desired result it that it does not matter if we add fudgeLikesTables to fudgeStick or biggerFudgeStick,

hitting a metal table with either stick will cause exactly 20 damage.


Its a question about ooo I think. When is the block damage calculated when using item modifiers?

If it is the last thing calculated, then a base_set block damage in the item modifier would be the one we see at the end.

If it is calculated earlier, then erm it would not.


I ask you because, you do reply, and I expect you have some idea of what I am asking, plus you probably know the answer, assuming that you have encountered this sort of idea during your work on DF?


Edited by Apaseall
a litte more specificity? (see edit history)
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Managed to get the first level, main part is 1 out of 1 but the others are 2 and 3 out of 5, with 3 out 5 in red. No indication as to what is needed. It could be some swear words, ptaying to the great zorg of the zargenites, who knows.


Also it does take some time to load and that is on a twin Samsung SSD system

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To start a game/world it is more then just loading data from the harddisk.

Many database work is needed, that mean much CPU work. And since DF contain more stuff then vanilla, it take longer to start a DF game.


When i move my mouse over the lock symbol, the tooltip pop up and say me i need level 125 for Technology Crafting 3.  150/175 for 4/5.

Similar to the both boost tree's they start with level 125.



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Hello survivors, hello Khaine. Currently in quarantine I have finally found time to install Darkness Falls and start my first playthrough. It is safe to say that this is the best mod for 7D2D I have ever experienced so hats off to you, Khaine, and thanks for that. Amazing to see that you even still put work into development and further improvements.


Felt like when I was new to 7D2D where I had to find out all kind of stuff and there is still a lot for me to explore in Darkness Falls. One thing is kind of weird to me, though. It took me a while to understand how books and recipes and skill trees etc. work. I think I understood it but there are books for crafting iron armor and for crafting crossbows. I have found (and read) them multiple times already but whenever I find them they are closed and therefore shown as "unread". I can't find a reason for that as I am able to craft those things.


And second, there is a light blue book for learning seed recipes (and something else) which I have read like 10 times already but it doesn't seem to do anything. Moreover, I can read that book multiple times and it does not disappear. What is it good for? There is a similar one in red and for crafting ammo that I don't understand neither.


Last but not least, is there a trick to hit night stalkers with melee weapons? Like 90 % of my swings go through it and miss.


Hints are appreciated.

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5 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

I find them they are closed and therefore shown as "unread".

Because, the perk isn't unlocked yet.

You are missing an additional perk like gun crafting.

Move the mouse over the lock or red hook, then a tooltip should appear that show you the requirements.


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On 2/25/2022 at 2:12 AM, KhaineGB said:

As promised, it's here, it's uploaded, it's ready.


Darkness Falls V4.01 is now out!


To update, you need to make sure that your /Mods folder is TOTALLY deleted. No exceptions. A new save is very, very, very strongly recommended as your progress may be wiped. Patch notes as follows.



- Changed modXPNerf to be installable on anything and apply to all XP gained (this is a creative mode only item).



Above all - Thank you for Darkness Falls! 

<Yes I made sure I am in CM 😁 )

I am looking for the "modXPNerf " in the CM without success.

Only item that shows in the CM search is a "Reduce Mining XP" elixir.

Searched through the DF files and had 4 hits in 3 files (simplified to "nerf")



  Search "Nerf" (4 hits in 3 files of 2588 searched)

E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-DarknessFallsCore\Assets\Zombies.unity3d (1 hit)
    Line 893931: ó:<Ë8yú•¾é—â¼b—šrƒ73[OÚ¿C¨Å²"•ŽPÃY”@ ]Lu²@(ƦqYúªÄ|€í;Ÿ$üêÅSñ°;n[Ëì¯;ýMõ¼ÕùëäÑfåA³fߟ6MvTäö!fÁþÇü´}1    ]™l$}NERf›Cš´Ç§*ô|ˆ2™%ŒÙОax'> ÙtóæÎÅÈg\jâ¦Ìk
  E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-DarknessFallsCore\Config\buffs.xml (1 hit)
    Line 12895:         <buff name="buffTurretNerf"> <!-- Buff to nerf the turret a bit cos that @%$# is dumb -->
  E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-DarknessFallsCore\Config\entityclasses.xml (2 hits)
    Line 294:                         nerf quest XP 50%
    Line 295:                         nerf kill 25%


How can I get/make this?

