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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Can you give me an example for "Dairy". I don't understand what this means.


Something like milk or cheese, there are no foods for it yet though, I suppose you could make blueberry pie a dairy.


This is just the nutrition system it supports five food groups this opens the door for more types of food which is going to be needed once I get the mod balanced, in order to balance this mod I need lots of food group options for you to turn to once you reach the limit for any given food group atm we only have meat, grain, veg, and fruit active, but it should be enough with the current metabolic rate.


Like I said this is all just imagined and has not been balance play tested. I need people do that part for me and leave as much info as possible.

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nutrition test:


day 4: very bad nutrition as I suggested. I have eaten many fruits, meat and can-food. But you have always to eat minimum two of each sort to get a half peak. One time I had tow at half peak at the same time, but the nutrition lvl didn't getting better.

So how this should work? You have to have always minimum 75% to get healing, but at the other side you have to eat two food of every sort to get better nutrition. This can't work.

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nutrition test:


day 4: very bad nutrition as I suggested. I have eaten many fruits, meat and can-food. But you have always to eat minimum two of each sort to get a half peak. One time I had tow at half peak at the same time, but the nutrition lvl didn't getting better.

So how this should work? You have to have always minimum 75% to get healing, but at the other side you have to eat two food of every sort to get better nutrition. This can't work.


Lol this can work but I do need to adjust metabolism and eating canned food will give you bad nutrition as well as increment your meat, I have not even close to come balancing this so it might not work at all until I balance how much eat food gives you and how fast each food gets metabolized, once I get all those rates proper then yes it will work perfectly.


For now you should stay away from canned food, not all foods have even been filly implemented yet either like stews and stuff.


Eat 10 fruit, eat cooked meat, and eat 4 cooked potatoes that is a meal that will provide a trifecta which is max nutrition gain.


Anyways I am going to be on the road for the next 5 hours so I wll have to test this more later just test it knowing its a alpha stage mod and try to give feedback so I can adjust rates and stuff.

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lol potatoes are something for the endgame. I never reached the point to have enough potatoes. I will stop the test for now.


- what to do with all the plastic which I can now scrap? May new receipts for plastic-feather or plastic bottles

- there are many fat to loot. May a new receipt for melting fat into oil for cooking, or as fuel for forge

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lol potatoes are something for the endgame. I never reached the point to have enough potatoes. I will stop the test for now.


- what to do with all the plastic which I can now scrap? May new receipts for plastic-feather or plastic bottles

- there are many fat to loot. May a new receipt for melting fat into oil for cooking, or as fuel for forge


Great ideas for the plastic and yes there are a few recipes that require plastic already, and yeah once I balance metabolism and everything and add more foods to the game for more options to eat to keep the nutrition you need.


Anyways its going to take some time to get it all perfect but I have no doubt that once I get it working proerply it will be a great addition to the game.


And the raw code is there and its very easy to add new food items and its very easy to adjust metabolic rate and how much each food increments its own food group, and teh great thing about it is that its fully adjustable for anyones preference. Just have to understand the code and make adjustments as needed.

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is there a special reason, why no potatoes are growing in the wilderness?


well yes cause currently survival is just too easy without food spoilage so I have to be really careful what I add for accessibility. But with the addition of my nutrition system there will be alot of changes once i get it balanced and accessibility to more food options early on is one of them.


It is just going to take some time since i am busy working away from home I just dont have much time to do what i need to perfect the balance of the nutrition system, but when I do it will not only have an impact on your wellness but on infection chance as well.

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Update (7/13/17)


Updated to A16 Experimental!


Both Download links contain the same files so it does not matter what version of my mod you choose to download!


I have actually managed to fully play test and fully balance everything for once!


I feel this is now the most balanced version of my mod to date and is miles above what it used to be considering I did not have time in the past to go through such extensive testing.


A lot of major changes have been made and I cant possibly remember and list them all here or keep a log of it.


But from what I can recall I will list a few of the things I am sure you will like.



-Changed harvesting back to the way it was so you will still get bonus materials for destroying the block you are collecting resources from, and reverted harvest amounts due to a balance issues you can NOT have increased harvesting materials based off of different tools and skill levels! Things cost a certain amount to craft and thus can not be harvested for more than they are worth simply because you have increased a skill or used a different tool.

-Changed repair costs for some blocks to include all the required resources it took to craft them, for eg the Chemistry station, if you do damage to it, you will have to replace that broken beaker!



-Added wolf meat, all versions of cooked wolf meat, and wolf stew

-Changed military armor to now be a second tier of leather armor



-Added Robin Hood Perk for increased bow damage to go along with my Legolas Perk for increased dismemberment chance

-Reverted Crafting skills back to crafting skills so they are not perks this skills can still be purchased with skill points!

-Action skills for eg Blade Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Archery etc. can no longer be purchased with skill points, you will actually have to use the weapons and tools to level them up

-Reworked most or all progression skills and their requirements.



-Added and fixed all localization for all items and blocks so there should no longer be any confusion


-Removed this file and moved all my localization directly to the quest.xml file


There are still a ton of changes I have made and found everything that was overlooked in my previous version of my mod! There is still a chance albeit very slim that I may have missed something, if that is the case please feel free to leave feedback and I will have it rectified immediately.


Chances are I will find it myself cause I am going to be playing the ♥♥♥♥ out of this game now! :)

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Update (7/13/17)


Updated to latest Unofficial XML Fixes!



-Added missing weaponsAK47+ammo loot group



-Changed unit_stone icon to rockSmall


Additional Changes apart from the Unofficial XML Fixes!



-Added wheat, chrysanthemum plants to wild spawns



-Increased wandering horde size



-Changed zombies now have 360 degree vision, stealth mechanics remain the same aside from they can see in all directions, this should help the stupidity of wandering hordes

-Removed eviscerated remains, may or may not restore this in the future but this is the same mechanic as the loot bags that would drop from loot containers if they had items in them when destroyed, they do look cool but are very hard to hit and clean up and count towards entities as far as I know which can hurt zombie spawns

-Changed zombie / animal body time stay after death back to previous versions



-Refactored loot quality template

-Changed a lot of loot container sizes to better match the object in reference

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Hey Clockwork Orange


I added your mod to the Mod Launcher! It looks fantastic. You are the first compatible A16 mod!


Nice!, Thanks sphereii, hope you enjoy the mod! and as always look forward to any feedback! :)


- - - Updated - - -


Update (7/13/17)



-Fixed secure wooden door can now only be crafted at a workbench. Sorry was for testing and forgot to change it back before pushing the files!

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Update (7/13/17)



-Added Fall event to Resource Rocks, if they fall they will now break into the next stage and stick to the ground as the next broken stage. If this is to happen on final stage it will drop small rocks at a 50% chance



-Minor damage adjustments to stone axe, iron pick axe, and steel pick axe


-Increased stone HP to 1000 from 500

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