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One thing that bothers me on our dedicated, which doesn't seem to happen on my self-hosted MP games is, that the "fake" distant terrain doesn't seems to draw the POIs at the level of the original RWG instead of the modified one, so for example the cities and towns look like untouched terrain until I get close enough, at which point they get drawn, but only up to the point where the distant terrain is again drawn. Also all of the single wilderness poi are either drawn as a hole in the ground, or a mound.


Here's what it looks like with the exact same seed and settings:


Local MP:


There's a city on the top left (SE) of the scenery.





No city visible, but two "pot holes" closer to the center (S) where there are POIs. Also there's a weird artifact on the left side, which is what the "walls" where the distant terrain starts look like, when I am in a city.


If anybody can confirm this, and it's not my own user error with something, I can post it to the bugs section.


Yeah, I don't know why it happens but it even happens sometimes with straight up vanilla terrain settings that I have noticed in MP games (dedicated or hosted). Its just one of those things I guess.

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<terrain_generator name="vanilla" use_old_final="false">

<module name="landBase" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>
<module name="land" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.75"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>

<module name="landBase2" type="Billow">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase2"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land2" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled"/>
	<property name="power" value="95"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="15"/>

<module name="landBase3" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled2" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase3"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.1"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land3" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled2"/>
	<property name="power" value="120"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>

<module name="filter" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLand" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filter"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="land"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land2"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1000"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>
<module name="filtera" type="FastNoise">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLanda" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filtera"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="Ponds"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="fastLand"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land3"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>

<module name="WaterAdjust" type="FastBillow">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
<module name="Ponds" type="ScaleOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="WaterAdjust"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.05"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="5"/>

<module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="fastLanda"/>
	<property name="scale" value="180"/>
	<property name="bias" value="-1"/>
<module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-28,190"/>

<output module="clampOutput"/>


This is what I am currently running.

It uses more of the height range.

Increase in rough terrain for mountain areas (but not too rough).

More defined flat areas (yeah the old generator did make the flat areas tooo flat :)).

I also installed a module to specifically control the water amounts depending on the seed being used. So if you use it and your map is producing too much or not enough water generation for your liking you can decrease or increase the frequency to your liking.

Pic's in Spoiler:





edit: Just letting ppl know in case some are confused with the pics.. My biomes themselves are modified also and the pics are mostly to showcase the terrain generation and your biomes will not look like mine.


I've just started a new game with this in my file.

After messing it up completely, so much i had to revalidate my files. I finally did it right. (Yay me!)

It's so much better!

Water is extremely limited, which some may not like, but I'd rather not swim from island to island like in the vanilla version.


And of course, on my first start, I spawned in the desert. Lol


Thanks Tin!

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I've just started a new game with this in my file.

After messing it up completely, so much i had to revalidate my files. I finally did it right. (Yay me!)

It's so much better!

Water is extremely limited, which some may not like, but I'd rather not swim from island to island like in the vanilla version.


And of course, on my first start, I spawned in the desert. Lol


Thanks Tin!


Cool! ty for giving it a go :)

I posted this in another one of your threads but if you want more water adjust:

<module name="WaterAdjust" type="FastBillow">

<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/> <-- Slowly increase this value like to (0.48) or (0.49) ect,. to find your sweet spot.


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So let's use clamp output:




In the above image you can use "ClampOutput" within the setup to place certain terrain features to only appear at certain levels. In this case I created a mountain range and had it only generate above a certain land height.


<module name="landBase" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
			<property name="frequency" value="0.04"/>
			<property name="roughness" value="25"/>
		<module name="landScale" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
			<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase"/>
			<property name="scale" value="1.3"/>
			<property name="bias" value="-0.75"/>
		<module name="landOutput" type="ClampOutput">
			<property name="sourceModule" value="landScale"/>
			<property name="bounds" value="0,190"/>
		<module name="land" type="Turbulence">
			<property name="sourceModule" value="landOutput"/>
			<property name="power" value="95"/>
			<property name="frequency" value="0.04"/>
			<property name="roughness" value="5"/>


This code segment is to only show you how you can implement into your overall setup. :) have fun.


Edit: Shout out for Kinyajuu and any others that are working on the socket system (from what we can see of it). looks Awesome in the latest video from MM.

