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The Madmole Already Answered That Mega Thread


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Hey again Madmole. Thanks for taking the time to go through this Q&A.


Will there be any focus put on zombie AI in Alpha 16, specifically with zombies spinning? More specifically, when standing on a platform above zombies and they just spin around below you as opposed to trying to find another way to get at you.

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Zombie AI


Hey Madmole,


There are currently many ways to easily defeat the AI of zombies making survival in the game trivial. Is there plans to address this?


Some examples of defeating AI:


  • Standing in the center of a platform with the supports far to the side like the overhang roof of the gas station. The zombies instead path to the ground directly below the roof and never attack the support structure. Making it trivial to shoot directly down to the tops of the zombies heads. I know this defense is only reliable since the removal of gore blocks. It was made even more effective with the addition of drawbridges.

  • Building deep underground. Zombies dont appear to dig directly down anymore and can't path to the entrance of your cave.

  • Leaving weak zombies alive on 7 day hordes to prevent the spawning of harder zombie types...

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Hey MM,


Are there any performance improvements coming down the line? I know you've stated this is the best running version so far, and I agree, but there still seems to be quite a bit of chunk loading stutter (trees, grass, objects), which is most notable when playing multiplayer.

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Modding support, does the team consider augmenting it in any way (better docs, new features, fixing bugs, etc) a priority in the close future? If yes, what is it?


There will be full mod support in the future. Madmole has said that he will not discuss specifics but that it will blow away what is currently available. It will not come until close to gold or shortly after gold.


Will the added seaweed and fish in lakes and rivers? If so, when, in the A16 or later?


Yes. Later than A16. Underwater will be fully decorated and there will be submerged POIs as well.


Loving A15! TYVM!


In regards to A16, do you think workshop support will make it in, and if not, when approximately?


Workshop support will make it in but not until just before or after gold.


Are there plans to add items like a sword or bayonet?


Loving the game so far, can't wait for zip lines!


Madmole has repeatedly said "maybe" to this query.


Hi madmole, will we ever have more advanced weather/storm? I feel as if this would add so much more of a survival element. Snowstorms and blizzards etc. Thanks


Madmole said possibly but more probably not until their next game. He was specifically talking about hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes, large scale disasters etc.

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Hey Madmole,


There are currently many ways to easily defeat the AI of zombies making survival in the game trivial. Is there plans to address this?


Some examples of defeating AI:


  • Standing in the center of a platform with the supports far to the side like the overhang roof of the gas station. The zombies instead path to the ground directly below the roof and never attack the support structure. Making it trivial to shoot directly down to the tops of the zombies heads. I know this defense is only reliable since the removal of gore blocks. It was made even more effective with the addition of drawbridges.

  • Building deep underground. Zombies dont appear to dig directly down anymore and can't path to the entrance of your cave.

  • Leaving weak zombies alive on 7 day hordes to prevent the spawning of harder zombie types...


Hey again Madmole. Thanks for taking the time to go through this Q&A.


Will there be any focus put on zombie AI in Alpha 16, specifically with zombies spinning? More specifically, when standing on a platform above zombies and they just spin around below you as opposed to trying to find another way to get at you.


Hey Mad Mole :adoration: Love this game and you guys are my favorite devs :adoration:


Regarding the improvements to AI pathing and attack strategy. When you are above the horde of zombies they seem to run in circles and attack the air. Would it be possible at some point for the zombies to start attacking blocks that have a weak structural integrity? This would mean they attempt to cause blocks to collapse to gain access. It would also mean that bases on stilts aren't a completely invulnerable to attacks.


So three questions on basically the same thing in the SAME Q&A thread....naughty naughty.


Madmole has already addressed this several times. The new breadcrumb system which is slated for A16 but has never been shown yet is supposed to go a long way towards solving these issues. If zombies cannot directly reach you they will be able "sniff" the pathway you took to get to where you are and this will cause them to attack those barriers and attack blocks that the player has interacted with. There is also a general AI overhaul planned.

