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Project Slaanhatten


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(...)so the other thing to check is that you have uploaded all of the required prefabs to the server, as I've seen that error when I've forgotten to copy prefabs before (...)


I've had similiar issues when running a private hosted MP game (so all the prefabs were supposed to be on my PC). I can't remember the exact error atm, but all the conditions and the result was the same for other players connecting to my game.


The error I posted above, is from my dedicated server. I'll re-upload all prefabs to double check it and then try some more testing.

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Just watched the video :)

Extremely impressive work Slaan!


Cheers dude!,


On a side note, my master copy has ported over to the 13.7 mixer and the de-sync problem still persists. Got most of the upcoming concept areas almost done but gonna put the rest on hold for now and start trying to track down the cause of this issue. Theres quite clearly particular trouble spots, I had tried resetting all densities back to 0 for the hub and was getting a crash to desktop (no error, just client closing instantly)when trying to generate some parts so gonna do some more controlled testing with smaller areas and see what that brings.

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Just a quick feedback: I've been playing with friends on a dedicated server with a map generated with your code (having your code removed afterwards) and there were no desync or other issues of that kind.


I'm still yet to test your code on a dedicated server again to double check the desync issue, but I'm working 24/7 atm so I don't have much time for gaming...

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2016-01-29T18:01:16 809.840 ERR Task_CommWriterSteam (cl=76561198005426512, ch=0):


2016-01-29T18:01:16 809.840 EXC offset+count


Parameter name: The size of the buffer is less than offset + count.


ArgumentException: offset+count


Parameter name: The size of the buffer is less than offset + count.

at System.IO.MemoryStream.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


at NetConnectionSteam.Task_CommWriter (.TaskInfo _threadInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)








Ok so after a few tries, managed to capture the error (as the host of local MP), any idea's or suggestions would be appriciated as although there does seem to be a way to work around this for the dedi server, the offset + count thing seems to be quite specific and is not an error im used to seeing.


The steam ID at the top is the player who connected, he received the keynotfound error seconds before this one popped up at my end, and from that point on terrain refuses to generate for him, both our cursors are gone and the game requires a full restart to fix. Below is the error log from his end.


2016-01-29T18:00:35 183.841 INF ************************ SKY INITIALIZED ************************


2016-01-29T18:00:36 184.173 INF PlayerId(258, 0)


2016-01-29T18:00:36 184.589 INF Created player with id=258


2016-01-29T18:00:36 184.600 INF Found own player entity with id 258


2016-01-29T18:00:36 184.608 INF Adding observed entity: 1, (1666.9, 64.0, 1666.9), 8


2016-01-29T18:00:36 184.711 INF Created player with id=239


2016-01-29T18:00:36 184.727 INF GMSG: Mr T-Ball joined the game


2016-01-29T18:00:58 206.940 ERR Task_CommReaderSteam (ch=0):


2016-01-29T18:00:58 206.941 EXC The given key was not present in the dictionary.


KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[NetPackageType,System.Type].get_Item (NetPackageType key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


at NetPackage.Parse (System.IO.BinaryReader _reader, .ClientInfo _sender) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


at NetConnectionSteam.Task_CommReader (.TaskInfo _threadInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)








(Filename: Line: -1)


2016-01-29T18:01:16 224.446 INF Time: 2.64m FPS: 39.26 Heap: 286.5MB Max: 286.5MB Chunks: 256 CGO: 196 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (23) Items: 20 CO: 1


2016-01-29T18:01:46 254.476 INF Time: 3.14m FPS: 35.49 Heap: 286.8MB Max: 286.8MB Chunks: 256 CGO: 196 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (23) Items: 20 CO: 1


2016-01-29T18:02:16 284.487 INF Time: 3.64m FPS: 50.87 Heap: 316.9MB Max: 316.9MB Chunks: 256 CGO: 196 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (23) Items: 20 CO: 1


Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 2)


Unloading 2594 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 244476.

Total: 540.874451 ms (FindLiveObjects: 37.645477 ms CreateObjectMapping: 22.355980 ms MarkObjects: 474.594421 ms DeleteObjects: 6.276538 ms)


2016-01-29T18:02:46 314.768 INF Time: 4.14m FPS: 18.89 Heap: 296.1MB Max: 316.9MB Chunks: 256 CGO: 196 Ply: 2 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (23) Items: 20 CO: 1


2016-01-29T18:03:00 328.276 INF [steamworks.NET] NET: Connection closed


2016-01-29T18:03:00 328.281 INF [NET] DisconnectedFromServer: Connection closed by server


2016-01-29T18:03:00 328.286 INF SaveAndCleanupWorld


2016-01-29T18:03:05 333.172 INF XUI loading took 4833ms


2016-01-29T18:03:05 333.174 INF [steamworks.NET] Stopping server


2016-01-29T18:03:05 333.194 INF World.Unload


2016-01-29T18:03:05 333.333 INF World.Cleanup


2016-01-29T18:03:05 333.335 INF Exited thread thread_Regenerating


2016-01-29T18:03:05 333.335 INF Exited thread RY


2016-01-29T18:03:05 333.336 INF Removing observed entity 1


2016-01-29T18:04:18 406.789 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved


2016-01-29T18:04:18 406.791 INF Cleanup


Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 2)


Unloading 21456 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 191806.

