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Trader Prices

Crater Creator

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Just get rid of the barter skill, it's just another "filler" skill that's only there because that's what Bethesda does... it's going to be much easier to balance without it.


It's also an absurdly easy way to gain levels, just collect all the junk and spam the sell button while the XP rolls in. Silly.


i like the barter skill. It rewards tactical decision making and in face of treasures it makes traders op and gives something to strive for in the lategame.


Because mostly i can get atleast 1 highlevel weapon and the rest is so cheap like crossbow iron tools cloth armor that i can get purple items for cheap till i can build my own / find them.


Additionally it gives alot of debt to trading since you want to feed him with cheap items in the first days like ductape cloth or tallow that are anyway out there in abundance. Same with repurposing the roaming hordes and bloodmoon as a huge loot piniata.

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You are wrong, with 600 hazmat clothes you can survive the radiation right now, you will take no damage.


Also hazmat clothes are really rare so it is ok for them to be expensive ... never sold them in that version, collecting full set :)


So I tested this theory and it is completely false. I put on a full set of 600 hazmat gear and headed off to the radiation zone. What was cool was that I survived much longer than you could in previous alphas.... but after 2 or 3 minutes I died.

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So I tested this theory and it is completely false. I put on a full set of 600 hazmat gear and headed off to the radiation zone. What was cool was that I survived much longer than you could in previous alphas.... but after 2 or 3 minutes I died.


You need 100 armor wearing skill, I've tested it just before I wrote my previous post. It is not even close to be "completely false", you just haven't performed a complete test ;) . With skill 100 when you select different parts of hazmat armor it should show you 100% from radiation.

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I took a screenshot for you




it shows the animation of a blood on screen, however, you take 0 damage.


My apologies. You never mentioned needing maxed armor skill. Thats pretty cool.... I wonder if you could disable the blood on the screen, would be an awesome place to set up a base :)

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My apologies. You never mentioned needing maxed armor skill. Thats pretty cool.... I wonder if you could disable the blood on the screen, would be an awesome place to set up a base :)


Good for PVP, but does radiation damage zombies? If so, it might be a good place for a bloodmoon fortress in SP.

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Good for PVP, but does radiation damage zombies? If so, it might be a good place for a bloodmoon fortress in SP.


I havent tested it, but I don't believe it damages zombies. The other downside is that the hazmat stuff is very warm, so I was overheating pretty quickly. Pretty much the best use I can think of is a place to stash goods on a pvp server. But it takes a ton of upfront work.... getting all the gear is time consuming but getting to max armor skill is worse, unless you want to dump a bunch of skill points.


I hate using skill points on skills that level through use :(

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Early on the prices seem expensive but I'm glad to have some sort of gate from buying everything I need in the first few days. Later on dukes pile up like crazy but only if you pay attention to what you loot. By this time though you are probably only keeping an eye out for the battery bank book and solar parts.


A single run through the upper levels of a crack a book HQ with default loot rules always fills a chest with stuff to sell to the trader. Typically 15-25k dukes depending on the type of schematics you get and your barter level.

Fuel barrels are a nice steady yet slow income once you can run multiple chem stations and workbenches while you build something.

Early game yeah its tires for sure.

Military gear, hazmat gear etc fully repaired are always good.

Hitting any known pois with gun safes on the way to the trader is an easy way to fill your inventory with stuff to sell.

I always seem to get 2-3 treasure maps very early on in A16 and while I've had a few chests have garbage like 170 shotgun shells and a green sniper part, the majority have at least 9k dukes worth of stuff and I've seen as much as 25k worth of stuff in one.


Trader is great to hope for that early purple wrench or chainsaw/auger if you save up. I wouldn't really call it op as I would travel to 8 traders every reset day to look for things to buy and didn't have fully purple belt till day 35 when I decided to not combine any items on the workbench. Most of the purple parts I got from wights/ammo boxes anyways. If you dump points into secret stash early and put off getting something else important and are efficient with looting I don't see a problem with buying an auger by day 9 or so...especially after seeing people loot them in a working stiffs on day 4.

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Later on dukes pile up like crazy


i add this moment explosive shotgun shells.

