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7DTD Darwin Awards


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Eek! sorry Pathfinder, that might be a bug, I know certain types of blocks (wood frames and rebar frames especially) can cause the pipebomb to hit a "wall" and land on your toes!


The team is aware of it though so hopefully you can go back to blowing zombies up instead of yourself soon!


Is it a bug when they balance on iron railings, cos I might umm, know someone that happened to :)

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Eek! sorry Pathfinder, that might be a bug, I know certain types of blocks (wood frames and rebar frames especially) can cause the pipebomb to hit a "wall" and land on your toes!


The team is aware of it though so hopefully you can go back to blowing zombies up instead of yourself soon!


Ah that makes sense wasn't aware of that bug, thought i was just being thick lol

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There's a few times I could have won an award like this. Once I was mining, had a huge cave in and a bunch of rock's fall on my head; THAT didn't kill me, but on the same world in a different spot on a different day, one piece of sand hit my face and instantly killed me.


Another time a "small stone" (the ones you can pick up) fell on me and decided to claim my soul. Both times I was at full health lol.


The third time is admittedly my fault as well. Saw a bird's best and got excited ( I love playing with arrows and not bullets ), I went to go loot didn't check around and in a matter of 3.2 seconds ( the time to search an untouched container) I started to get mauled by a giant bear. This game has some scary moments, but that bear made me leap outta my chair and stub my toe (i kicked my tv stand on accident) all at the same time. Lol

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There's a few times I could have won an award like this. Once I was mining, had a huge cave in and a bunch of rock's fall on my head; THAT didn't kill me, but on the same world in a different spot on a different day, one piece of sand hit my face and instantly killed me.


Another time a "small stone" (the ones you can pick up) fell on me and decided to claim my soul. Both times I was at full health lol.


The third time is admittedly my fault as well. Saw a bird's best and got excited ( I love playing with arrows and not bullets ), I went to go loot didn't check around and in a matter of 3.2 seconds ( the time to search an untouched container) I started to get mauled by a giant bear. This game has some scary moments, but that bear made me leap outta my chair and stub my toe (i kicked my tv stand on accident) all at the same time. Lol


I'm concerned about who you might be playing with that's dropping killer stones on your head....


I'm a bow and arrow player myself, I've often not checked around me when I spot a nest. Sometimes I do though, and try to risk it anyway, it rarely ends well. I've given up on chasing chickens, they often run me around near zombies which is fine until I catch it and then suddenly I'm holding delicious meat and everyone decides to look at me =/


- - - Updated - - -


Is it a bug when they balance on iron railings, cos I might umm, know someone that happened to :)


Your character may need to be put in a padded cell for its own safety at this stage =/

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Whether it was a bug that got you, a lapse in judgement or a pipe bomb you didn't know how to throw, the 7DTD Darwin Awards are for all the deaths you would rather didn't happen, but were still spectacular anyway.


So tell your tale, what makes you eligible for an Award?


I needed rocks to finish building something DURING THE NIGHT...

So I went outside in complete darkness .started to mine the first rock I saw but it wasnt a rock but a bear!! I Died instantly!!

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It was night time and I was making a spike pit I already dug deeper until bedrock. I heard some zombies in the pit above me so I tried to use the wood blocks to stack my way up but the game bugged and I appeared outside my base and started free falling into my spike pit and if that wasn't enough a feral and few zombies fell in with me

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Friday night, and I've finished version 1 of my ultimate pit trap... and I decide that a bridge over the top with some campfires would really draw them in...

Everything's going well, although they're not dropping in the pit as well as I expected. So I decide I need to investigate... and of course, it's not like I can turn the campfires off to explore safely. So unpacking my bag (my one smart decision), Mrs magnet and dsellman stay downstairs awaiting the kills, as I decide to be a human sacrifice and draw them in...

I make it from the safety of my mine to the pit entrance, realizing I can just stand on the bridge, they'll run to me and fall in.. what could possibly go wrong?

Well, I forgot exactly where I had placed the campfires... that's right, on the bridge I was supposed to stand on.. and since I have zombies on run, there wasn't a lot of time to reformulated my master plan...

So upon the bridge of wood frames I go.. dancing across my pit of death while on fire, screaming oops oops oops... that's when I noticed the zombies chewing on my bridge support... cut to the death cam, I yell ok.. we're coming down now! As me, all the zombies, my bridge, and 5 campfires plummet down the 30 something block shaft, landing on Mrs magnet and dsell, who were expecting something, but not that!

The impact wiped out most of my defenses. Mrs magnet was screaming "what have you done this time?" And I think I broke a rib laughing... all in all, one of our better evenings methinks :)

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Grin & Bear It


I wish i could say my death (rare) was out of ignorance to the differences between zed and non zed bears, but no. After the ignorance cam absolute stubborn (crazy by definition) stupidity. I hunt bears, even with a bow, by running backwards and face shooting the bear to stagger his pace. Apparently zed bears rage after so much dmg and do not stagger. This would have been fine but after 2 shots with no stagger i didnt think to turn and run ... after his first swipe at my face I STILL KEPT TRYING to stagger him. After i died I finaly realized ... heind seight is so clear. That was my first fight with a zed bear and my last. I love you spikes!

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The best deaths, are those brought upon by one's self.


Picture a large multilayered concrete compound where there was a true Navesgane Radio tower. Fast forward to the night of the 49th. Atop a guard tower lies a hero; surrounding below are countless Z's. Quite the conundrum, to rocket launch or to not, to pump 200 rounds of 7.62mm out of the tip end of an AK right smack dab into their asses... or to not.


