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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (9/8/17)



-Changed Mining Tools skill now requires the same amount of experience to level as the rest of the skills

-Changed experience to level for player level accordingly



-Changed How Mining Works book now grants 1000 XP (Half of one full level)

-Changed all mining tools experience gain accordingly


Mining Tools will now level at the same speed as the rest of the skills.


Did you change something about stone shovels? Can´t increase mining skill anymore with stone shovel.

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Did you change something about stone shovels? Can´t increase mining skill anymore with stone shovel.


Skills do not dynamically update once you reach your next level in mining skill you should be able to level up much faster with stone shovels, It might be moving extremely slowly but it should not be stuck or you might have to read a skill book or a few of them even. whatever it takes to get to the next level.

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Lol cmon now your gonna let the 60 Hp snake kill you, you can outrun them... and their wander speed is super slow which I was going to increase a bit because I have a snake horde that spawns.


And yes they need to be able to semi keep up to someone running otherwise there is no threat and nullifies my poison buffs and immunity mechanic if you can never get bitten. And if you get far enough away from the area they turn around and go back to where you encountered them as well.


Getting infected by zombies happens less than poison lol but i see you points

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Getting infected by zombies happens less than poison lol but i see you points


Yeah infection is set to happen based on hygiene so the dirtier you are the more of a chance there is. Poison does not care about hygiene. I think and hope that my reduction on snake base damage on attack is enough to make things better. They were too strong before. Now its more based on poison chance and if you get poisoned 4 times in a row that is lights out.

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Hey Clockwork Orange! I would like to tell you that I am back from long week full of work, with 1,200 hours played in 7 Days to die over all, and I really want to try out your modpack! I have downloaded CW Project master.zip, CW Project with Compopack and CW UI versions aswell, however I would like to ask two things. First, is the sweet reworked rwgmixer that I've seen on forums few weeks ago still updated to newest version in your files? Second, what happened to Trifecta Nutrition system? Or am I just blind? :)..


Cheers! Looking forward to playing your surely amazing mod!

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Hey Clockwork Orange! I would like to tell you that I am back from long week full of work, with 1,200 hours played in 7 Days to die over all, and I really want to try out your modpack! I have downloaded CW Project master.zip, CW Project with Compopack and CW UI versions aswell, however I would like to ask two things. First, is the sweet reworked rwgmixer that I've seen on forums few weeks ago still updated to newest version in your files? Second, what happened to Trifecta Nutrition system? Or am I just blind? :)..


Cheers! Looking forward to playing your surely amazing mod!


Hey glad to see you are checking out the mod, yes everyting is up to date for A 16.3 this includes the rwgmixer and I removed the nutrition system due to the fact that I felt it was an unnecessary tedium and was not accomplishing what I had wanted due to the fact that it promoted eating individual foods over cooked foods like stews because they were too easy to make you go over the peak values into negative ranges.


My changes to the way food gives wellness now combined with making foods not give any hydration makes it much closer to what I had originally intended with the nutrition system anyways. I may rework the nutrition system in the future but for now I feel it is much nicer to keep things simple so people can focus purely on survival.


Hope you enjoy the mod. :)

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Clockwork, the mod doesn't let me buy the skill light armor, indicates -260 skill points. (have 10 tailoring)


I tested all the armor skills and they are working fine for me. Tailoring 10 and can purchase Light Armor with 5 skill points.


I might have messed up save games with my latest changes to the progression file due to making leveling a bit faster because it was too slow for mining tools.


I hope not but I did have to make it faster but I wont be making any further changes to the progression file like that any more. The skills are all set to levle at the same rate now so I will make sure not to make any further changes to the progression.

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Update (9/11/17)



-Added Variable reset setvar lock buffs upon initial spawn and player death


This fixes any variable that would stick to players through death. This will cause your current game to cure you of any poisoning and set your fatigue, hygiene and infection level to 0 and will only happen this one time due to adding this locking buff system to a current game.

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Hey Clockwork, how about a weather & temperature & clothing overhaul? Like;

4 different 1 week long seasons globally, 1 week of constant cold snow everywhere on every 4th week, 1 week of hot summer globally, and 2 moderate seasons.

Different animal hides from different animals which enables different insulation values for clothing, so a shirt from deer hide will have different insulations from shirt made from pig, rabbit, dog or vulture etc.

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Hey Clockwork, how about a weather & temperature & clothing overhaul? Like;

4 different 1 week long seasons globally, 1 week of constant cold snow everywhere on every 4th week, 1 week of hot summer globally, and 2 moderate seasons.

Different animal hides from different animals which enables different insulation values for clothing, so a shirt from deer hide will have different insulations from shirt made from pig, rabbit, dog or vulture etc.


Trust me if I could do this I would, but the weather system and temperature changes are hard coded, and it would take a great deal of testing to even make simple changes to insulation on clothing even if I left the the current weather system as it is. Originally I wanted to make armor not affect temperature and only make clothing affected temperature but then you realize that even clothing provides armor and not all armor goes on top of clothing for each slot etc etc. so that threw a monkey wrench into that plan as well.


But yeah I wish i could make actual seasons.

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Sorry for the errors, I do not speak English.

Great MOD! We started playing on it before the release of 16.3 (This is the first mod that we tried with friends).

I liked the processing of skills, there is no simple development of the original game.

The system even liked the food, but it did not quite work out how to raise Wellness in it. At the beginning of the game, there is a problem with food (if you do not find a garden shovel). A large spawn of zombies makes you look around, be in suspense all the time. Hunger forces you to climb into houses, and on the complexity of Insane zombies in a small room are deadly dangerous. There is no way to quickly buy armor from a trader and a weapon is a plus.

