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A16 - Fishing Mod [SDX]


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Hello everyone.




Now that SDX is finally out, i'll start with a fully working fishing mod, with lures, different fishes, probabilily modifiers, and more.


To fish, look for a natural body of water, equip the cane and point at the water:


  • If the place is suitable for fishing you will see a buff icon with a drop of water, and your cane will move up.

  • To start fishing you need to baite it with earthworms, by pressing R key. Once baited the cane should go down.

  • When you get a fish poke the cane will start moving and you'll hear a splash sound. React quickly by pressing the left mouse button.

  • If you catch something, you then have some seconds to grab the loot by pressing the right mouse button.


Different lures have different effects, canes quality will directly affect you, and water deepness also plays a part, and some more funny stuff (including a bamboo water platform).


There's a lot for you fishermen to find out!




Download it HERE


Make sure you read the TERMS OF USE and the attached README


If you want the custom buff and skill items to show, you will need to install the custom icons mod or something similar.


Intro Video:



If you want to know more about what's in the forge, check my


A big thanks to Pacco for helping me with the grpahical part, and to Matite for giving me a starting point.


Other mods released by me:

Hunting and Guerrila Traps

Fishing Mod


Power Mod - electricity, heat, gas and much more

Advanced Farming

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like it :)

but you can exploit the system, once you have a fish.

As you can pick it up again, you harvest until you have the first filet (the second destroys the block), then pick it up, place it back down, voila you can start anew = infinite filets

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hated already fishing in other games (f.e. WoW) ... spend waaay to many hours on that :D i have to pass on that mod. But nicely made nonetheless.


Fishing can definately be boring sometimes, and yea, I got my share on WoW and on Archage... But on top of being a survival fundamental task, I added some surprises to counter the boredom. I've had my fun fishing a bit while I craft or wait for my crops :)

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Changed the garbage bag loot container to destroy on close and to a different sound.


Feel free to contact me if you come accross any problems.


I am not happy with you mortelentus :-P. Have you been watching me fish in real life lol cause to date i still haven't caught a dang thing haha lol :-P

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  • 2 weeks later...
not sure why but after compiling im getting an error about a missing bamboo block? i am running on the 14.5 stable rather than updated to 14.6 because most of my mods arent updated yet. Any idea?


i would say because these mods have been updated to 14.6. and there was a small change needed in the scripts. BTW 14,6 is stable lol

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Building off of Valmod instead of vanilla, I keep getting the error while loading items. It looks like it can't find "plantedbamboo3harvest". Building and loading one mod at a time, this is the one that's giving me the problem. Unlike lastmemory, I'm using 14.6.

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Building off of Valmod instead of vanilla, I keep getting the error while loading items. It looks like it can't find "plantedbamboo3harvest". Building and loading one mod at a time, this is the one that's giving me the problem. Unlike lastmemory, I'm using 14.6.


I just gave it a quick test without Valmod (but with a all lot of other mods i have installed), and all loads well and I see it in creative mode...


Do you have SDX BlockModelTreeEx and SDX Core installed, and placed before Fishing mod in the list, because those 2 are mandatory for most my mods.

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