Total: 329.443481 ms (FindLiveObjects: 33.010853 ms CreateObjectMapping: 25.117855 ms MarkObjects: 229.239197 ms DeleteObjects: 42.073547 ms)


2016-01-29T18:04:19 407.651 INF OnApplicationQuit


The keynotfound thing, I have seen before but as I'm certain the mixer itself is not at fault, I had thought it could have been a density thing but have ruled this out now as I have reset all densities to 0 (except air, that was changed back to 127) and while there are less glitches in some seeds, the hub is loading fine for me.


It's almost like there's a null block hiding somewhere, but that would surely cause me issues long before any others connected.

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Just a quick feedback: I've been playing with friends on a dedicated server with a map generated with your code (having your code removed afterwards) and there were no desync or other issues of that kind.


I'm still yet to test your code on a dedicated server again to double check the desync issue, but I'm working 24/7 atm so I don't have much time for gaming...


All info is appreciated m8 and you have given me a workaround to test. Obviously I'd like to know what is causing the problems, but a solid workaround means people can still enjoy at least!

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EXC offset+count

Parameter name: The size of the buffer is less than offset + count.


The above error is exactly the one I was having when running a locally hosted MP. However the error occured only when another player has connected.

From what I've found, it may be somehow related to a PNG encoder used to compress/decompress large png files, but it may be as well a bug in the game code...

I have a little clue why is it occuring only in an MP game and only with clients connected:


From what I see i the server log file, the whole "thing" starts with an error related to communication protocol with Steam (ERR Task_CommWriterSteam)- I guess this is some netcode issue.


Then the desync and client crashing due to "KeyNotFound" thing is just a result of the broken communication with the server.


Just an idea...




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I've broken the hub apart for the time being, slowly re-doing the roads and putting it back together piece by piece. More importantly BigC has let me use the northern lan test server and the downtown area is loading up fine, not been kicked or de-synced at all so far. It's gonna take a couple of days to get it all back together, testing each area on the dedi server before moving on to the next parts.


I should be putting out the next version during the week if all goes well, the access ramp prefabs I made for the highway really start to bring the two halfs of the hub together now they are joined by the bridge, lowfdogs arena has had it's foundations set and will be the main show off on the south side in the next release.

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Can't wait for the update. I love it. Can't imagine I could have played without it.


P.S. Are you planning to change the layout of the city? Me & my friends made a base in the bank at the NW edge and I'd hate to build it from scratch again.

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They layout will stay the same, the major changes will be the additions like the south side of the river, highway + bridge with the access ramps. I think downtown is gonna extend another block so I can squeeze in a school and wrap that area up as its own 'little' district.


As I'm still not sure whats causing the initial problem I'm expecting the addition of a section will break something at some point, but when it does I'll be in a better position to diagnose what I done wrong re-building it piece by piece. There's floaty islands all over atm too, but I'll work on them once the hub is whole again.

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looked at this - and its pretty good - great job - to be honest i could help with building - but currently my time is modding - but if i get that done i have another project with another modder - but i will pop in now and again and see what you have done and maybe when im done modding ill come help you - but for now keep up the good work!

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looked at this - and its pretty good - great job - to be honest i could help with building - but currently my time is modding - but if i get that done i have another project with another modder - but i will pop in now and again and see what you have done and maybe when im done modding ill come help you - but for now keep up the good work!


People are welcome at any stage to do as little or as much as they like, or just ping back feedback/suggestions here and I'll add the good ones to the 'to do' list. It's the prefabbers who have crazy big builds that will feel most at home as instead of filling all our cell's with tiny custom hubs we can collect them all together in one place and leave our random gen a bit more 'random'.


On a sidenote, I've not been able to track down the cause of the error's we've been saying, I will speculate some things regarding it tho. Firstly, initial testing started on a dedi server went perfectly fine, up until the hub was around 4 x 4 prefab lots. As it gets to this kind of size, the hub itself if too big to fit into terrain and we start to see hill's etc be removed when the hub is placed into the world. This is the start of the triangle fails, some seeds are terrible, a handful are not so bad, but the ground level of the hub sitting over the terrain as opposed to cutting thru it defo see's much better results. How this is tied to the de-sync error is beyond me, I'm a self confessed simpleton and I've tried rebuilding piece by piece, there's nothing that stands out as the obvious issue when I first hit seeds that produced the error.


