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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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I saw you talking about Sync issues earlier...i have one i think...


it keeps popping up and making the Console open


InvalidOperationException: out of sync

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2+Enumerator[system.String,MultiBuffVariable].VerifyState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2+Enumerator[system.String,MultiBuffVariable].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityStats.NO (Single ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityStats.Tick (Single dt, UInt64 worldTime) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityPlayerLocal.OnUpdateLive () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityAlive.OnUpdateEntity () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityPlayer.OnUpdateEntity () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at World.TickEntities (Single _partialTicks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


You got this while using the nutrition system?

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Update (8/14/17)





-Increased player dropped backpack inventory size by one column



-Increased player backpack inventory to have 4 extra slots by increasing its columns by one


It might not be much but I do want to keep the aspect of struggling for inventory space and since this mod only adds a couple of items that you should travel with I feel this is a nice balance


Is the default player pack 8x4? Cause thats what mine is right now. i add the ui mod last, doesnt that over-write your backpack changes?

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Is the default player pack 8x4? Cause thats what mine is right now. i add the ui mod last, doesnt that over-write your backpack changes?


Re-download the Ui pack and install it I updated the Ui Version pack to include the increased backpack size.


- - - Updated - - -


Im sorry no.....I tried PMing you ..im sorry...wish you had Discord or something


I dont know how else to talk to you or ask you questions


ill pm you ok


Ok NP last time I tried PM you your inbox was full so do some cleaning if you haven't already.

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Been a long day lol i didnt download the ui pack lol



<recipe name="nail" count="1" craft_time = "1" craft_exp_gain="0" craft_area="forge" craft_tool="Nail_Mold" material_based="true" >

<ingredient name="unit_iron" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="unit_clay" count="1"/>


Nail give 0 xp?

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Re-download the Ui pack and install it I updated the Ui Version pack to include the increased backpack size.


- - - Updated - - -




Ok NP last time I tried PM you your inbox was full so do some cleaning if you haven't already.



LOL...i just figured that out too..didn't know there was a limit


- - - Updated - - -


Been a long day lol i didnt download the ui pack lol



<recipe name="nail" count="1" craft_time = "1" craft_exp_gain="0" craft_area="forge" craft_tool="Nail_Mold" material_based="true" >

<ingredient name="unit_iron" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="unit_clay" count="1"/>


Nail give 0 xp?



means no..if you put a Variable it will.

Putting 0 is a way to avoid Spam crafting




<recipe name="steelHelmet" count="1" craft_area="ArmoryDesk" craft_tool="weldingTorch" craft_exp_gain="15">

<ingredient name="forgedSteelPlates" count="2" />

<ingredient name="leather" count="3"/>

<ingredient name="steelRingsRivets" count="4"/>


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Update (8/14/17)


Updated all Mod Versions Inducing Trifecta Nutrition System



-Changed Chicken Coops and Compster blocks nolonger extend from other blocks and can no longer be accidentally upgraded



-Fixed Chicken Feed, Compost and Fertilizer will no longer break after reaching 0 degredation



-Added empty tin can


- - - Updated - - -


While running around inside a POI trying not to die, jumped on a chair and got:


Buff named 'sleepingChairTrigger' does not exist!


Fixed! Thanks for letting me know!


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/14/17)


Updated Trifecta nutrition System



-Added missing sleepingChairTrigger

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Update (8/14/17)


Updated Trifecta nutrition System



-Fixed Nutrition can no longer go above 648 and will lock out at that level = Amazing nutrition Level

-Fixed Nutrition can no longer go below 0 and will lock out at that level = Nutrition Extremely Bad

-Some buffs can not be applied when theses states are met, for eg you will no longer be able to have a Trifecta buff once reaching max nutrition level, without these locks in place nutrition can endlessly travel in either direction and cause issues.

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Update (8/14/17)


Updated all mod Versions including Trifecta Nutrition System and UI Version Pack



-Increased skill slots for pregression to allow me to have more than 10 items unlocked with the same skill


-Added Silencer

-Added Silenced Pistol Barrel

-Added Silenced Pistol

-Added Silencer Mold



-Added Silencer Mold

-Added Silencer

-Added Silenced Pistol

-Added Silenced Pistol Barrel

-I had to change some item id numbers in order to fit in some new items some of your items might change to different items or disappear due to this



-Added Silencer Mold

-Added Assemble Silenced Pistol

-Added Silenced pistol barrel requires a pistol barrel and a silencer



-Added Silencer to common weapon parts loot group (it is not a quality part but it needs to be crafted into a pistol barrel to make the new silenced pistol barrel which is a quality part that cant be found in loot, it is a bit of a wonky system to add a silenced pistol but it works)

-Added Silenced Pistol to pistol loot group

-Added common weapon parts loot group to dressers backpacks and sporting goods



-Added Silenced Pistol

-Added Silencer



-Increased skill requirements for steel smithing and iron working

-Added Silenced Pistol will now be unlocked with stage one Pistol Crafting

-Added Silencer recipe is unlocked with stage one Pistol Crafting



-Added names and descriptions to all skill books

-Added names and descriptions to all new added items



-Added Silenced pistol sounds that does not attract zombies when fired



Note: Make sure to update the main mod before updating the Ui Version Pack and Nutrition System, but make sure to update all!

