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I Genuinely love this game but I have a couple problems with 1.0

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On 8/7/2024 at 12:00 PM, omegaflames said:

A Scout is:

TRUSTWORTHY. Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you.


and loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.


Don't forget about the other 11 points of our Law fellow Eagle Scout.  If someone just dabbled in scouting they might just fixate on the one aspect of the Scout Law but an Eagle Scout behaving online in the way you are under the cover of anonymity? I agree that Scouting has lost a lot of what it once had but Eagle Scouts being toxic online isn't exactly shoring up the line of the Scouting ideals.


Of course, everyone has a bad day so hopefully you'll be more cheerful tomorrow.


Like LBD, the removal of jars and the subsequent overhaul of thirst survival is likely to be a hot topic forever. We should all strive to share our opinions without insult. Anger and bitterness are not going to change anything anyway.

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10 hours ago, Roland said:


and loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.


Don't forget about the other 11 points of our Law fellow Eagle Scout.  If someone just dabbled in scouting they might just fixate on the one aspect of the Scout Law but an Eagle Scout behaving online in the way you are under the cover of anonymity? I agree that Scouting has lost a lot of what it once had but Eagle Scouts being toxic online isn't exactly shoring up the line of the Scouting ideals.


Of course, everyone has a bad day so hopefully you'll be more cheerful tomorrow.


Like LBD, the removal of jars and the subsequent overhaul of thirst survival is likely to be a hot topic forever. We should all strive to share our opinions without insult. Anger and bitterness are not going to change anything anyway.

What part of he asked if he was stupid is confusing to you?

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15 hours ago, Krougal said:

Speaking of, just like movies, we can assume some things happen "off-screen". I don't know why the topic always comes back to empty jars.

The jars are gone. Good riddance. Everyone needs to get over it.

They are not required to collect water from lakes, as proved by zzztong and myself with modlets.

The fact that we summon an empty jar out of thin air to make a full one is the same exact mechanic as the dew collector when all is said and done.

It is as idiotic as the "swallowing the healing potion jar and all" gag; the whole thing of a video game is imagination. It is a lot less of a stretch of my imagination that I've got a backpack of empty plastic bottles or the like and I recycle as a frugal and conscientious post-apocalypse consumer without even giving it a second thought, than it is that I can't take some dirty water from a nearby lake and purify it.

The removal of empty jars is how TFP removed the ability to collect water from the lakes. It makes sense people are going to be writing about jars because that's the change that made it impossible to collect water from the lake. If I had to move the water one bucket of water (even with the current stack size of one) at a time it would be better than not being able to access that obvious source of water. I have to disagree that it's good the glass jars are gone. There's a lot of wiggle room to making glass jars and murky water more balanced than it was easily starting with lowering the stack sizes. I never did understand the balance decision for those to stack to 125 but clean water stack to 10.

14 hours ago, Razorpony said:

Hear me out, guys. What if water jars were made of polymer? You probably wouldn't be making 500 of them just to fill with water. 

I'm at day 14 with 1k polymer and I intentionally don't harvest it. All that I have came from loot except what I needed to gather for the challenge. What are you spending so much polymer on that you would not have enough to make jars with? You use that much recog?

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4 minutes ago, omegaflames said:

The removal of empty jars is how TFP removed the ability to collect water from the lakes. It makes sense people are going to be writing about jars because that's the change that made it impossible to collect water from the lake. If I had to move the water one bucket of water (even with the current stack size of one) at a time it would be better than not being able to access that obvious source of water. I have to disagree that it's good the glass jars are gone. There's a lot of wiggle room to making glass jars and murky water more balanced than it was easily starting with lowering the stack sizes. I never did understand the balance decision for those to stack to 125 but clean water stack to 10.

It isn't. A simple modlet with a couple lines of code allows you to grab water now.


zztong has a version as well.


It still says drink, and the animation is the same, but instead of drinking, you get a jar of murky water. I also added a recipe for 10 snow makes a jar of water as well.


The jars are the wrong argument, and it has divided everyone.

If we had all focused on the water sources and @%$#ed nonstop about it, there might be a chance they would have put it back.

The jars are not coming back no matter how much we @%$# about them.

