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Unofficial XML Fixes

Clockwork Orange

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<item id="20" name="fireaxe"> has wrong ActionSkillGroup set as Mining Tools not Blade Weapons

That's intentional as the fireaxe is a tool meant for gathering wood not a primary weapon. Not saying it cant be a weapon, just not its intended use.

There isn't a separate skill for being a lumberjack so its tossed into the mining skill.

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Ok, I will look into it soon, also let me know what the block is called so it is easier for me to find too.


It's been a while, how do I get the block name again? I do know its the block on the loading bay of the gunstore (and probably the other stores also)

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It's been a while, how do I get the block name again? I do know its the block on the loading bay of the gunstore (and probably the other stores also)


Its ok I just spent the last couple hours going over the entire blocks file and making sure everything was correct and nothing was missing.


I finished adding repair values to all blocks that should be allowed to be repaired. Hopefully I did not miss anything. Let me know if it fixed that block in particular.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (1/30/16)




Added repair values to all blocks that should be allowed to be repaired.

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Well that is the tricky part where there is materials like stone, brick and concrete, brick gets repaired with cobblestones, concrete gets repaired with concrete mix, and stone sits on the fence based on the fact that TFP have given some blocks like this one for eg. <block id="608" name="concreteTrim2Broke1"> or <block id="1127" name="wedge60EndConcrete"> or this <block id="593" name="concreteDestroyed1"> a material of stone I can only assume that they wanted those blocks to be considered concrete but have less hit points. I can not say this for certain and I did not want to go changing materials of blocks to what I think would be best suited because it can upset the balance of the game more so than a repair cost, so I simply had to decide which ones fell into that category.

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Ok, I will look into it soon, also let me know what the block is called so it is easier for me to find too.


That's the sidewalkFull block




<block id="401" name="sidewalkHalf">
<property name="Material" value="brick" />
<property name="Shape" value="Half" />
<property name="Texture" value="329,8,8,8,8,8" />
<property class="RepairItems">
<property name="cobblestones" value="4" />
<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />
<property name="Group" value="Building" />
<block id="872" name="sidewalkFull">
<property name="Material" value="stone" />
<property name="Texture" value="329" />
<drop event="Destroy" name="destroyedStone" count="1" />
<drop event="Fall" name="destroyedStone" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />
<block id="1129" name="sidewalkWedge60">
<property name="Material" value="stone" />
<property name="Shape" value="Wedged60Full" />
<property name="Texture" value="329,8,8,8,8,8" />
<property class="RepairItems">
<property name="concreteMix" value="5" />
<drop event="Destroy" name="destroyedStone" count="1" />
<drop event="Fall" name="destroyedStone" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />
<property name="Group" value="Building" />
<block id="1134" name="sidewalkCurb">
<property name="Material" value="stone" />
<property name="Shape" value="Wedged60Curb" />
<property name="Texture" value="329,11,8,11,11,11" />
<property class="RepairItems">
<property name="concreteMix" value="5" />
<drop event="Destroy" name="destroyedStone" count="1" />
<drop event="Fall" name="destroyedStone" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />
<property name="Group" value="Building" />


seems the rest have repair, but half uses cobble and the other two use conc mix

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Yes I am aware that some blocks simply do not make a whole lot of sense in regards the materials assigned to them, I could simply decide what blocks should use what material and make my life a lot easier with assigning repair values but I am trying to refrain from "modding" the blocks and simply apply the most reasonable fix.


If everyone would like me to go over the blocks and "fix" the materials assigned to them I would be more than willing to do so.


Maybe TFP will go over the blocks for A 14 and do this properly and then I would not have to worry about it, as I feel that sort of decision is best left up to them and there would be no guarantee they would make the same decisions I would but there is also no guarantee it will get addressed at all.

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Yeah I agree that the fixes should be limited to direct fixes and not so much re-balancing (for this mod).


Of course it would be great to have a second mod that extends on the fixes here that includes more of the balancing for blocks and items (some of which will be subjective) as there is a lot that needs to be better balanced :)

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Lol well it would be a lot easier for me rebalance everything properly in this thread instead of trying to maintain another. I already have to update two mods when making changes as it is.


Either that or we live with what we got in regards to balance and as it stands right now there is not much left to actually fix unless someone finds something that got missed.