No, of course not. With the speed of light, this hero jets to his supply crate, where he locates several hub caps stuffed with Gun powder. But of course!!! this combined with a few wooden crates will allow this hero to send every last "Z" to ZHELL?! One by one, I watched mindlessly as the wooden crates were lane to allow said hero to nearly touch the ground with the tip end of his AK. But, despite how close he came to touching the ground without being mauled by 9883647124 zombies, he was unable to lay a single cap'o'hub. Growing evermore anxious he tilts toward the edge of the crate in hopes to properly place it. With more and MORE persistence, despite the countless hail mary of hits from "z's", he continues to push. As if it were the edge of the world....., he fell. As I stared in horror and watched for what seemed like hundreds of nano-seconds, His finger was still on R2!!!!! Face first to the mine and ass up to the 988234647 "Z's" that now are piling driving our hero....


If there ever were a glitch with saved games ;), this is the Save I now dedicate as my:triumphant: own personal sacrificial first born son.

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Faced my first ever Z bear the other day... shotguns only seem to make.it angry!


haha I got caught in a spawning loop, everytime I walked to a certain area another Z Bear would appear in the same spot. Took 5/6 Sniper Bullets to the face for each one to fall

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I deserve an award for thinking this game would have been fixed within the first month of it being launched...day 84 and can't load my world, who was I to think it wouldn't happen to me...


that sucks man, sorry to hear. Games still amazing though. As my good friend Jafar would say, "A Diamond in the Rough" Glad the updates around the corner! Stoked to see whats to come.

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Hi there,


I was about a quarter days walk from my base, a long and winding trek through the wasteland. I knew there was a mine here somewhere as I had passed it on day one.

The heat was unbearable and I was down to just my mining helmet and boots (splinters in your feet can ruin your day). Finally, my prize was in sight! A wonderful, half submerged mine, full to bursting with precious resources. I held my breath and dived for treasure.

I decided the build a 3x3 column down to the floor of the mine and remove the central pillars and sit out the night. The construction went well. I dived 20, 30, 40 times to mine and build. My bag was bursting with goodies.

All I needed was a small platform to connect to the lake shore. I had spent 7 hours in this watery pit. 7 hours of constant, yet rewarding toil. The night was drawing in and it was getting cold. The first streaks of orange had traced across the sky as the sun went down.

My platform was near completion, just attach it to the shore and retreat into the column. Safe, dry, warm.


I drowned in ankle deep water. No bed roll within 6 hours walk.

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I had just found a 9mm berretta pistol with 35 ammo and had it in my belt well I go out venturing to explorer/scavenge and I come to what I thought it was a new biome I had never seen, yes it was I walked in about 10 feet and BANG! drop to the ground end of game. I loose my belt with pistol and all my new iron equipment. I look at the map and my pack is in a red zone not knowing what that means I load up again to go get my gun and stuff only to die before I can reach it. I see that radioactive symbol in the corner of my screen and find out O hey look a Fallout Biome "GREAT just GREAT"


Who knew radioactive red zone means NO NO don't GO!

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I have a fair sized spike filled pit encircling one of my bases that requires me to build pathways with wooden frames just so I'm able to safely traverse it for repairs.


During one of my repair runs, a small horde of zombies stumbled into the pit. Nothing I haven't handled before. I had a Sniper Rifle on me so I wasn't too worried. Heck, I was even a little cocky and maybe let them get a little too close. It was then that my controller died, having completely forgotten to charge it the night before. What's worse is that I had lent the cord to my roommate downstairs, so I had to franctically search for it. Found it after a minute, but sadly I ended up coming back to the respawn screen.


From what I could surmise, the zombies that managed to survive the spikes had crawled over to me and smashed the wooden frame out from under me before they were themselves killed by the spikes. Naturally, my character fell into the spikes and bled out while I was away.

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Day 10 or smth there was a lone zombie. I got a machete so I went and whacked it to death. Suddenly BOOM and death scene appeared. I was like WTF then my friend (who were behind me at that time) said he shot an exploding crossbow because he was trying to save me from the zombie.

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I got 2 deaths(well 1 of em is more than 1 suppose...)


1: I was playing split screen with my cousin and we found tin cans during scavenging on day 6, we decided to make mines out of them(were about 6 of em) I dropped them randomly before the 7th night horde across our perimeter.

Ofcouse no zombie walked over it during the horde. so I decided to pick them up, unfortunately I forgot where I put them all down......


Bet you can see where it is going from here....


I walked over all off them and blew myself in more parts than I can remember!



2: During the 14th night horde I was sitting on top of iron bars to shoot at zombies and wanted to test out my exploding bolts.

Shot myself off the ridge and landed next to some angry zombies who killed me in mere seconds.

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Day 10 or smth there was a lone zombie. I got a machete so I went and whacked it to death. Suddenly BOOM and death scene appeared. I was like WTF then my friend (who were behind me at that time) said he shot an exploding crossbow because he was trying to save me from the zombie.

He did save you from getting eaten. =)

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I was trying to upgrade the floor with a nail gun and I had to destroy a campfire. It was late and I was tired, so I mistakenly thought the crossbow was the steel pick axe . The crossbow had exploding bolts in them, so I pushed RT thinking I was using the steel pick axe. Unfortunately I had my health up to 183 and now I'm down to 173. Lesson learned lol

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I discovered a military camp in the snow biome, obviously ringed by a mine field as the lumberjack zombies were setting them off walking around it. So... So obvious.

So what do I do? Brainiac me - I go running up to a gap in the perimeter... and boom.

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