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updated mainmod (without rwgmixer) and nutrition. Now i have two storage boxes which wont open anymore.


Console says upon first try to open:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


The one chest contained all raw garden mats (seeds, fruits) + eggs,feathers, meats.

The other one contained seldom used stuff which cant be stacked (engines, minibike parts, banks, weapons+part). Tryied restarting and teleporting far away to let the rest be reloaded.



My friend (client) gets

FormatException:Inputstring was not in the correct format

upon running, shoving items between chest and inv, randomly staying around, switching to spear. Maybe random at all.

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Update (8/14/17)


Updated Trifecta nutrition System



-Fixed Input string was not in the correct format (was caused by eating meat)


- - - Updated - - -


updated mainmod (without rwgmixer) and nutrition. Now i have two storage boxes which wont open anymore.


Console says upon first try to open:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


The one chest contained all raw garden mats (seeds, fruits) + eggs,feathers, meats.

The other one contained seldom used stuff which cant be stacked (engines, minibike parts, banks, weapons+part). Tryied restarting and teleporting far away to let the rest be reloaded.



My friend (client) gets

FormatException:Inputstring was not in the correct format

upon running, shoving items between chest and inv, randomly staying around, switching to spear. Maybe random at all.


I just found the error myself with the input string issue it is fixed now.


As for the storage chest I am sorry about that, I think it has to do with the fact that I changed item ID's and some of those items in your chest are now using id's that did not even exist before. You might have to spawn in the items that you remember were in there you an try breaking the chest and replacing a new one on the same spot and see what happens.


I wont be changing any more item id's from now on.

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Update (8/14/17)


Updated Trifecta nutrition System



-Fixed Input string was not in the correct format (was caused by eating meat)


- - - Updated - - -




I just found the error myself with the input string issue it is fixed now.


As for the storage chest I am sorry about that, I think it has to do with the fact that I changed item ID's and some of those items in your chest are now using id's that did not even exist before. You might have to spawn in the items that you remember were in there you an try breaking the chest and replacing a new one on the same spot and see what happens.


Yea, that would he our last resort if you cant fix it =) Well, our fruits+meat layed in the chest for 10 weeks,.. so we can live with it having rotten xD

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Yea, that would he our last resort if you cant fix it =) Well, our fruits+meat layed in the chest for 10 weeks,.. so we can live with it having rotten xD


Lol well at least its not a huge deal also make sure to update all files again just to be precautions, sometimes github does not receive the update I push immediately so it is possible that you downloaded a set of files that did not get the update and it could cause issues too. But yeah your install is correct just update the full mod without the mixer, then install the nutri and whatever UI you want.

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I just updated to nutrition system. How do I know that is working?

Also I don't think the backpack-expansion works for me. I have still a 4x9 grid?? The modification should be in the Assembly-CSharp.dll. I installed that. I use my old game. Didn't start a new one.

Install 1. Main Mod

2. Nutrition

Is that right or do I miss something?

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Are there any servers running this mod?


I am pretty sure that there are since I had to make a separate Assembly Dll file for them but I do not know which servers they are and they might be private servers.


- - - Updated - - -


I just updated to nutrition system. How do I know that is working?

Also I don't think the backpack-expansion works for me. I have still a 4x9 grid?? The modification should be in the Assembly-CSharp.dll. I installed that. I use my old game. Didn't start a new one.

Install 1. Main Mod

2. Nutrition

Is that right or do I miss something?


I changed the backpack to 4x9 from 4x8 you only get 4 extra inventory slots, and yes that is correct for the install order but the expansion is not in the dll file it is in the windows file of whatever UI you are using.


You will know the nutrition system is working when you see what nutrition level you are at in the buffs window on your character screen.

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there is a item in my inventory "weapon_smithing_skill" without icon. What for is that?


Drop it on the ground it is a useless item, I had to change item ids for some items and it cause some items that you currently have to change or disapear and can cause some of your chests to not open anymore if they are stored in there.


I wont be changing anymore id's from now on!



what is the clue to get shotgun-skill? You need lvl 10 shotgun for it. At day 27 now I found one brown sawed off shotgun. Fired maybe 200 shots with it and found may one book and now Im lvl 1,5 at shotgun. How I ever should reach lvl 10?


You have to craft and use the blunderbuss to level shotgun skill.

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You will know the nutrition system is working when you see what nutrition level you are at in the buffs window on your character screen.


hm I do not see a nutrion lvl. There is Wellness, Food and Water. And in active effects is also no lvl for that. May I look in the wrong screen.


Edit: sorry, I installed again, now I see it.

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