Comparable to explosive bolts, but you can have 6 in a magazine.


And gues what, trader only 1000 Coins each. Together with a 10 Round Sniper and a 75 Round AK each for 300 000 Coins i will dry my players purses ^^

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My apologies. You never mentioned needing maxed armor skill. Thats pretty cool.... I wonder if you could disable the blood on the screen, would be an awesome place to set up a base :)


Because this is the obvious thing :) armor skill works and it is always important, because it adds up to +20 to all defense. The skill gives really a lot, especially with high level armor, e.g. instead of 75% you get 95%, which actually means +400% damage reduction.

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I have a query about barter.

When you level it, you can buy stuff cheaper of course.

But does the opposite also seem true?


With a higher level in Barter, I now make less when selling?

ie: the high tier schematics used to sell for 500 dukes each.. Now.. I noticed I only make 400?

and the lower tier 250 dukes worth are now selling for 200 dukes.


So is this bugged? With the reduction in the price to buy being a flat reduction in the price overall, even if selling?


Thanks for the info anyone.. I JUST noticed it game, and so of course came to find out.

Oh, and btw. My barter skill is now at 100 I think..

So perhaps its a high level barter bug?

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Works for me fine, you start around 10 or 20 of the baseprice and at full skill you get ? 80% of the base price or so

(All feeled numbers, did not testet it for aproved numbers)


Thanks for responding.

I must have just misunderstood how much I was getting before, because now you mention it, it really wouldn't have made sense to be getting full value from selling stuff, especially at a low barter skill level.


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If you use trader heavily , its imbalanced. Personally i almost never use it.The items you can only get via trader are basically useless , since you don't really need steel polish / solar panels.I usually collect expensive stuff and sell it every 15 days or so, and then buy a good quality weapon/weapon part.I find going out just for collecting items to sell and then visiting 4-5 traders to time consuming to worth the effort. I would do it if it has a schematic i need and can't find, but with the new poi's / large cities , i almost always find what i need by looting.

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...The items you can only get via trader are basically useless , since you don't really need steel polish / solar panels....


I'm not so sure about that. I've seen the hordes that come later in the game, and man do they beat on steel.


I want the extra buffer, just to be sure; overkill isn't anymore.

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If you use trader heavily , its imbalanced. Personally i almost never use it.The items you can only get via trader are basically useless , since you don't really need steel polish / solar panels.I usually collect expensive stuff and sell it every 15 days or so, and then buy a good quality weapon/weapon part.I find going out just for collecting items to sell and then visiting 4-5 traders to time consuming to worth the effort. I would do it if it has a schematic i need and can't find, but with the new poi's / large cities , i almost always find what i need by looting.


well traders are awesome for these items i would call tier 2 the prices are so dirt cheap for purple cloth armor or that huntingknife its too good to beat up not to build an initial base near a trader.


i catch myself often later on provoking hordes and screamers to get more loot.

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I add some good items to endgame (75 Round AK, 10 Round Sniper, Shotgun with explosive ammo and a few more) all only availabale at the traders, all cost >200 000 Coins. So there is no need to buy them and its well balanced. But the wish to have this items is great enough to dry the Players Purses.

(But its not thought for pure PVP servers)

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I have question related to A16 traders.

How often traders are changing their stock? I heard that every 10 days, is it correct? If so, it means that they are updating stocks on day 1, 11, 21... ect or each 10 days after we visit them first time?


Every 3 days with first restock on D4. (Easy way to remember when is that it is on airdrop day if your airdrops are set to every 3 days.)

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Somwhat off-topic, but isn't it about time to make dukes a line of text in your stat screen/the game code instead of an actual item? Unless they plan to drastically reduce the value of everything, those dukes can really pile up...


I get that they are for player trading as well, but that could be handled with a trading UI of some sort.

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There are things like old cash (and gold nuggets) which, probably for cultural reasons, just feel like they should be valuable, even if they'd actually just be worth the paper they're printed on in the apocalypse. If the trader didn't take the cash I find, I'd be like, "Come on, man, it's money!" So I like it as is, but that may be irrational.

I get annoyed when I'm at a (drink) vending machine and have old cash but no Dukes.

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