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Hey MM,


Are there any performance improvements coming down the line? I know you've stated this is the best running version so far, and I agree, but there still seems to be quite a bit of chunk loading stutter (trees, grass, objects), which is most notable when playing multiplayer.


Madmole has said numerous times that performance improvements will be ongoing and that they are always looking for ways to save memory and get the game to run more smoothly for as wide a range of computer setups as possible.

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Since i am new, i have no idea if its been asked before anyway.


Are there any plans to add a raft, canoe, or some form of boat to make water travel easier/faster?


Madmole has said maybe to this once water in general is fixed and seems pretty positive about the idea. I believe he talked about it in one of the Alpha 16 videos. If you go to the main Alpha 16 developer diary thread and look at the top banner there are links to all of the Alpha 16 videos put out so far.

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Madmole has said maybe to this once water in general is fixed and seems pretty positive about the idea. I believe he talked about it in one of the Alpha 16 videos. If you go to the main Alpha 16 developer diary thread and look at the top banner there are links to all of the Alpha 16 videos put out so far.


Alright thank you.

Game is fun.

Have a nice day

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In A15, the randomly generated worlds contain rather extreme terrain. Hills and mountains everywhere, flat plains only where there are towns/cities. Many towns/cities seemed to be in a valley carved into an existing mountain range, sometimes surrounded by steep cliffs. There are rwgmixer.xml tweaks that help to alleviate this to some extant, but tweaking this and generating a world to see your results can be extremely frustrating and time consuming, as the settings in rwgmixer are not at all intuitive. Also, the water depth setting seems to display as expected in the map preview, but does not actually get applied to the generated world. Someone explained that this was basically a bug, a discrepancy between how the map previewer shows the world, and how the world actually gets generated. Likewise with biome borders - what the map previewer shows and what actually gets generated don't always match.


Are there any plans to make it easier to tweak and customize random gen worlds, either in the form of a gui, or rwgmixer settings that are more intuitive and/or easier to tweak?

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Under Water Ninja Zombies


Hey Joel,

firstly I love 7DTD it an amazing game with some stunning views in random gen, could you guys please look into the fact that zombies move at full speed in water, and can sprint along the bottom without issue/water friction. and maybe the jesus animals that walk on water just need to be dropped down a little while in water do give the illusion of swimming. Thanks a million and keep up the great work.:welcoming:

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Hello MM How are you doing? First off Love this game, it looks like this game will have a bright future ahead of it! :calm:


My question is...


Do you think with Bandits/Survivor Npcs coming in the future update, Do you think we could Hire Survivors as followers/companions or maybe even command them to defend your base.

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Hi guys, I'm new here!


First off, I love the game already!


Currently on my phone so I can't watch the videos to see if this question has been asked! (Uses too much data) Sorry.



When starting an RG map, will it ever be possible to see what it may look like before it loads?


Just basic detail on the height map, and water. No biomes or buildings, or anything.

It would be nice to see instead of loading a game, and realising your map looks and feels rather ridiculous. Lol

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Hey MadMole..


First, thanks for all work doing on 7DTD... This game is amazing! I love it so much..


My question: Once time you told me that making NPC survivors is Harder than NPC Bandits. So, you mean that we will have NPC survivors? Can we wait for them in a future update? We will love it!


Thank you.. hey, can you say: Obrigado! to the brazil fans !!! :D

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In A15, the randomly generated worlds contain rather extreme terrain. Hills and mountains everywhere, flat plains only where there are towns/cities. Many towns/cities seemed to be in a valley carved into an existing mountain range, sometimes surrounded by steep cliffs. There are rwgmixer.xml tweaks that help to alleviate this to some extant, but tweaking this and generating a world to see your results can be extremely frustrating and time consuming, as the settings in rwgmixer are not at all intuitive. Also, the water depth setting seems to display as expected in the map preview, but does not actually get applied to the generated world. Someone explained that this was basically a bug, a discrepancy between how the map previewer shows the world, and how the world actually gets generated. Likewise with biome borders - what the map previewer shows and what actually gets generated don't always match.


Are there any plans to make it easier to tweak and customize random gen worlds, either in the form of a gui, or rwgmixer settings that are more intuitive and/or easier to tweak?


