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It's fun to demolish _one_ POI

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One of my first bases was the house of broken dreams on one of the Navezgane pregen maps, near a Jen merchant. It had a supermarket wall on one side and a forest grove on another (that I cleared) so attacks mostly came from 2 sides, which was nice. Also had a pool.


In a late alpha game, I settled in a modern house near a trader, with a road on one side, open areas on two sides, and a POI next door. I did not like the POI on horde nights. So one day, I cut a line around the outside of the house with an auger and around the inside of the house with a chainsaw (lesson learned  -- start inside the house to avoid falling blocks).


The house came down like something out of Inception -- beautiful to watch -- and left awkward terrain for the horde on horde night.

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It's good fun :) My biggest demo job was an old version of the apartment complex.. I dug a grid of tunnels under the garage and filled them with suitably distanced explosives, mostly the placeable dynamite. This was before the major changes to the collapse physics, so the whole thing was basically trying to come down at once, the game choked to a complete slideshow, but what a slideshow :)

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Back in A20 or 21 late into the game, I looted a bunch of explosive rockets that I never had an urge to use, so they were stock piling in a chest.. So.. One afternoon, I break out the rocket launcher, go walkin' down the street and just start blowing holes in 2-3 story houses until they collapse.. What else do you do once you've pretty much won the apocalypse?

Edited by Mister Forgash (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, avalonnn said:

One of my first bases was the house of broken dreams on one of the Navezgane pregen maps, near a Jen merchant. It had a supermarket wall on one side and a forest grove on another (that I cleared) so attacks mostly came from 2 sides, which was nice. Also had a pool.


In a late alpha game, I settled in a modern house near a trader, with a road on one side, open areas on two sides, and a POI next door. I did not like the POI on horde nights. So one day, I cut a line around the outside of the house with an auger and around the inside of the house with a chainsaw (lesson learned  -- start inside the house to avoid falling blocks).


The house came down like something out of Inception -- beautiful to watch -- and left awkward terrain for the horde on horde night.

Taking down buildings is definitely fun.  We've wiped out of west towns a number of times and used dev tools from creative mode to destroy an entire large town when we were done with one map.  Great times!

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I once tried to take down one of the sky scrapers that way.  I bailed on that save because it essentially locked my machine up.  It was a long time ago but I still haven't tried to do that since.

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1 hour ago, Maharin said:

I once tried to take down one of the sky scrapers that way.  I bailed on that save because it essentially locked my machine up.  It was a long time ago but I still haven't tried to do that since.



That is what i want to do.  Just dynamite DiShong tower, or whatever is called.  I dont have the patience to do the whole PoI.

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3 hours ago, Maharin said:

I once tried to take down one of the sky scrapers that way.  I bailed on that save because it essentially locked my machine up.  It was a long time ago but I still haven't tried to do that since.


Some friends and I took out Dishong Tower at knee level. The server was quite laggy, but we could still wander around the interior of the building as it collapsed. This was before the game learned to redo the imposters, so after it came down we could still see the building from a distance.

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While it wasn't collapsing a building, in A16.4 I once tried to clear out an 81 X 81 hole all the way down to bedrock.  I dug out the edges, and started clearing underneath it.  I removed 2 layers at the bottom, and ended up with a massive floating block of dirt/stone.  Being annoyed that nothing fell, I grabbed a bunch of dynamite, a rocket launcher and rockets out of the creative menu and started blasting at the block.  It never actually collapsed, and I ended up rage quitting that game because I was so annoyed that I spent all that time digging (it took me 2-3 actual days to do it all) and then it didn't collapse.

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38 minutes ago, Vaeliorin said:

It never actually collapsed, and I ended up rage quitting that game

Ouch.. big collapses were really finicky back then; doesn't matter much now, but smaller sections were easier to collapse, and sometimes attaching blocks to the sides of floating things would re-start a collapse. 81x81 sounds about 16x too big to drop reliably at the time thou ... 😛 

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2 hours ago, theFlu said:

Ouch.. big collapses were really finicky back then; doesn't matter much now, but smaller sections were easier to collapse, and sometimes attaching blocks to the sides of floating things would re-start a collapse. 81x81 sounds about 16x too big to drop reliably at the time thou ... 😛 

Yeah, I learned to go with 5 X 5 sections after that.  Also decided there was no need to rip out the middle section of the hole and build from bedrock, so never tried anything that big again.

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