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External Crosshair Mod


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This is a small program I made over the summer that draws a cross hair on the center of the screen for better aiming. this will not change any game files since it's an external program. It can be configured by right clicking the task bar icon. Has options for color, size, thickness, and a hotkey to toggle the display.








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Awesome! I'm running on very low resolution due to lag, and my white crosshairs are spaced long ways apart, so I have a huge area thats withing the crosshairs making it terrible to use bow/crossbow and so on, Def. downloading this right now!


Edit: I have now tested it and Oh my god its awesome! I can actually hit stuff now! :p

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This is a small program I made over the summer that draws a cross hair on the center of the screen for better aiming. this will not change any game files since it's an external program. It can be configured by right clicking the task bar icon. Has options for color, size, thickness, and a hotkey to toggle the display.








Ill pass for now i got warnings when i went to this page



Google Safe Browsing recently detected phishing on s000.tinyupload.com. Phishing sites pretend to be other websites to trick you.


You can report a detection problem or, if you understand the risks to your security, visit this unsafe site.

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It would be possible, I'd have to rewrite some of it to pull it off. I may do that in the near future.


@Mike C:

If you see a warning feel free to report it to Google as it's likely a false-positive warning applied to everything on that hosting site.



Thanks for taking the time to post the scan results, and no I don't mind it getting reposted. I only used tinyupload cause it was the first listed free hosting when I searched for somewhere to drop it.

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  • 7 months later...
Nice download an tried it out works well.

Also, don't trust that site so I uploaded it to my mega for any who don't want to risk it like I did hope Xajar don't mind also scanned it with my anti-virus.


Virus Scan Resault:








Your mirror is dead and I can not get the scan results to show for some reason (no other spoiler buttons on this site are having issues). Anyway, I used a portable version of JDownloader to dl it from tinyupload (I never dl files from most upload sites myself because of the ads and misleading download buttons). I had the file scanned with virustotal.com which uses multiple antivirus scanners to scan the files. There were detections but they look like false positives and I am not worried about it but here are the scan results for those intrested

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Been off the forums awhile since I haven't been playing much. I re-uploaded this to dropbox, if anyone still wants it.





VirusTotal.com scan results:



You did the scan wrong there, you set it to scan the URL which will not scan the file itself and basically everyone knows drop box is clean making that scan useless/misleading (you can tell that is what happened becasue the link you gave shows #/url instead of #/file). Instead what you needed to do was upload the file itself and have it scanned. To do this you go to virustotal.com, make sure you are on the file tab, click upload, upload the file, and wait for the results. Also, this one is a different size than the previous one (newer one is bigger so perhaps it is a newer version). Lastly, the newer one seems to only have 1 warning when I scan the file with virustotal and it's the 1 that is shown for false positives (see results below)

Here are the results for the newer file



Anyway, I suggest editing the op to remove the older version of the file or something to avoid people downloading the wrong 1. Thanks for sharing though :)

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hello, is it possible to make a modification of this small program with the possibility of choosing the screen or the reticle appears.


I know there is other software like External Crosshair but I have a fear of VAC banishment if I use it.


Good continuation


Sorry for my english i use google translate

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