Thank you in advance!


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Maybe my last post wasn't clear. Look at that:



Butchering tool schematic with the closed book as a symbol. I have read that schematic multiple times already but the symbol won't change to an open book.




Got both point of butchering tool crafting:



Got weapon crafting level 4 which is required for butchering tools crafting 2:



Can both craft all kind of machetes as well as hunting knives:



So why is the book shown as unread? What am I missing? 

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49 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

Maybe my last post wasn't clear. Look at that:



Butchering tool schematic with the closed book as a symbol. I have read that schematic multiple times already but the symbol won't change to an open book.




Got both point of butchering tool crafting:



Got weapon crafting level 4 which is required for butchering tools crafting 2:



Can both craft all kind of machetes as well as hunting knives:



So why is the book shown as unread? What am I missing? 


There are several Books that do not show the real status "read" or "unread"... if u allready got the perks, reading them does nothing.... 

im pretty sure somewhere the last 20-30 pages khaine allready answered that question. irgendwelche komplikationen mit der vanilla version, die dazu führen, dass die bücher nicht als gelesen angezeigt werden



to your second question, there are books that need to read by left or right clicking them from the hot bar and not from the backpack menu or "reading" them  // might help with the ones making problems

Edited by SurvivorStu (see edit history)
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a kind of bad problem i have encountered today.... 

i dont know why or how, but my game is fkcd up... as soon im getting near my base by around 120 meters, the Game completely freezes and i can only force it to shut down by ending the task...

every thing else ingame works as it should.... ???!!!


did not change anything to the base since the last 2 times i were playing i havent even been to my base, but looting around and doing quests... 


i can upload my output log somewhere if it helps anyone since im not understanding much of it

Edited by SurvivorStu (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, Apaseall said:


Here are some technical questions that I hope you can help me out with.

First a DF specific one.

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Regarding radiation.

I think I see that buffStatusCheck01 test is performed in buffs.

Inside of which is;

                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew">
                    <requirement name="InBiome" biome="8"/>
                    <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffHazmatComplete"/>
                    <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffPowerArmorComplete"/>
                    <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>


        <buff name="buffHazmatComplete" name_key="buffHazmatCompleteName" description_key="buffHazmatCompleteDesc" tooltip_key="buffHazmatCompleteTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_radiation" icon_color="0,153,0">
            <stack_type value="ignore"/>
            <!--<update_rate value="1"/>-->
            <duration value=".1"/>
            <effect_group> <!--
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="1" tags="buffRadiationNew"/> -->
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew2"/>

Q. Where is the test for Hazmat complete?


I would have expected to see something like set hazmat complete true if requirements met, where requirements met would count up the items of hazmat clothing worn.

I think I see that sort of testing done in sorcery to see if you get some bonuses if you wear a complete set of onbe

Am I missing something?


The reason I ask is that I wanted to accomplish the act of being 100 percent protected vs radiation, but the 100 percent we see on screen is nothing more than a number which indicates how many of the hazmat clothing items you are wearing, not a direct percentage of protection vs radiation.

How do I know?, well I gave some items of clothing a low number for radiation protection, like say;

        <buff name="buffHazmatMaskweak" hidden="true">
            <effect_group name="display">
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="RadResistChanceDisplay" operation="add" value="5"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="RadResistChanceDisplay" operation="subtract" value="5"/>

By wearing a combo of normal hazmat clothing items, but not the full set and my hazmat clothing, I got the number over 100 but still got radiated.


Does that mean that RadResistChanceDisplay is meaningless, other than a visual, and the tests for complete sets are performed elsewhere, specifically not in the xml files?


