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Nomadic mods?

Crater Creator

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Do any mods emphasize a nomadic playstyle? I'm thinking added incentives for exploration, disincentives to stay in one place week after week, perhaps easier minibike assembly and less protection from durable building materials. I ask because discovering mods like this is difficult through search alone.

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Gnamod Nomad Mode specifically focuses on nomading. It is available on the launcher for A17 atm but I have not yet had the time to update my description and download links here on the forums due to the unexpected succes of my Gnamod Horde Mode (thats also only in the launcher atm).

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Not that I've seen, but wouldn't a mod like that just consist of turning off loot respawn?


That's a nice first step, but I've been playing with loot respawn off for a long time now. A town or two still has all the stuff I'd ever need before I'm done with the world, at least in single player. So I'm thinking one key part of a nomadic mod is to significantly downsize the towns and cities.

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A very large number of infected people will force them to quit and go to another area. The choice will be simple or spend all the time on sweeping the territory, or go ahead.


Yeah. I'd be hesitant to crank the heat really high for fear of unintended imbalances. But maybe all it would take is changing the screamer to something tougher, so it's harder to take her out silently and avoid the heat hordes.


I'm coming around to just seeing what I can mod myself. My outrageous idea so far is to disable repairing for most blocks, remove the forge, and limit building recipes. The gameplay I'm envisioning is holing up for a horde night in a brick house, but by morning the zombies have caused enough damage it wouldn't be safe to face a second blood moon horde there, so you move on.

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Crater Creator I was not referring to the Horde. After a few hours of gaming, zombies start to spawn exponentially. For example, every game hour, +20 infected persons from the second day. You have to go to a new chunk in order to survive.


In the old Alphas if the player made a noise, then from the neighborhood moved up infected and had to run away.

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I don't know how one could spawn an increasing number of zombies over time, specific to one area, other than by using the heat system. Unless I'm forgetting something, the only other options are wandering hordes (which will grow uniformly all over the world), biome spawners (which aren't specific enough) and sleeper/PoI spawns (which increase with your game stage but, again, this will happen everywhere, whether you move or not).

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