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Hello, I am completely new to modding terrain.

But, reading this thread and others, I made the one satisfies me.


<terrain_generator name="vanilla" use_old_final="false">

<module name="landSmooth" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="landSmoothScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landSmooth"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.3"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.2"/>

<module name="landRough" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="2"/>
<module name="landRoughScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landRough"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.07"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.2"/>

<module name="landController" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="-1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="landMixed" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="landController"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="landRoughScaled"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="landSmoothScaled"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-0.2,100"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="0.2"/>

<module name="mountainBase" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="mountainScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="mountainBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.525"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.675"/>

<module name="continentController" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.3"/>
<module name="continentMixed" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="continentController"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="landMixed"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="mountainScaled"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0.1,100"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="0.35"/>
<module name="continentFinal" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="continentMixed"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.25"/>
	<property name="power" value="3"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="4"/>

<module name="oceanBase" type="FastBillow" seed_additive="2">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.3"/>
<module name="oceanScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="oceanBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.25"/>
	<property name="bias" value="-0.175"/>

<module name="worldController" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="3">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.15"/>
<module name="worldMixed" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="worldController"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="continentFinal"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="oceanScaled"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-0.05,0.05"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="0.4"/>

<module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="worldMixed"/>
	<property name="scale" value="160"/>
<module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-50,190"/>

<output module="clampOutput"/>



Here is some eye candies



Smooth area and mountains area is distinct.



Small Ponds






River branched



Curvy river nearby rough area.





I haven't messed with biome, so I should editting around it.




So let's use clamp output:


In the above image you can use "ClampOutput" within the setup to place certain terrain features to only appear at certain levels. In this case I created a mountain range and had it only generate above a certain land height.



Hmm...,this method may be the one I've been looking for!!!


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Hello, I am completely new to modding terrain.

But, reading this thread and others, I made the one satisfies me.


<terrain_generator name="vanilla" use_old_final="false">

<module name="landSmooth" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="landSmoothScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landSmooth"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.3"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.2"/>

<module name="landRough" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="2"/>
<module name="landRoughScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landRough"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.07"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.2"/>

<module name="landController" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="-1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="landMixed" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="landController"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="landRoughScaled"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="landSmoothScaled"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-0.2,100"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="0.2"/>

<module name="mountainBase" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="mountainScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="mountainBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.525"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.675"/>

<module name="continentController" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.3"/>
<module name="continentMixed" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="continentController"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="landMixed"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="mountainScaled"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0.1,100"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="0.35"/>
<module name="continentFinal" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="continentMixed"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.25"/>
	<property name="power" value="3"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="4"/>

<module name="oceanBase" type="FastBillow" seed_additive="2">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.3"/>
<module name="oceanScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="oceanBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.25"/>
	<property name="bias" value="-0.175"/>

<module name="worldController" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="3">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.15"/>
<module name="worldMixed" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="worldController"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="continentFinal"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="oceanScaled"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-0.05,0.05"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="0.4"/>

<module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="worldMixed"/>
	<property name="scale" value="160"/>
<module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-50,190"/>

<output module="clampOutput"/>



Here is some eye candies



Smooth area and mountains area is distinct.



Small Ponds






River branched



Curvy river nearby rough area.





I haven't messed with biome, so I should editting around it.


Nice work!

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Hello, I am completely new to modding terrain.

But, reading this thread and others, I made the one satisfies me.


<terrain_generator name="vanilla" use_old_final="false">

<module name="landSmooth" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="landSmoothScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landSmooth"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.3"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.2"/>

<module name="landRough" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="2"/>
<module name="landRoughScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landRough"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.07"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.2"/>

<module name="landController" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="-1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="landMixed" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="landController"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="landRoughScaled"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="landSmoothScaled"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-0.2,100"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="0.2"/>

<module name="mountainBase" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="mountainScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="mountainBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.525"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.675"/>

<module name="continentController" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.3"/>
<module name="continentMixed" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="continentController"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="landMixed"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="mountainScaled"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0.1,100"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="0.35"/>
<module name="continentFinal" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="continentMixed"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.25"/>
	<property name="power" value="3"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="4"/>

<module name="oceanBase" type="FastBillow" seed_additive="2">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.3"/>
<module name="oceanScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="oceanBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.25"/>
	<property name="bias" value="-0.175"/>

<module name="worldController" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="3">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.15"/>
<module name="worldMixed" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="worldController"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="continentFinal"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="oceanScaled"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-0.05,0.05"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="0.4"/>

<module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="worldMixed"/>
	<property name="scale" value="160"/>
<module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-50,190"/>

<output module="clampOutput"/>



Here is some eye candies



Smooth area and mountains area is distinct.