Great job, dude!

Regarding the Food System, I agree that in this form it is rather complicated, but without it, MOD becomes almost an original game and the need to make a garden faster it practically disappears. (I did not understand enough of its operation, but if each product of the same type would bring less saturation - it would be easier to understand, but still it would require eating different products).

Snakes are now worse than dogs ... Huge speed, it is very difficult to notice in the grass, poisoning (and at maximum difficulty level, death with 3 strokes). Electric zombies at least you can see. Maybe you should not give them the speed of always running zombies? :smile-new:

Thank you for your MOD!

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Sorry for the errors, I do not speak English.

Great MOD! We started playing on it before the release of 16.3 (This is the first mod that we tried with friends).

I liked the processing of skills, there is no simple development of the original game.

The system even liked the food, but it did not quite work out how to raise Wellness in it. At the beginning of the game, there is a problem with food (if you do not find a garden shovel). A large spawn of zombies makes you look around, be in suspense all the time. Hunger forces you to climb into houses, and on the complexity of Insane zombies in a small room are deadly dangerous. There is no way to quickly buy armor from a trader and a weapon is a plus.

Great job, dude!

Regarding the Food System, I agree that in this form it is rather complicated, but without it, MOD becomes almost an original game and the need to make a garden faster it practically disappears. (I did not understand enough of its operation, but if each product of the same type would bring less saturation - it would be easier to understand, but still it would require eating different products).

Snakes are now worse than dogs ... Huge speed, it is very difficult to notice in the grass, poisoning (and at maximum difficulty level, death with 3 strokes). Electric zombies at least you can see. Maybe you should not give them the speed of always running zombies? :smile-new:

Thank you for your MOD!


Thanks for the feedback I am glad to hear you are liking the mod.


I had to remove the nutrition system due to the fact that eating individual foods was the only way to ensure you did not go over the limit on a food group which made eating cooked foods something to actually avoid which is the opposite of what I wanted. It will be very difficult to introduce a nutrition system that promotes eating the larger portions of food.


So what I have done is decreased wellness gain on foods drastically and made it so that you can not over eat on foods so that you cant stack wellness fast.


Snakes are worse than dogs yes, that is the intention due to my Venom Poison immunity mechanic and low base damage of the snake itself I might have to reduce there base damage a bit more even but for now I will keep them as they are. They are fast but not as fast as running zombies, you can escape them by running away as long as you have the stamina and if you die to snakes in only 3 bites that is really unlucky since there is only a 30% chance of poisoning on each bite and the poison stacking is what should be the deadly aspect.


I need the snakes to be fast due to their low HP and if its too easy to escape then there is no motivation to become immune to their poison.


Once you get weapons that can easily kill snakes late game with one hit then I need to keep them fast, stealthy and deadly, keeps you on your toes early game and listen for their hissing noise.


Let me know if gaining wellness is too easy with foods and I can always make them give even less wellness but I feel that with the need to eat canned foods sometimes which lowers wellness its a nice balance.


I can bring back the need for farming by simply making it so that only cooked foods with farmed foods gives wellness and thus no cooked meats give wellness by themselves, I will think about this.


Thank you for the feedback! And your English is good! :)

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Update (9/11/17)



-Slightly reduced damage of iron arrows

-Slightly reduced damage of steel arrows

-Slightly reduced damage of iron crossbow bolts

-Slightly reduced damage of steel crossbow bolts



-Changed plant fibers to small rocks (traders will now sell small rocks instead of plant fibers to make "non renewable resources" more renewable)

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Update (9/13/17)



-Increased health gain of zombie radiated buffs

-Increased duration of extract mix speed boost to 60 seconds per item from 20

-Reduced Full Buff natural healing to 1 every 10 seconds from 1 every 5 seconds

-Full buff can now be cast even while infected (This will help counter the health loss of infection)



-Slightly reduced block damage of handWorker to compensate for my reduced block HP's

-Added sound eating to Extract Mix



-Restored small engine drop chance from harvesting cars back to 25% from 18%

-Increased economic values of some workstations

-Workbench is no longer sellable to trader



-Added cement mixer will now be sold at traders

-Removed forged iron and forged steel form tools list (It is still in the resources list)

-Changed chainsaw now has equal chance to spawn at traders as the auger



-Finalized zombie / animal spawn ratio



-Finalized zombie / animal spawn ratio



-Added missing imminities to zombie dog, zombie vulture, and electrified utility worker

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Update (9/16/17)



-Fixed feral electrified utility worker hand item

-Increased HP of stag and boar



-Fixed feral electrified utility worker hand item

-Adjustments to block damage for some zombies



-Minor adjustment to animal / zombie spawn ratio



-increased wood harvested plants in forest biomes



-Changed wooden hatch now requires springs and mechanical parts

-Changed secure wooden door now requires springs and mechanical parts

-Removed scrap iron door

-Removed vault hatch

-Removed vault door

(Doors and hatches must be fully upgraded from the wood version)

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Update (9/20/17)



-Venom Immunity will now debuff both stages of venom sickness

-Changed Immunity build up is now metabolized slowly (Immunity build up now requires more consecutive use of venom and the longer you go between doses of venom the more venom is required to become immune)

-Venom immunity gain rate slightly increased at 1.25/(In game hour) and after 5 consecutive days of venom poisoning you will become immune, however the added metabolic rate is -0.25/(in game hour) meaning every 4 days 1 day worth of immunity build up is metabolized

-Immunity is still permanent once achieved

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