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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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I was merely saying he/she is young to the game. When he/she has alot more hrs and sees the game go from something brilliant and awesome and unique to a lesser quality he/she would understand.


I was not mocking anyone never have. So I would kindly like you to not assume. It would also make this forum a much nicer place and less hostile.... please


Thing is, when your comment is "Lol your just a noob at this game lol"...that DOES come off as mocking. While it may be an assumption on the part of MidnightRock, the comment they made was that it SEEMED like you were mocking someone because of the hours spent in game. When you tag BOTH ends of your comment in "LOL," it's not a stretch to think you're making fun of the person or their opinion...because you are "laughing out loud" at the situation -- in this case, the player's number of hours logged.


So, no. MidnightRocks isn't being hostile or derisive, but YOU were. Hence MR's point. If you would "kindly like...not to assume..." then perhaps you should keep the derision of other players based solely on their logged playtime to a minimum.


Just a thought.

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Lol your just a noob at this game lol. Over 4k here in hrs on this game skyrim is bout the same with all the modding I have done....


I was merely saying he/she is young to the game. When he/she has alot more hrs and sees the game go from something brilliant and awesome and unique to a lesser quality he/she would understand.


I was not mocking anyone never have. So I would kindly like you to not assume. It would also make this forum a much nicer place and less hostile.... please


I'm sorry, but you have to see how you're coming across in your posts. You kind of invalidated someone else's opinion due to gaming hours while having piss poor grammar and punctuating your very first sentence with "lol". Then you bring up again, the hour thing and using it in a talking down kind of tone, basically saying they don't understand the game or feel about the game the same way you do. Following that, you tell someone else not to assume when you don't look at how you're coming across.


All I'm saying is take a step back and see how you come across to others with that, because the original guy, just wanted to show how much they played and wanted to encourage the devs that what they are working on is worth it. Then you came in saying he's a "lol noob lol" and started using your own playtime as a way to talk down.




On an unrelated note, Will Roland post the screenshots of MadMoles twitter on the frontpage? it's easy to lose 'em in the swamp of posts.

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Smart zombies for one. They are dead the only thing keeping them moving is their brain stem.


Digging zombies. Their flesh is rotted any attempt to dig dirt or blocks would see their body parts disintegrate or fall off or tear away etc. Jumping zombies their body wouldn't survive being able to do this either. Climbing possibly pending what they are climbing.


1000% they wouldn't be able to destroy concrete. A mass amount of zs would maybe push a wall or fence over but not with the minute amount of zs this game allows.


you have some really good idea!lets dig under a road and be invincible from horde,and make the zombie even dumber because thats the logic thing to do and video game with zombie are all about logic.


you call people noob because ''yOu hAvE MoRe HoUr iN dA gAmE'' and you complain about thing that are gonna make the game more challenging like fixing those stupid zombie runing in circle.

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Thing is, when your comment is "Lol your just a noob at this game lol"...that DOES come off as mocking. While it may be an assumption on the part of MidnightRock, the comment they made was that it SEEMED like you were mocking someone because of the hours spent in game. When you tag BOTH ends of your comment in "LOL," it's not a stretch to think you're making fun of the person or their opinion...because you are "laughing out loud" at the situation -- in this case, the player's number of hours logged.


So, no. MidnightRocks isn't being hostile or derisive, but YOU were. Hence MR's point. If you would "kindly like...not to assume..." then perhaps you should keep the derision of other players based solely on their logged playtime to a minimum.


Just a thought.


Oh I got no issues with any of his/her views or opinions what so ever. And really I dont care what you think or want to make yourself look tough lol.....


He/she makes some good points but for those whom are whom he/she is referring is quite different for most have alot more hrs (yes I mentioned hrs) we all were how he/she posted when we first started out to.


But show me where I said his/her views/opinions are invalid or rubbish. My comment had nothing to do with any of that lol.

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I'm sorry, but you have to see how you're coming across in your posts. You kind of invalidated someone else's opinion due to gaming hours while having piss poor grammar and punctuating your very first sentence with "lol". Then you bring up again, the hour thing and using it in a talking down kind of tone, basically saying they don't understand the game or feel about the game the same way you do. Following that, you tell someone else not to assume when you don't look at how you're coming across.


All I'm saying is take a step back and see how you come across to others with that, because the original guy, just wanted to show how much they played and wanted to encourage the devs that what they are working on is worth it. Then you came in saying he's a "lol noob lol" and started using your own playtime as a way to talk down.




On an unrelated note, Will Roland post the screenshots of MadMoles twitter on the frontpage? it's easy to lose 'em in the swamp of posts.


LOL Oh dont EVER and I mean EVER look into my meaning of lol........ I use it 99% of my posts it means nothing. I do laugh lots and as in this case I remember being exactly like him/her when I first started playing the game.


Never said those opinions and views were wrong from that players eyes just remember being the same is all lol


- - - Updated - - -


you have some really good idea!lets dig under a road and be invincible from horde,and make the zombie even dumber because thats the logic thing to do and video game with zombie are all about logic.


you call people noob because ''yOu hAvE MoRe HoUr iN dA gAmE'' and you complain about thing that are gonna make the game more challenging like fixing those stupid zombie runing in circle.


Just pointing out the absolute obvious. So can they not make underground zombie animals like the badger or some other creature that digs naturally....dig down build an underground base bam digs into a badger nest a zombie badger nest....


- - - Updated - - -


Is this an episode of Horsin' Around?


Nah the God father lol

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Oh I got no issues with any of his/her views or opinions what so ever. And really I dont care what you think or want to make yourself look tough lol.....