I'm still to test Psyborgs' work around, but once the last parts of the hub are re-added (taking longer than expected, but a lot of cleaning up has been done) I'll take a look at it in more detail and include instructions (and probably a video) on how to set it up on a dedicated server.


All in all, it's looking much better and I can't wait to get the rest of the highway ramps set in and get the last couple of concept area's finished off.

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i am currently building some skyskrapers. Also going to be a part of my hospital. But if all works out ot should be able to be swapped and changed into different buildings (using the editor ofc). However wont be able to export til hals is updated. But still got lots to do before this is finished

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i am currently building some skyskrapers. Also going to be a part of my hospital. But if all works out ot should be able to be swapped and changed into different buildings (using the editor ofc). However wont be able to export til hals is updated. But still got lots to do before this is finished


Sounds interesting, good thing with having to wait for the dll's is it's given me a ton of time to go over every city section in the editor to correct all sorts of crap, I fear rotations are not fully eliminated... forgot the brownstone houses had pipes in the basement >.< but it's looking a lot tidier now.

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I've done feck all for about 5 days lol, but now the editor is updated Im gonna crack on with whats left to do for this version. No ETA yet, but I think I'm gonna skip the downtown addition I mentioned earlier and use it as the basis for a couple tutorials on how to add new area's to the project.


Northern highway needs it's access ramps put in, but they are already pre-built and just need inserted/tidied up, all of the highway prefabs (5 roads, 4 ramps) make up a tidy little set that will be there with the mini-fabs should anyone want to use them for anything. Once the highway is complete I'll look at any other little touch ups I can do, then crack on with the dedi server setup/testing.

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Awesome job man!


Ok sorry about that, It's the first time I've had to roll the project back, my version includes lowfdogs area and some other 'blank' spots that are the foundation for whats been drawn into the next version's concept map and I had not fully removed all the unused entries.


The link has been updated with the corrections in the mixer, let me know if you have any other troubles.


Forgot to add that people are more than welcome to include this in their own packs, It will be easy enough to update the prefab sections as I release newer versions, and there will always be a fresh mixer included for those who want to add the new stuff from each update.


I am new to the whole prefab and modding community myself, but my friend and I are quickly learning how to do these prefabs. We both greatly enjoy building detailed structures, and I also like the 3d character work in blender. I don't have the dedicated server to export anything to, but if you're interested in help or offers to add some newer buildings and such let me know, I will have you jump on with me and check out the missile silo I just started

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I am new to the whole prefab and modding community myself, but my friend and I are quickly learning how to do these prefabs. We both greatly enjoy building detailed structures, and I also like the 3d character work in blender. I don't have the dedicated server to export anything to, but if you're interested in help or offers to add some newer buildings and such let me know, I will have you jump on with me and check out the missile silo I just started


Sounds good, I'm just testing the 0.3 version and playing with psyborgs' work around so nothing 'new' will make it into the next release. Once you feel you have an area that is substantial enough to start being converted (if it exceeds 117 x 117 blocks then it will need chopping into more than 1 piece) into the prefab grid system, I will work with you in a similar way I did to lowfdog and we can thrash out any other ideas or features particular to the area you would be allocated. Once you have your own mini prefab grid hub, adding it to the main hub is as simple as adding your prefab lots to the mixer.




Towards the bottom of the blog you will see some diagrams on how lowfdogs (rather large) city area was converted to a prefab grid system and also how it looks added to the project itself.

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Testing on a dedi server has been interesting to say the least.


So far setting the server seed name (config xml) and loading into the world to generate the savegame folder, teleporting to 0,0 (almost guarantees the de-sync glitch) and explore small part of the hub until the error pops up.


At this point I can re-start the client, re-connect and carry on discovering the rest of the hub until the next error, then rinse/repeat until the whole area is set down in the region files. Then removing the hub code from the mixer seems to stop the errors all together. It's a seriously tedious and ♥♥♥♥ty method and even tho dedi server owners *should* only have to do this once, it's still too much of a hassle.


So what I'm doing now, is generating the world as in the first step and porting over to 0,0 once in until I get the error. Re-start the client then copy the seed name into a SP/MP game on my local machine and fully exploring the hub on my own world. Once the hub is discovered and the road connections are located, simpely shut down the dedi, go into the savegame folder for the world and copy over the region files, overwriting anything that pops up. (I also delete the map folder).


This seems to prevent the errors also, while not requiring the mixer to be modified at all and while it still takes around 20-30 mins to setup, it's not too terrible of a process to go thru to get a good slice of custom going on in your world.

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ok everything goes ok, should have the next version out tomorrow or Tuesday, I'll tidy up the OP with everything when i push it out.


Setting up the hub on a dedicated server tutorial


Any troubles/problems/questions fire away and I'll do my best (to not be clever enough to answer them!).

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Ok new version is available along with a new, short video tour.


There are now two mixers available within the project folder itself, vanilla and a modified CP 17 mixer.


As usual, any feedback/questions/suggestions are appriciated.

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