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Unofficial XML Fixes

Clockwork Orange

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I don't think anything has a borked fall event any more. (A14)


In fact, I did my best to not leave anything for you guys to find but look at the bright side: You get to find the new ones I put in!

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I don't think anything has a borked fall event any more. (A14)


In fact, I did my best to not leave anything for you guys to find but look at the bright side: You get to find the new ones I put in!


Lol hopefully not a lot to fix in A14, I am sure you have done an excellent job on your part and I am really excited for the update and so damn hype I cant stop checking for the release. :)

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I don't think anything has a borked fall event any more. (A14)


In fact, I did my best to not leave anything for you guys to find but look at the bright side: You get to find the new ones I put in!


Any chance you could do a linerize then print pretty (xml with line breaks) in notepad++ with the XML Tools plugin on the xml for the vanilla version? :) (also make sure there are no random uncommented characters please :) )

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cowboy hats are suppose to be leather? they look nothing like leather in the image graphic.


also, it was either the shotgun stock or the short stock...but one of them can't be scrapped even after your unofficial patch


The cowboy hats are leather regardless of weather they look like leather or not they are meant to be and look like leather even if they dont, it would be silly if a cowboy hat was made of cloth.


The Pump Shotgun Short Stock is made of wood while the other contains metal that is why it cannot be scraped.


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Yeah I figured that was the one, I fixed it now, thanks for posting!

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guess you can't change the description to be accurate then? just seems odd


cant change descriptions in items atm, only buffs


For some reason TFP are resistant to the idea of making the english.txt file moddable.


Maybe in a15...

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<block id="513" name="signNationalPark">

<property name="Material" value="metal_medium" />


This is a large wooden sign. Suggest using material "wood+wood".


I was hesitant on making further fixes since I figured A14 would be here by now but since it has not been released yet I suppose I could update.


Fixed! Thanks for posting!


Version 1.20


Update (3/3/16)




signNationalPark: Fixed material <property name="Material" value="wood+wood" /> from metal_medium


deskSafe: Fixed fall event exploit <drop event="Fall" name="scrapMetalPile" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" /> from deskSafe

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<item id="266" name="crossbow">
<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Crossbow/crossbowPrefab" />
<property name="Material" value="wood" />
<property name="HoldType" value="26" />
<property name="Stacknumber" value="1" />
<property name="RepairTools" value="wood" />
<property name="Degradation" value="250" param1="true" />
<property name="FuelValue" value="40" />
[color="#FF0000"]<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Archery" />
<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Weapon Smithing" />[/color]
<property class="Action0">
<property name="Class" value="Launcher" />
<property name="Delay" value="0.8" />
<property name="Range" value="200" />
<property name="Magazine_size" value="1" />
<property name="Magazine_items" value="crossbowBolt, ironCrossbowBolt, steelCrossbowBolt, explodingCrossbowBolt" />
<property name="Reload_time" value="2" />
<property name="Bullet_icon" value="uzi" />
<property name="Sound_start" value="Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Crossbow/crossbow_fire" />
<property name="Sound_repeat" value="" />
<property name="Sound_end" value="" />
<property name="Sound_empty" value="Weapons/weapon_empty" />
<property name="Sound_reload" value="Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Crossbow/crossbow_reload" />
<property class="Action1">
<property name="Class" value="Zoom" />
<property name="Zoom_max_out" value="45" />
<property name="Zoom_max_in" value="45" />
<property class="Attributes">
<property name="DegradationRate" value="1,1" />
<property name="DegradationMax" value="30,600" />
<property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons" />
<property class="Preview">
<property name="Zoom" value="28" />
<property name="Pos" value="0,-0.05" />
<property name="Rot" value="90,45,0" />
[color="#FF0000"]<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Archery" />
<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Weapon Smithing" />

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can't simply just "scrap" wood debris. this must be an oversight


when i scrap a book i get 15 paper, when i craft paper i get 20.


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hey what website do you use to store that file? i like that it downloads on click instead of having to hit download after going to the webpage


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The Pump Shotgun Short Stock is made of wood while the other contains metal that is why it cannot be scraped.


well could you atleast make it scrappable and return nothing then? because i use scrap to make room for things i don't want, or at least 1 wood.

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can't simply just "scrap" wood debris. this must be an oversight


when i scrap a book i get 15 paper, when i craft paper i get 20.


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hey what website do you use to store that file? i like that it downloads on click instead of having to hit download after going to the webpage


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well could you atleast make it scrappable and return nothing then? because i use scrap to make room for things i don't want, or at least 1 wood.


I use Github for anything I want to upload, https://github.com/


And Just wait for A14 it is around the corner and I will have a ton of fixes to go over when it is released.

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You might have addressed this, or it doesn't need addressing, but someone on the steam board mentioned something I thought you would find interesting. He claims that the toilets have been giving him far better quality guns than gunsafes and the like. Could just be a RNG mishap but looking in the loot.xml I notice the toilet container, unlike most other containers such as the gunsafe, does not have a lootquality template assigned to it. This could, potentially, be causing some balance issues. I'm not sure. Thought I'd pass it on to you.

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You might have addressed this, or it doesn't need addressing, but someone on the steam board mentioned something I thought you would find interesting. He claims that the toilets have been giving him far better quality guns than gunsafes and the like. Could just be a RNG mishap but looking in the loot.xml I notice the toilet container, unlike most other containers such as the gunsafe, does not have a lootquality template assigned to it. This could, potentially, be causing some balance issues. I'm not sure. Thought I'd pass it on to you.


Yeah that is exactly what is going on, in my ACP mod I have added that bit to the loot container as well as adjusted the loot quality table and was not sure if I should do it here as well. I suppose I should fix it here as well and I just wont change the loot quality table, I was kind of hoping A 14 would have rolled out by now. Thanks for posting!

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I dunno if this was mentioned but it appears that texture 272 is removed?


woodFence is invisible despite using the same code from as far back as I can look with .xmls...which is 12, 11, 10...at least through 9.3 we only had access to the recipes.xml.


Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- indubitably indivisible

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