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I feel like you are so emotional about this that you are not reading what I am writing. I am agreeing with you that not being able to collect water from the lake is a bad thing. You are so hyperfocused on jars that you seem to not be seeing that. You are also going so far out of your way to avoid jars that you created a mod to right click water sources instead of downloading the already created and updated mod that puts jars back in the game (Cloud's Return of Glass Jars on nexus currently sitting at 1,239 unique downloads). As best I can tell you are the only one getting hung up on jars vs water sources.

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1 hour ago, omegaflames said:

I feel like you are so emotional about this that you are not reading what I am writing. I am agreeing with you that not being able to collect water from the lake is a bad thing. You are so hyperfocused on jars that you seem to not be seeing that. You are also going so far out of your way to avoid jars that you created a mod to right click water sources instead of downloading the already created and updated mod that puts jars back in the game (Cloud's Return of Glass Jars on nexus currently sitting at 1,239 unique downloads). As best I can tell you are the only one getting hung up on jars vs water sources.

I assume you are talking to me. I'm not emotional about it at all. I am not hyperfocused on jars; everyone else is. It comes up over and over again.

It is not going out of my way, I have a lot of my own modlets, I only just started even putting some of them on git. I enjoy modding. I am perfectly fine with the dev choice to remove empty containers. I don't miss the stupid empty tin cans either. So why would I want to use someone elses mod to bring them back, when that is not what I care about?


Again, we agree on not being able to collect water from sources is stupid. While many other things strain "suspension of disbelief" this is a big one since the dawn of civilization, we have either built or cities near a water source or we had to figure out how to bring the water source to us.


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3 hours ago, omegaflames said:

What part of he asked if he was stupid is confusing to you?


In courteous and friendly conversation if someone asks such a rhetorical question it is polite to protest and reassure that there is simply a difference of opinion and we'll have to agree to disagree. Even if it was within the bounds of courteous discourse to publicly agree with such a musing, he didn't ask if he was @%$#ed and yet you chose to add that one in so even if calling someone stupid when asked fell within the bounds of what it means to be an Eagle Scout (it doesn't), calling someone @%$#ed all on your own definitely is outside the scope of courteous, friendly, or kind. You even went so far as to avoid the word filter by mispelling it on purpose swapping a d for a t so it could be read.


You're the one who brought scouting ideals into the conversation applying them to yourself. I get it that they are ideals and nobody can live up to such standards 100% of the time. When you fall short you apologize and start over. If you are brave enough to do so. Then you avoid name-calling and insulting in the future which is against the rules. If you are obedient.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Roland said:


In courteous and friendly conversation if someone asks such a rhetorical question it is polite to protest and reassure that there is simply a difference of opinion and we'll have to agree to disagree. Even if it was within the bounds of courteous discourse to publicly agree with such a musing, he didn't ask if he was @%$#ed and yet you chose to add that one in so even if calling someone stupid when asked fell within the bounds of what it means to be an Eagle Scout (it doesn't), calling someone @%$#ed all on your own definitely is outside the scope of courteous, friendly, or kind. You even went so far as to avoid the word filter by mispelling it on purpose swapping a d for a t so it could be read.


You're the one who brought scouting ideals into the conversation applying them to yourself. I get it that they are ideals and nobody can live up to such standards 100% of the time. When you fall short you apologize and start over. If you are brave enough to do so. Then you avoid name-calling and insulting in the future which is against the rules. If you are obedient.

There's nothing courteous and friendly about Meganoth lying to and gas lighting people over the at least 2-3 years I have been on and off this forum. He has done it so much and so often that even with the multiple months of breaks from participating here I still remember his name for that very reason. Just like he has done in this very thread. It is a stupid change to remove the ability to use lake/river water. You just like the others who refused to actually read what I wrote have lied about me calling him stupid out of the blue, the proof of which is in this very thread. It's probably a waste of time to point out for the 5th? time now he asked my opinion on his mental capacity and he got an honest answer right after he lied about me calling him and others stupid. What I had said was that the change was stupid. Up until he asked me directly if he is stupid I had not called anyone stupid. There is nothing wrong with me saying something you did was stupid. There is something wrong with you, meganoth, and bft2020 falsely accusing me of saying things I did not. Don't ask people if you are stupid if you don't want to hear the answer, especially not right after you made false accusations about them.