I do see;

        <buff name="buffPowerArmorBoots" hidden="true">


        <buff name="buffPowerArmorComplete" name_key="buffPowerArmorCompleteName" description_key="buffPowerArmorCompleteDesc" tooltip_key="buffPowerArmorCompleteTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_armor_iron" icon_color="0,153,0">
            <stack_type value="ignore"/>
            <duration value=".1"/>
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="1" tags="buffRadiationNew,buffHazmatComplete"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiationNew2"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" target="self" buff="buffHazmatComplete"/>

But again it looks like the set buffPowerArmorComplete true test is performed elsewhere?


Even messing with;

                <passive_effect name="ElementalDamageResist" operation="base_add" value="5" tags="lowerbody,feet,radiation,toxic" match_all_tags="true"/>
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="0.1" tags="buffRadiationWeak"/>
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="0.05" tags="buffRadiationStrong"/>
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="0.2" tags="buffRadiationNew"/>

does not seem to do the trick?


How does one go about dealing with acquiring radiation protection, either partial like a percentage, or complete other than putting on the hazmat items, or adding the hazmat ready item modifiers (which act as buffHazmatMask etc) or wearing the power armor?


Now for something not specific to DF;

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A thought exercise, using sloppy code talk...


Say I have an item, lets call it fudgeStick.

It has a base_set block damage of say 10.

Now lets say it has a damagemodifier of base_add -1 tag metal.


a) First question, could we not say, damagemodifier base_subtract 1 vs metal and get the same result?

b) Is there any merit to using base_add negative over base_subtract positive?


c) Hitting anything other than a metal item would cause 10 damage to the thing hit, yes?

d) Hitting a metal thing would only cause 9 damage to the thing hit, yes?


Pushing on, lets say I have carefully added some new tags to some blocks.

Say I added 'likesFudge' tag to all tables.


Now we can create an item modifier, lets call it fudgeLikesTables.

Lets give it a damagemodifier of base_add 20 tag likesFudge


Add fudgeLikesTables to fudgeStick,

e) hitting a none table, none metal item causes 10 damage,

f) a none table, metal item, 9 damage,

g) a table, wood, 30

h) a table, metal, 29



Now lets make an item called biggerFudgeStick,

which does 20 blockdamage, same damagemodifier metal -1

we would get,

i) none table wood 20, none table metal 19, table wood 40, table metal 39.


Right now for the tricky part.

Lets say that we want to only do 20 damage to blocks tagged with likesFudge.

We intend to do this with the item modifier fudgeLikesTables.


j) Would this process as desired;

item modifier fudgeLikesTables,

base_set block damage 20


The desired result it that it does not matter if we add fudgeLikesTables to fudgeStick or biggerFudgeStick,

hitting a metal table with either stick will cause exactly 20 damage.


Its a question about ooo I think. When is the block damage calculated when using item modifiers?

If it is the last thing calculated, then a base_set block damage in the item modifier would be the one we see at the end.

If it is calculated earlier, then erm it would not.


I ask you because, you do reply, and I expect you have some idea of what I am asking, plus you probably know the answer, assuming that you have encountered this sort of idea during your work on DF?



This is a lot to answer.

IIRC the buffs are on the items/mods. But you don't need to mess with it. If you have all 5 hazmat pieces, you have 100% immunity. Already been confirmed by people in the discord. If you don't want to mess with that, just take anti-rad pills.

Don't use base_subtract. Use base_add with a negative. So example, if you wanted to reduce damage by 5 points for metal, you'd have...

<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="base_add" value="-5" tags="metal"/>

Why? Don't know. But TFP are using that for most of their code, so I follow that. And yes, this means your block damage would be 10 vs anything not metal, 5 vs metal (in my example)

For tables you would need to tag all tables with a new tag and then apply that to your item_modifier, which can be a pain. Have a look at my crowbar and how it works vs doors/chests.


10 hours ago, Phil said:

Managed to get the first level, main part is 1 out of 1 but the others are 2 and 3 out of 5, with 3 out 5 in red. No indication as to what is needed. It could be some swear words, ptaying to the great zorg of the zargenites, who knows.


Also it does take some time to load and that is on a twin Samsung SSD system


Takes a while to load off my NVME drive too due to all the extra compressed assets. Sadly not a lot I can do about that.