Small Ponds






River branched



Curvy river nearby rough area.





I haven't messed with biome, so I should editting around it.









I tried entering this into my RWG but when loading up the game a NULL ref popped up with the game not loading baecause of the line from 865. but that is the last line of the rwgmixer. This happened before with someone else's code and later I tried their code and it worked. This game is so touchy.


But I love your RWG shots and are those actual rivers in your shots?! That would be dope!

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I tried entering this into my RWG but when loading up the game a NULL ref popped up with the game not loading baecause of the line from 865. but that is the last line of the rwgmixer. This happened before with someone else's code and later I tried their code and it worked. This game is so touchy.


But I love your RWG shots and are those actual rivers in your shots?! That would be dope!


Did you place it right?

example setup:

        [color="#00FFFF"]<terrain_generator name="vanilla" use_old_final="false">[/color]

	        [color="#FFFF00"]<module name="landBase" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
			<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
			<property name="roughness" value="25"/>
		<module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
			<property name="sourceModule" value="fastLanda"/>
			<property name="scale" value="180"/>
			<property name="bias" value="-1"/>
		<module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
			<property name="sourceModule" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
			<property name="bounds" value="-28,190"/>



Columns need to line up also. Would suggest use Notepad++ when editing the files.

Another thing of note is also make sure you have both </terrain_generator> and <terrain_geneators>


and no they are not real flowing rivers but it looks cool even though they are fake :)

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Cool! ty for giving it a go :)

I posted this in another one of your threads but if you want more water adjust:

<module name="WaterAdjust" type="FastBillow">

<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/> <-- Slowly increase this value like to (0.48) or (0.49) ect,. to find your sweet spot.



Soooo many version to try. Lol

I've upped my water from 0.47 to as far as 0.50. didn't actually make any noticeable difference. Lol


Not that it matters.


I found snow. :D


One thing I did find, which may be related to either this mod, or Valmod, was a half missing POI.

I followed a dirt road and found a square of perfectly flat land. With nothing there.


Until I looked up. And saw piece of a roof and railing about 7-8 blocks long. Just floating. Lol


Not sure what that's related too.

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Soooo many version to try. Lol

I've upped my water from 0.47 to as far as 0.50. didn't actually make any noticeable difference. Lol


Not that it matters.


I found snow. :D


One thing I did find, which may be related to either this mod, or Valmod, was a half missing POI.

I followed a dirt road and found a square of perfectly flat land. With nothing there.


Until I looked up. And saw piece of a roof and railing about 7-8 blocks long. Just floating. Lol


Not sure what that's related too.


I think its a bug with POI spawning, it happens occasionally, most likely when spawning in some terrain decoration or something. Not sure, but it has been happening since A11 I think, but it used to be far more common so it might also happen due to terrain modifications, but not sure. The bigger POIs have it happen more often where a piece is missing is spawned in the wildnerness.

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If you want more towns in general the easiest way that I have found is...


<ruleset name="vanilla" cell_cache_size="8" cell_size="[color="#00FF00"]1800[/color]" cell_offset="0.6" generation_distance="10000" terrain_generator="vanilla">
	<cell_rule name="wastelandHub" position="0,0" prob="0.05"/>

	<cell_rule name="lowDensity" prob="1"/>
	<cell_rule name="highDensity" prob="0.5"/>
	<!--<cell_rule name="customHubTest" position="0,1" prob="0"/>-->


Adjust the cell_size="[num]" to a smaller value. example I use 1200 to 1500.

**This will vary by your PC on how small you can change that [num] value. Start by taking a 100 off and test it till you find a size that wont crush your machine.