You have also falsely accused me of calling him whatever "@%$#ed" is supposed to represent. You want to point fingers at me claiming I'm not following scout laws and oaths but you sit there making mulitple lies about things I said and the order in which I said them. Then you threaten me with "the rules". You are a hypocrit and have no moral high ground in this matter.

Edited by omegaflames (see edit history)
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38 minutes ago, omegaflames said:

Hey here's another moron that can't read before typing.

Even if what you said earlier about meganoth asking a question of whether or not he was stupid was an acceptable excuse for someone who claims to be an Eagle Scout to say he was stupid (it isn't), you just proved that you don't need such a reason to be unkind, uncourteous, and unfriendly (opposites of an Eagle Scout).  If you continue to call people names, I wouldn't be surprised if you find yourself banned.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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WTF does any of this have to do with the game anymore?

All of you people who want to spend all this time trying to school some douchebag on netiquette and the finer points of scouting I find to be even more annoying than whatever rude comment started it. I come here to discuss a game, I really don't care if you are a nice person or a jerk if you have something relevant to say about the game.

This community is like a bunch of @%$#-house lawyers and can't let go of anything anybody says.

A lot of you people would probably be better off if you spent less time trying to control how other people talk, especially over the internet, and focus more on what they have to say.

Y'all want to puff your chests and show you are the better person, then be the better person and just don't respond to the insults in the first place.

It isn't like the point, and at this point I don't even remember what was the point, would have been received any better if OP had come in all blowing sunshine and rainbows up everyone's asses about it.


And actually, Meganoth is a good example of just that, see how insults directed at him just roll right off his back? The rest of you are foaming at the mouth over it.


Edited by Krougal (see edit history)
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Just now, Roland said:

When I say water survival I mean all the ways you need water for survival: drinking, cooking, crafting. 

{Winky face.} Glue is not even necessary for "survival". It really isn't. So, why such a big deal is being made about glue is quite beyond me, unless it has something to do with a minority of players of Skyrim, for example, crafting hundreds of iron daggers to artificially inflate their smithing skills. :)

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2 hours ago, InfiniteWarrior said:

{Winky face.} Glue is not even necessary for "survival". It really isn't. So, why such a big deal is being made about glue is quite beyond me, unless it has something to do with a minority of players of Skyrim, for example, crafting hundreds of iron daggers to artificially inflate their smithing skills. :)

On the contrary, @Urban Blackbear is known to prefer to eat glue. So it is impacting his diet.


In all fairness, I am finding it not so critical to amass by the truckload like I did in A21. Granted I haven't started making QL6 robotic turrets and drone yet, or even looked at the recipes, but I get the sense that they toned down the glue usage a bit. I could be wrong. So I just started a very aggressive run just trying to do 4 quests a day and I have not once had to make use of my mod to grab water from the lake, and I am on day 8, lvl 32, t3 quests so I somehow doubt I am going to start needing to supplement my stockpile, but it still makes me feel better knowing I can.

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14 hours ago, InfiniteWarrior said:

{Winky face.} Glue is not even necessary for "survival". It really isn't. So, why such a big deal is being made about glue is quite beyond me, unless it has something to do with a minority of players of Skyrim, for example, crafting hundreds of iron daggers to artificially inflate their smithing skills. :)

Glue is used to craft weapons, armor, ammo, and tools all of which contribute to your survival vs zombies and your ability to gather and harvest. My definition of survival must be broader than yours. 

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48 minutes ago, Roland said:

My definition of survival must be broader than yours. 

I don't really mind either way, but your earlier phrasing for "water survival" now including hitting zombies in the face with the steel club you made from the water ... it does feel a bit of a stretch. Sort of makes the phrase pointless, now containing the "entirety of the game".

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1 hour ago, theFlu said:

I don't really mind either way, but your earlier phrasing for "water survival" now including hitting zombies in the face with the steel club you made from the water ... it does feel a bit of a stretch. Sort of makes the phrase pointless, now containing the "entirety of the game".

And so it is, the entirety of the game is duct tape. It holds the universe together.

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