7 hours ago, PoloPoPo said:

Hello survivors, hello Khaine. Currently in quarantine I have finally found time to install Darkness Falls and start my first playthrough. It is safe to say that this is the best mod for 7D2D I have ever experienced so hats off to you, Khaine, and thanks for that. Amazing to see that you even still put work into development and further improvements.


Felt like when I was new to 7D2D where I had to find out all kind of stuff and there is still a lot for me to explore in Darkness Falls. One thing is kind of weird to me, though. It took me a while to understand how books and recipes and skill trees etc. work. I think I understood it but there are books for crafting iron armor and for crafting crossbows. I have found (and read) them multiple times already but whenever I find them they are closed and therefore shown as "unread". I can't find a reason for that as I am able to craft those things.


And second, there is a light blue book for learning seed recipes (and something else) which I have read like 10 times already but it doesn't seem to do anything. Moreover, I can read that book multiple times and it does not disappear. What is it good for? There is a similar one in red and for crafting ammo that I don't understand neither.


Last but not least, is there a trick to hit night stalkers with melee weapons? Like 90 % of my swings go through it and miss.


Hints are appreciated.


Sorry you're stuck in quarantine, but at least you have something to keep you enteratained... I hope. :)


Books don't always show as unlocked. Check the PERK the book says it unlocks. More often than not, you're missing requirements. I'm trying to see if I can find a way to add some kind of indicator that you've read it, but it's best to just look up the perk for now.

Aim for the chest on stalkers. The head hitbox is a little iffy.


4 hours ago, SurvivorStu said:

a kind of bad problem i have encountered today.... 

i dont know why or how, but my game is fkcd up... as soon im getting near my base by around 120 meters, the Game completely freezes and i can only force it to shut down by ending the task...

every thing else ingame works as it should.... ???!!!


did not change anything to the base since the last 2 times i were playing i havent even been to my base, but looting around and doing quests... 


i can upload my output log somewhere if it helps anyone since im not understanding much of it


Try increasing your virtual memory. It might be derping out due to all the blocks.


4 hours ago, Falaffel said:

Minor stuff:

- Hobo stew gives 50 food, while showing 30

- Willy Jeep has a damned small hitbox for entering

Will look at the stew.

Jeep is NOT my problem.

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Alright folks, B3 is ready for people to kick the tyres and see what falls off in the process. :) Should be pretty stable, I haven't adjusted anything that should cause loss of progress so this should be save-safe.




- Zombies should no longer do increased damage based on difficulty level, EXCEPT for Insane (how it was in A18/A19).
- Included Krunch's 12k map.
- Reduced the amount of Oldwest towns and Country towns that can spawn in RWG so there's more room for proper towns and cities.
- Replaced the "Farming" journal entry the player gets when picking up or making seeds with the DF specific "Growing Crops" tip.
- Updated the "Growing Crops" tip to explain hoe's and irrigation slightly better.
- Made dropped turds a little smaller.
- Redid blood draw kit a little so players should be able to use it more reliably.
- Redid how food recovers anemia so it should hopefully be more reliable.
- All custom zombies remade with new controller to stop "rubber banding."
- Textures on Football Player and Cowboy (both strippers, yes this is intended, stop reporting it) are fixed.
- Fixed Pulse Rocket falling at the players feet.
- Increased Pulse Rocket damage.
- Added new legendary item: Jason's Machete.
- Serrated Blade can now be installed with Tempered Blade.
- Ergonomic Grip and Fortifying Grip can now be installed at the same time.
- Fortifying Grip can now be installed in bows.
- Increased max bleed stacks... by a lot.
- Added a "remove" for every single bleeding buff I can find in the buffs file to all bandage-based items since people are apparently still reporting that.
- Added bundles of dye for storage purposes.
- Rain catchers now require being outside and on dirt. This was necessary to potentially fix the bug with them randomly not working.
- Added some blocks that were apparently missing despite the game never crashing.
- Added missing level tag to Get Off My Land that stopped the run speed working.
- Added a scarecrow that works as a chunk loader, which should help with plant and rain catcher progression irregularities.


Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJDN69--Zj_yBJcwTOTbqOnZeS3uEAbG/view?usp=sharing

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20 hours ago, Canute said:

Because when you just enter the lab with simple protektive suit, it is nearly impossible to survive there (solo), you would need power armor or titanium with radiation mods.

Before you go through each door, place blocks you can shoot through at least 3 high to buy yourself time to deal with what comes through. Can be done with steel/military armor and use the anti-rad pills if you spec into scientist. I also take a junk turret x2 or JT + sledge turret. The sledge turret will help buy time to deal with demons. If you don't get a laser pistol on the first floor, I'd abort until you do get one.

14 hours ago, Apaseall said:

How does one go about dealing with acquiring radiation protection

You can enter the bunkers that have the infinite respawn bags very early on, build walls you can shoot/fight through and farm the hazmat spawns until you have 90 hazmat material. You will also get plenty of free generic schematics and others you can break down into notes, and a chance at the mastery books. You don't need a key if you know how to break in.

Oh right, with my new PC I can finally make that tutorial on how to farm the bunker. I should do that.

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6 hours ago, KhaineGB said:


Try increasing your virtual memory. It might be derping out due to all the blocks.


32gb of actuall ram and 40gb of virtual memory... those seem fine... 

updated the version to 4.03 dev3, same problem, now after about 90meters... 


guess im startin over new again.... "sigh" 

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11 hours ago, SurvivorStu said:

a kind of bad problem i have encountered today.... 

i dont know why or how, but my game is fkcd up... as soon im getting near my base by around 120 meters, the Game completely freezes and i can only force it to shut down by ending the task...

every thing else ingame works as it should.... ???!!!


did not change anything to the base since the last 2 times i were playing i havent even been to my base, but looting around and doing quests... 


i can upload my output log somewhere if it helps anyone since im not understanding much of it

I don't have an answer for that, but I can say I had the same issue in 16.4 vanilla once. I had to wipe the save, couldn't recover it in any way. Sorry to see you having the same issue.

Oh and to elaborate on that, I reverted my save back to the previous horde night, still had the same issue. Loaded in at base and game locked up.

Maybe try validating files? idk

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9 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Alright folks, B3 is ready for people to kick the tyres [...]

Update worked flawlessly.


4 hours ago, SurvivorStu said:

guess im startin over new again.... "sigh" 

You could try to delete the actual region (savegame/region-folder), if you can guess it. you would probably/hopefully "only" loose your base.

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Thank you for your reply.

Yes it was a lot to cover, so I hid it in order not to clog up this forum too much.


"But you don't need to mess with it."

Ah but I WANT to lol. I want to add a small amount of immunity to other items of clothing.

So the question is still, are there three unique tests performed, one to see if you are wearing ALL hazmat suit clothing, one to see if you have ALL the hazmat ready mods installed and one to see if you are wearing ALL the items of powered armor.

Where are these 3 tests performed?

I cannot see them in the buffs.xml, which I believe is where I would expect to see them.

Are these tests performed elsewhere?


Lets pose a question, say you are looking at the radiation display value, the one which goes to 100 is say you wear all the hazmat clothing items.

Now say you take off one of those hazmat items, maybe the boots.

You drop back to say 80, and thus get radiation effects.

Now you our on say titanium boots.

Install into your tit booties radiation ready mod.

Does the display go back to 100? AND do you stop being radiated?


How about if you take off your blue boots and wear the powered armor boots.

Are we back to display 100 AND not being radiated?


Say I wear the blue booties, back to 80, but now I wear two items of clothing that are not normally associated with radiation protection.

Say I invent a lead T-shirt with 10, and bandana with 10.

Would wearing them would get me back to 100 AND would I now get radiation issues?


You see my point is two fold.

1. If the 3 tests are hidden, I cannot tell how my new items must be constructed to be accepted by the existing tests.

2. I cannot fiddle (if needed) with the tests to account for my new items.


Fair comment on the base_add, thanks for that.


"For tables you would need to tag all tables with a new tag and then apply that to your item_modifier, which can be a pain. "

Yes it was a pain, since I am trying to, tag things that should be tagged but are not, remove tags from things that are tagged but should not, and assign multiple new tags dependent on hit points which should be linked to material type but are not always in line with.