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I just want to make sure that if I build a ring of mountains on the edge, that I'm not forced to have rings on the inner areas. I like the idea of a nuclear shielded valley, but don't want to lose varied biomes... well, except wasteland and burnt, but that's an easy edit, I assume.


- - - Updated - - -


Man, I can't WAIT to be done with claims so I have more time to play! Between this and the UMA edits, I'm missing out! :)


I'm totally digging this idea and was about to start tweakign settings to figure out where to place thigns to get the concentrict rign effect. from outer to inner





craggy mountains with a mix of wasteland and pine forest with snow capped peaks


pine forest




desert with swamp


maple forest and swamp


water alll at the center like would happen in a shielded crater valley, but maybe with a couple of random rivers running to it..

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I tried entering this into my RWG but when loading up the game a NULL ref popped up with the game not loading baecause of the line from 865. but that is the last line of the rwgmixer. This happened before with someone else's code and later I tried their code and it worked. This game is so touchy.


Ah, yeah. Sometimes, reloading works as debugger, when I edit some of xmls.


But I love your RWG shots and are those actual rivers in your shots?! That would be dope!


Yeah, you can see them. As Tin said, this isn't flowing but spreads, branches, and ocsasionally unite into lake (this isn't intended, but nice side effect).

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Well I think I have Finally got the world to generate the way I really like.

*Just enough mountain terrain*

*Good amount of Hills*

*Nice sized areas to build*

*Enough Water* (shouldn't need to adjust anything)


<terrain_generator name="vanilla" use_old_final="false">

<module name="landBase" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>
<module name="land" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.75"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land1" type="InvertInput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="land"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.25"/>

<module name="landBase2" type="Billow">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase2"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land2" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled"/>
	<property name="power" value="95"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="15"/>

<module name="landBase3" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled2" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase3"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.1"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land3" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled2"/>
	<property name="power" value="120"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>

<module name="filter" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLand" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filter"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="land1"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land2"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1000"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>
<module name="filtera" type="FastNoise">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLanda" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filtera"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="fastLand"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land3"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>

<module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="fastLanda"/>
	<property name="scale" value="180"/>
	<property name="bias" value="-1"/>
<module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-28,190"/>

<output module="clampOutput"/>


*Time to fully revamp some biomes now* :)

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Well I think I have Finally got the world to generate the way I really like.

*Just enough mountain terrain*

*Good amount of Hills*

*Nice sized areas to build*

*Enough Water* (shouldn't need to adjust anything)


<terrain_generator name="vanilla" use_old_final="false">

<module name="landBase" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>
<module name="land" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.75"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land1" type="InvertInput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="land"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.25"/>

<module name="landBase2" type="Billow">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase2"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land2" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled"/>
	<property name="power" value="95"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="15"/>

<module name="landBase3" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled2" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase3"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.1"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land3" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled2"/>
	<property name="power" value="120"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>

<module name="filter" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLand" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filter"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="land1"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land2"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1000"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>
<module name="filtera" type="FastNoise">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLanda" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filtera"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="fastLand"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land3"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>

<module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="fastLanda"/>
	<property name="scale" value="180"/>
	<property name="bias" value="-1"/>
<module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-28,190"/>

<output module="clampOutput"/>


*Time to fully revamp some biomes now* :)


Lookin forward to it!


Next restart I'll be sure to grab your code!

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Well I think I have Finally got the world to generate the way I really like.

*Just enough mountain terrain*

*Good amount of Hills*

*Nice sized areas to build*

*Enough Water* (shouldn't need to adjust anything)


<terrain_generator name="vanilla" use_old_final="false">

<module name="landBase" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>
<module name="land" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.75"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land1" type="InvertInput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="land"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.25"/>

<module name="landBase2" type="Billow">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase2"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land2" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled"/>
	<property name="power" value="95"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="15"/>

<module name="landBase3" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled2" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase3"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.1"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land3" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled2"/>
	<property name="power" value="120"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>

<module name="filter" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLand" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filter"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="land1"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land2"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1000"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>
<module name="filtera" type="FastNoise">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLanda" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filtera"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="fastLand"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land3"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>

<module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="fastLanda"/>
	<property name="scale" value="180"/>
	<property name="bias" value="-1"/>
<module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-28,190"/>

<output module="clampOutput"/>


*Time to fully revamp some biomes now* :)


Tried it and got a ton of redlines in console. Was this meant to replace all terrain generator lines or was I just suppse to add it.