He/she makes some good points but for those whom are whom he/she is referring is quite different for most have alot more hrs (yes I mentioned hrs) we all were how he/she posted when we first started out to.


But show me where I said his/her views/opinions are invalid or rubbish. My comment had nothing to do with any of that lol.


Please just stop. It's killing me. My sides are hurting. For you own sake, if you do as you say and "don't care what others think.." Just drop it. I don't want anyone to make someone else look bad, even if it's you that's doing it. Try being kind and thoughtful. It is a really nice experience. Just a suggestion, you don't have to listen.

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LOL Oh dont EVER and I mean EVER look into my meaning of lol........ I use it 99% of my posts it means nothing. I do laugh lots and as in this case I remember being exactly like him/her when I first started playing the game.


Never said those opinions and views were wrong from that players eyes just remember being the same is all lol



First, you completely missed the point of the post. It's not about intention but about perception. And you singled out one little thing about the post rather than addressing it as a whole.


He/she makes some good points but for those whom are whom he/she is referring is quite different for most have alot more hrs (yes I mentioned hrs) we all were how he/she posted when we first started out to.


Second, again you make it sound like they have a naive opinion having that talking down to tone.


Finally, I'm gonna say it again. Take a step back, and see how others can perceive it, because it's not only me on this one.

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First, you completely missed the point of the post. It's not about intention but about perception. And you singled out one little thing about the post rather than addressing it as a whole.




Second, again you make it sound like they have a naive opinion having that talking down to tone.


Finally, I'm gonna say it again. Take a step back, and see how others can perceive it, because it's not only me on this one.


Sorry I nor speaka nor English.


You missed the points of my posts so does it worry me if your having a whine about mine.........

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Sorry I nor speaka nor English.


You missed the points of my posts so does it worry me if your having a whine about mine.........


The points of your posts were that you use "lol" a lot, that you never blantantly invalidated someone's opinion, only hinted at it, and respond to any form of criticism with saying, "I don't care" and passing the blame on to the other poster under the guise of they just don't get you and simply are just "whining".

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The points of your posts were that you use "lol" a lot, that you never blantantly invalidated someone's opinion, only hinted at it, and respond to any form of criticism with saying, "I don't care" and passing the blame on to the other poster under the guise of they just don't get you and simply are just "whining".


Lol what. Yes I use lol alot. You can say what ever you want it's a free country. If you read my posts wrong that's on you lol not me has no bearing on me what so ever. And in really dont care what your thoughts of me or my posts are or what they are about.


Never hinted at anything that's on you to. You believed I was invalidating him/her.


I am quite willing to accept blame where blame is on me. But when you decide to enter into a discussion with someone and are completely wrong then ofc blame should be on you.

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Lol what. Yes I use lol alot. You can say what ever you want it's a free country. If you read my posts wrong that's on you lol not me has no bearing on me what so ever. And in really dont care what your thoughts of me or my posts are or what they are about.


This statement here, is the very definition of caring about someone else's thoughts on what you are saying. Are you not able to own up to that? If you respond to this at all, I will take that as proof that you care. So I will say again. Say something if you care. If you don't care, and want to prove me wrong...say nothing.

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I think I see Stallion’s point. He isn’t saying more playtime hours vs less hours per se. He is saying he has more hours intothe past and has seen the game change in ways he didn’t agree with that someone who started playing later (fewer hours) wouldn’t understand because they never played the earlier versions and don’t know how much better it was or could’ve been in his opinion.


it’s just his perspective. My perspective is that the game is getting better than ever. I treasure the memories of being able to play with a grid crafting tarp and use clay molds to make gun parts and that zombies ran inside buildings. I got to play when light would slow them down at night. I got to play when we could briefly jump two blocks high and crawl through a 1-block opening. I got to explore the hub city and amazingly complex cave systems. I got to play in desert and plains biomes that were filled with tall sheer cliffs while creepy whispers of the dead sounded all around me. I got to play when it was possible to travel 20km from the center and know that you were isolated from all other players.


I remember these things that don’t exist any more in the game with the same fondness that I remember playing Halo or Mario64 or Doom and Wolfenstein. I don’t know that I’ll ever play those old games again but I’m glad I got to experience them. By the same token I’m glad I got to experience those old features of this game and even though they have been dropped or changed I still like the current version for its own sake. I see it as a whole new game.

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I think I see Stallion’s point. He isn’t saying more playtime hours vs less hours per se. He is saying he has more hours intothe past and has seen the game change in ways he didn’t agree with that someone who started playing later (fewer hours) wouldn’t understand because they never played the earlier versions and don’t know how much better it was or could’ve been in his opinion.


it’s just his perspective. My perspective is that the game is getting better than ever. I treasure the memories of being able to play with a grid crafting tarp and use clay molds to make gun parts and that zombies ran inside buildings. I got to play when light would slow them down at night. I got to play when we could briefly jump two blocks high and crawl through a 1-block opening. I got to explore the hub city and amazingly complex cave systems. I got to play in desert and plains biomes that were filled with tall sheer cliffs while creepy whispers of the dead sounded all around me. I got to play when it was possible to travel 20km from the center and know that you were isolated from all other players.


I remember these things that don’t exist any more in the game with the same fondness that I remember playing Halo or Mario64 or Doom and Wolfenstein. I don’t know that I’ll ever play those old games again but I’m glad I got to experience them. By the same token I’m glad I got to experience those old features of this game and even though they have been dropped or changed I still like the current version for its own sake. I see it as a whole new game.


Well put. I feel that this whole thing could have been better handled. Myself included. I apologize.

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