Madmole said that there will be powerful, inuitive, and user friendly tools coming to give users all the control they could imagine in customizing random gen worlds as well as to create designed maps like Navezgane. These tools will not be available until close to or perhaps after the gold release of the game.


Hey MM! It's me again. I was just wondering if in A16, will multiplayer get any attention? I'm assuming that multiplayer isn't much of a priority and I barely play multiplayer but this question needs an answer.


Thanks again MM!


Madmole said (In the last Q&A video) that competitive multiplayer will get attention once the core game is feature complete. It will not happen in Alpha 16 but the developers do want to create a PvP mode that will rival anything currently available in other open world games.


Hey Joel,

firstly I love 7DTD it an amazing game with some stunning views in random gen, could you guys please look into the fact that zombies move at full speed in water, and can sprint along the bottom without issue/water friction. and maybe the jesus animals that walk on water just need to be dropped down a little while in water do give the illusion of swimming. Thanks a million and keep up the great work.:welcoming:


Madmole said that a water update is coming that will address water physics, optimization, underwater decorations and exploration, and realistic movement for players, animals, and zombies. But that will not happen in Alpha 16.


Hello MM How are you doing? First off Love this game, it looks like this game will have a bright future ahead of it! :calm:


My question is...


Do you think with Bandits/Survivor Npcs coming in the future update, Do you think we could Hire Survivors as followers/companions or maybe even command them to defend your base.


Madmole said that this is in fact a goal and a planned feature of the game. The extent to which we will be able to do this remains to be seen but it is something the developers want to do. It will not happen in Alpha 16. Back in the Alpha 15 preview videos and Q&As Madmole talked about being able to tame a wolf as a companion. He also talked about being able to hire an NPC as a follower. He would not commit to being able to have a community of followers or even more than one at a time but he sounded as though such a thing would be something he would push for if it was possible to do given the limitations they have to work with.


Can we make the ran world generator unlimited size again please? at the moment if we set it to greater then 20k the areas are all red...


Madmole said no to this the last couple times this was asked. Unlimited map size causes a lot of problems.

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Hi guys, I'm new here!


First off, I love the game already!


Currently on my phone so I can't watch the videos to see if this question has been asked! (Uses too much data) Sorry.



When starting an RG map, will it ever be possible to see what it may look like before it loads?


Just basic detail on the height map, and water. No biomes or buildings, or anything.

It would be nice to see instead of loading a game, and realising your map looks and feels rather ridiculous. Lol


This feature already exists in the game. In the main menu select Editing Tools and enter the name of the seed for a preview of your map. Many details of the map are there for your information. It does take some time for the map to load.


Hey MadMole..


First, thanks for all work doing on 7DTD... This game is amazing! I love it so much..


My question: Once time you told me that making NPC survivors is Harder than NPC Bandits. So, you mean that we will have NPC survivors? Can we wait for them in a future update? We will love it!


Thank you.. hey, can you say: Obrigado! to the brazil fans !!! :D


Madmole said there will be non-aggressive NPC survivors in the game that will hand out quests, need to be rescued, teach skills, act as wandering merchants, and hopefully if all goes as planned be hired as followers and be given tasks to do to help out. They will not be in Alpha 16 but are planned for a future update.



Could you make the night vision gear more useful and more efficient in seeing things at the long distance with it. I barely use it and always prefer the simple light.


Madmole said that they plan to improve the night vision goggles the last time someone asked about them pretty recently.

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Hey guys,


I finnaly got a question for Joël :)


Is something planned concerning diving, like scuba diving cylinders, snorkel or other stuff ? I would love to see more importance for water to be honest, its an underestimate part of the game.



Thanks mate

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your Moleness,


Terrific game, I bought a ps4 just to play 7Days. With the console version currently deleting players' bases and inventory, do you think devoting one day a week to getting the priceier version of the game to work properly is sufficient? Not trying to sound douchey, but a little peek into what the console team is working on would better ease our concerns, maybe every other week, would be better than just "we're working on it".

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