It would be nice if everything that got fixed even in regards to balance was kept in one thread and that way if it does not get addressed at least we tried and its not like it would not be readily available for TFP to be able to address it.

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Hi Clockwork Orange! Thanks for all the hard work you've done cleaning these files. Let's hope they can stay this way. :biggrin-new:


I've got another error that really made one of the prefads in the Compo Pack look very interesting.




  <block id="795" name="shinglesWood">
   <property name="Extends" value="[color="#FF0000"]woodRamp[/color]" />


...should be...


  <block id="795" name="shinglesWood">
   <property name="Extends" value="[color="#00FF00"]oldWood[/color]" />

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Hi Clockwork Orange! Thanks for all the hard work you've done cleaning these files. Let's hope they can stay this way. :biggrin-new:


I've got another error that really made one of the prefads in the Compo Pack look very interesting.




  <block id="795" name="shinglesWood">
   <property name="Extends" value="[color="#FF0000"]woodRamp[/color]" />


...should be...


  <block id="795" name="shinglesWood">
   <property name="Extends" value="[color="#00FF00"]oldWood[/color]" />


Ah sorry about that I thought that all shingles should be ramp in shape but you are correct. I have now made the correction.

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I just spotted this in the Bug Report section, figured it'd be of more use here:


<day value="57,62">

<property name="ResetToday" value="true" />

<property name="EntityGroupName" value="ZombiesWastelandNight" />

<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />

<property name="TotalAlive" value="0" />

<property name="TotalPerWave" value="0" />


<day value="63">

<property name="ResetToday" value="true" />

<property name="EntityGroupName" value="ZombiesWastelandNight2" />

<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />

<property name="TotalAlive" value="30" />

<property name="TotalPerWave" value="300" />


<day value="62,69">

<property name="ResetToday" value="true" />

<property name="EntityGroupName" value="ZombiesWastelandNight" />

<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />

<property name="TotalAlive" value="0" />

<property name="TotalPerWave" value="0" />


Apparently this has led to the day 63 horde not appearing.

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Update (1/31/16)


Version 1.09




Fixed wrong numerical values for 7 day hordes:


<day value="64,69"> from 62


<day value="134,139"> from 132


<day value="183,188"> from 181


<day value="204,209"> from 202


<day value="323,328"> from 231


<day value="344,349"> from 342


<day value="358,363"> from 356


<day value="393,398"> from 391


<day value="463,468"> from 461


<day value="589,594"> from 587

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Ah sorry about that I thought that all shingles should be ramp in shape but you are correct. I have now made the correction.



I had initially reported this block as being a woodRamp and not oldWood, in addition to block ShinglesOld (858).


While the pictures of these two blocks show cubes, when you place the blocks in game they are indeed wedges.


Not sure how this affects prefabs. I would have thought that changing them to woodRamp would result in them upgrading properly but I haven't checked any actual prefab coding to see where these blocks are used.

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The shiglesWood does need to be a cube as the wedges etc are already covered and for some prefabs you need a cube shingles block to put the wedge on top of etc :)



Yup, you are correct. Did some testing and I was completely mistaken. Sorry for that.

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It seems there is a side effect with the new faster progression in progression.xml. Athletics gets up to 1.6 entity damage multiplier very quickly at level 21. Because we always have our hands equipped this seems to be applying a multiplier to every single weapon we use.


A level 1 character with a modded athletics skill, no archery, was able to 1 shot female zombies with a yellow cross bow and regular crossbow bolts.


This was not possible with purple crossbow and 25 archery and no athletics.

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I honestly dont know how to fix that other than to remove athletics entirely if that is in fact the case since athletics is only supposed to affect punching only and if it is affecting other skills and multiplying its entity damage and applying it to weapons that would be my suggestion.


Either that or make athletics affect RunSpeed or StaminaDegradation instead of entity damage...


In doing this the gains would have to minimal otherwise you run the risk of overpowering the character.


Personally I would go with StaminaDegradation over run speed.


Needs further testing and maybe someone might have a better solution.


For anyone who would like to try my suggested fix simply use this code for Athletics keep in mind this has not been tested and the numbers may need to be tweaked or other aspects may need to change:

	<player_skill name="Athletics" icon="run" description_key="athleticsDesc" title_key="athletics">
		<effect name="StaminaDegradation">
			<multiply skill_level="1,99" value="1,0.65"/>
			<multiply skill_level="100" value="0.5" />

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