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Tried it and got a ton of redlines in console. Was this meant to replace all terrain generator lines or was I just suppse to add it.


Just replace the section between:





Keeping those two lines, but replace everything in the middle.


I fell for that trick the first time. :D

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Tried it and got a ton of redlines in console. Was this meant to replace all terrain generator lines or was I just suppse to add it.


Just replace the section between:





Keeping those two lines, but replace everything in the middle.


I fell for that trick the first time. :D


^^ what they said xD If it gets that bad and you are still having issues I'll just make it a full file so all you will need to do is swap :)


edit: Was trying to hold off on doing that till I got my biomes straighten out but it's not that big a deal if it makes easier on those that wanna try it.

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Just replace the section between:





Keeping those two lines, but replace everything in the middle.


I fell for that trick the first time. :D



That is what I did at first....will try again. Maybe when I copied and pasted I did something wrong.




^^ what they said xD If it gets that bad and you are still having issues I'll just make it a full file so all you will need to do is swap :)


edit: Was trying to hold off on doing that till I got my biomes straighten out but it's not that big a deal if it makes easier on those that wanna try it.



I can wait if you like, it is not game breaking for me just like the idea of not having to be a mountain goat.

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<module name="land1" type="InvertInput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="land"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.25"/>


I think InvertInput accept only sourceModule as input. XD


Excepting this, I'm looking forward to generate new world with it. :)

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Tried again and this is still what I get...





also does anyone know why those symbols are in lower right of my screen....do they have something to do with steam....I think overlay is turned on.



All you need to do is unzip and then swap the whole file instead of pasting lines (and start a fresh world). :)


Edit: Just to let you know. The rest is the vanilla rwgmixer so only the terrain is being changed.

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I think InvertInput accept only sourceModule as input. XD


Excepting this, I'm looking forward to generate new world with it. :)


Hope it gives you some extra tools to work with. :)


I am still trying to play around with all the extra commands to see how far I can Push the generator but I wanna take a small break from the terrain generator and dive into other areas of modding for this game for a lil bit. I'll probably work on a new generator system when they release A16.

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Well I think I have Finally got the world to generate the way I really like.

*Just enough mountain terrain*

*Good amount of Hills*

*Nice sized areas to build*

*Enough Water* (shouldn't need to adjust anything)


<terrain_generator name="vanilla" use_old_final="false">

<module name="landBase" type="FastBillow" no_seed="true">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>
<module name="land" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.75"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land1" type="InvertInput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="land"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.47"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.25"/>

<module name="landBase2" type="Billow">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase2"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land2" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled"/>
	<property name="power" value="95"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="15"/>

<module name="landBase3" type="FastRidgedMultifractal">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.004"/>
<module name="landScaled2" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landBase3"/>
	<property name="scale" value="0.1"/>
	<property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
<module name="land3" type="FastTurbulence">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="landScaled2"/>
	<property name="power" value="120"/>
	<property name="frequency" value="0.4"/>
	<property name="roughness" value="25"/>

<module name="filter" type="FastNoise" seed_additive="1">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLand" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filter"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="land1"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land2"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1000"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>
<module name="filtera" type="FastNoise">
	<property name="frequency" value="0.5"/>
<module name="fastLanda" type="Select">
	<property name="controlModule" value="filtera"/>
	<property name="sourceModule1" value="fastLand"/>
	<property name="sourceModule2" value="land3"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="0,1"/>
	<property name="edgeFalloff" value="16"/>

<module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleBiasOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="fastLanda"/>
	<property name="scale" value="180"/>
	<property name="bias" value="-1"/>
<module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
	<property name="sourceModule" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
	<property name="bounds" value="-28,190"/>

<output module="clampOutput"/>


*Time to fully revamp some biomes now* :)


We got a weird world.


- POIs were deep down round craters

- at "-27 m" like, roads were like trenches between the surroundings, impossible to climb/walk to the POIs


after 1 hour gameplay, we saw the roads were still "digging" into the biomes, with unclimbable sides, so we gave up


not sure if it's the seed or the settings.

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