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The Madmole Already Answered That Mega Thread


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Hello! Has there been any thought to a new vehicle? A suggestion of mine would be a golf cart which would be a bit slower than the minibike, but has the possibility for more utility - such as a seat for a second person or remove the seat and add in a cooler/chest for extra storage on the go.


Madmole Said: There has been thought. The only vehicles we've announced is a pedal bike, a larger motorcycle, and a gyrocopter

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Playthrough Video


Last blog post you (MM) had mentioned doing a playthrough or let's play here soon for testing and a bit of fun. Are you planning on recording that, or doing a twitch broadcast or something? I would be really interested to see that, watch how the Fun Pimps Survive the horde.

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Hi MM! Thanks for all the hardworks.


I starts play 7 days to die since Alpha 9 and I noticed that there is a create world buttom on the main page. Now it is almost Alpha 15, any news about when will create world feature come out or will it?:eagerness:


Madmole already answered that the create world tools wouldn't come out until beta or maybe even after gold release. They are still definitely planned but not during the alpha phase.

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Melee: Blunt vs sharp.




I can't help but notice that overall, there seems to be an imbalance in melee weapons. Sharp weapon have a perk that gives the player changes of dismemberment while blunt weapon do not benefit from a specific perk of that type. Will Blunt weapon will be tweaked to be a more viable option? Same , as you are aware, for archery.


Thank you and keep your GREAT work!

Madmole has answered a lot of these questions about imbalances between weapon types in regards to perks, damage, and also progression and always with a generic "Balancing is ongoing".

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Loving the game mm. Keep up the good work


Can we get a map marker for our minibikes similar to that of the bedroll? So we don't keep losing our minibikes.

Also will it be possible to add a flashlight to other helmets using duct tape or a similar custom slot for for a flashlight like our weapons do? Maybe make the flashlight a rarer drop to compensate.


All of these have been asked and answered. He liked the idea of the minibike map marker and said.......maybe.

He has said no on attaching flashlights to other helmets. They don't like to do redundant features if there is already something good enough in the game. He has sited this very issue in the past saying that the mining helmet gets the job done so that is it.

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Hey MadMole,

Just wondering if there is any plans for player trading as well? Also any plans to allow players to share their maps maybe via trade?


Thank you and the team for a great game.




Madmole has answered both of these. No player to player trading in real time but you will be able to create a vending machine and load it with items that people can purchase. No plans to allow players to share their maps.

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Hey MM,


Boring question.... I play on laptop with a controller - there is an issue with not being able to zoom in or out on the map unless you have a mouse with a scroll wheel. Maybe ive missed the obvious (cant seem to remap the keys for this) but is there plans to address this at all?


Thanks again, for your hard work :)


Hey Srsen...he's not going to know the answer to this. You should post it in the bug forum with your specs and as much detail as you can. Alloc is the dev you want to have see this question and he is most likely to see it there.

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Hello! I really enjoy the game and follow it's development. The queston is:


Will the interaction range be fixed? At the moment one can loot containers, open doors and ugprade blocks from a distance of 3 or 4 meters, it feels very unnatural and cheaty when you fix the roof of your house standing on the ground, or get stuff from the crate standing at the opposite wall. I beg, change it, or could you give us an option to change it by ourselves?

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Hey MM, Love your game and effort. Keep it on.



Wehn i put torches in my house, its nice and bright during night, but when it turns day the brightness goes up and up and its just too bright. Is there gonna be a fix for that? Also lighting and weather effects inside Bunkers or in underground caves.




He has answered these lighting questions a number of times. These lighting issues are indeed fixed in A15.

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Hello! I really enjoy the game and follow it's development. The queston is:


Will the interaction range be fixed? At the moment one can loot containers, open doors and ugprade blocks from a distance of 3 or 4 meters, it feels very unnatural and cheaty when you fix the roof of your house standing on the ground, or get stuff from the crate standing at the opposite wall. I beg, change it, or could you give us an option to change it by ourselves?


Madmole Said: They have tried shorter distances and the results were not good. They might look at it again but the answer is that it probably won't change. Options for these types of things are attained by editing the xml files.

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Are you adding watcher from any trader post or adding watchtower and a sniper NPC that watch the area if theres a zombie?

maybe in the future?



Madmole said no other npcs except for the POI-bound traders are being added to A15. Madmole has said he would like to have guard NPCs and possibly have bandits take over a trader camp that you must liberate but all of this is.....you guessed it.....maybe.

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I was just wondering if any of the cool new POIs you've been showing us will ever make it into random-gen? The new POIs look really cool, but I'm not a fan of Navzgane. Thanks! I hope to be playing A15 soon.


BTW I have over 2k hours in game. Love it, and can't wait to see what happens next.


Madmole has said yes to this question and gives details of a new socket system that solves the problem of many Navezgane POI's not fitting into RWG in last week's video. Huge hand-sculpted features like Deadman Gulch will not be in RWG

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Zombies vs New POI's


Mad Mole,




I have been watching the advancement of the game and the question I have is this:


With the new POI and work put into the new blocks, are the zombies going to be looked at

so they don't rip through some early stage blocks so fast. I just ask because it seems everyone

builds huge pits and allow the zombies to drop to death or build underground to survive some

7day attacks.



Pardon if you have answered this question in previous videos and I missed it.

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Madmole, first like many others love the game not on in playing but also in watching streamers play it.


So i wanted to ask


When A15 drops will there be a sever wipe? Or will we need to make a new game to get the new POI's and stuff?


Sorry if already answered, like I said just got into the game.



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Hey Joel, I wanted to start off by saying thanks to you and The Fun Pimps

for this amazing game that you've made over the course of nearly 3 years

and all of the hard work you guys have put into A15.


Question: Will crawling through one block spaces be returning in Alpha 15?


Madmole Said: Definitely not in A15. Possibly in the future but not very likely.

Rick Said: No.

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Last blog post you (MM) had mentioned doing a playthrough or let's play here soon for testing and a bit of fun. Are you planning on recording that, or doing a twitch broadcast or something? I would be really interested to see that, watch how the Fun Pimps Survive the horde.


Madmole Said: He will do it recorded. He is very focused when playing and wouldn't interact well with viewers during a live stream.

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Madmole, first like many others love the game not on in playing but also in watching streamers play it.


So i wanted to ask


When A15 drops will there be a sever wipe? Or will we need to make a new game to get the new POI's and stuff?


Sorry if already answered, like I said just got into the game.




Madmole Said: It is not required to wipe but if you don't your game won't use the new RWG version and so you will miss out on POIs and there will be strange terrain seams and glitches where the game tries to mix in the hand sculpted mountains and other features. Playable but not pretty and not all the new stuff.

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What of a15 will we see on ps4 and when? I wanted to ask iron galaxy or telltale but couldnt seem to on twitter. (I know its a bit early)


Madmole Said: Telltale releases that information on their schedule. They will not respond to queries but will do press releases when they feel the time is right. They just released news that Patch 3 is about 2-3 weeks out.

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