However having already done that, and performed quite a bit of testing.

I did take inspiration from the crowbar, but the item I am creating/modifying is an attachment, not a new item.

Plus the result I am seeking is slightly different that that provided by the crowbar.

Which brings me back to the order of operations question I posed.

Given that my new attachment can be added to items that have each have their own block damage values, which in turn might have their own damagemodifiers for that item, I was asking if the attachment can override the block damage by setting its own fixed value.


So the question is, item+attachment, block damage final calculation is performed as;

a. item block damage then attachment block damage, or

b. attachment block damage then item block damage, or

c. something else.

Most specifically I think I understand how attachment block damage works in terms of say base_add, perc_add and damagemodifier but what I am wondering about is what happens when BOTH the item and the attachment have base_set values.


On a completely different tack, here is a new question.

Is it possible to obtain values from your target, I am looking for hit points max and armor value.

I am thinking something like;


<item_modifier name=blah1 etc...    />
    <property name=blah2 etc...    />
    <property ... />
        <effect_group .... />
        <effect_group name=meh1 etc... >
            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar=".var1" operation="set" value="0" />
            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="ModifyCVar" cvar=".var1" operation="set" value="0" />
        <effect_group name=blah3 etc... >
            <requirement name=HoldingItemHasTags tags=weapon etc... />
            <requirement name=TriggerHasTags tags=blah4 etc... />
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionRayHit" action="ModifyCVar" cvar=".var1" operation="set" value="blockmaximumhitpoints" />
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfSecondaryActionRayHit" action="ModifyCVar" cvar=".var1" operation="set" value="blockmaximumhitpoints" />
        <triggered_effect ... />        
        <passive_effect name=".var1" operation="divide" value="2" >
            <requirement name=TriggerHasTags tags=blah5 etc... />
        <passive_effect name=".var1" operation="divide" value="3" >
            <requirement name=TriggerHasTags tags=blah6 etc... />
        <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="base_add" value=".var1" />
        <passive_effect ... />

I am not sure about a few of those things, like onSelfPrimaryActionRayHit as a test for hitting a block,

or value="blockmaximumhitpoints" <- obviously!

or even doing cvar math like passive_effect name operation value rather that trigged_effect action cvar operation value.

Although I suppose I could re-code the latter in terms of maybe nested sub effect_group/requirement/triggered_events or something...


So yeah is it possible to use something like the above to pick up values from the block or entity you have hit?

AND is it possible to process that newly acquired data such that the damage done by THAT hit just tested for, is the only damage the thing receives?

i.e. not what I want is, hit, damage from weapon, something calculated, then on NEXT hit, damage includes the something calculated.

Do you follow?

I am only talking about items and item modifiers, not vehicles btw.


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If this is the wrong area, but it does concern DF.


I am maxed out at 250. I am unable to buy any more skills even though they are there to be bought as when I do manage to enough points it shows zero points


SOLVED: Generic Skill Point book

Edited by Phil (see edit history)
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Those mutated stalkers, are nasty with a WTF. Good job on the new zeds KheaineGB



I was looking around a 10k map and I saw this:




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11 hours ago, Chivalric said:

I don't have an answer for that, but I can say I had the same issue in 16.4 vanilla once. I had to wipe the save, couldn't recover it in any way. Sorry to see you having the same issue.

Oh and to elaborate on that, I reverted my save back to the previous horde night, still had the same issue. Loaded in at base and game locked up.

Maybe try validating files? idk


7 hours ago, Falaffel said:

You could try to delete the actual region (savegame/region-folder), if you can guess it. you would probably/hopefully "only" loose your base.


thanks for the help, but i´ve allready gone the hard way and deleted all save files ^^ 


started a new rwg game and gonna build my base in creative mode 

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17 minutes ago, Chivalric said:

That's common, I think he said a fix for it was in the works, could be thinking of something else.


Some vehicles have been fixed, which is a good thing. But, as this is a Beta I thought I would mention it.


Or they are new vehicles that is being introduced. The Hover-car folks 😜

Edited by Phil (see edit history)
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