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New locked slots.

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11 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

Why? It´s a worse system than before. Certain items make the lock really hard to see and instead of just needing to click one button i need to go slot by slot.


QoL degradation. Verschlimmbessert.

Some players, like me, have all "keep" items at the top, so the old method worked well.  But many players have items along the sides or bottom of their inventory, so the old method was useless to them.  The new method works for everyone.  It will just take getting used to.  And once you set up the slots you want locked, you don't need to do it again until the next game unless you want to change them, so I think it will be fine.  Just takes getting used to.


Not saying there might not be ways to implement it better.  Just saying there is a reason and it is actually a big QoL improvement for many players.

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I was(am) one of those players. I didn't just have items along top of inventory. I also had food and water on right side. Some ores in second row and some items like feathers along the bottom. So this system works well for me.

I have only tried it for a few minutes in a test game but I can see how sometimes it is hard to see the lock icon. I am guessing a modder will have something soon where you can pick a colour.

Edited by Gamida (see edit history)
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Considering you didn't even have a lock icon before, it is a bit of an improvement.  I sometimes didn't know that a spot was or wasn't locked without counting spaces.  If people give feedback on the color of the icon or visibility of it soon, maybe it will be updated before 1.0 stable.

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I agree. I do prefer it this way, even though it takes some getting used to. People often think my organization is weird along top and sides for some games.


It would be nice if the lock icon open/closed were more different, and better colour/visibility, but those are small things that can be tightened up easily.

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38 minutes ago, Vedui said:

People often think my organization is weird along top and sides for some games.

Grouping things helps, I do it on occasion, did it early on here as well - but with the "stack all" button, I've just gotten into the habit of keeping my stuff at the top and never pressing sort. Unless I'm mass moving things, where I will just drop the "Every Day Carry" into some empty box to be picked up again.


Sounds like lock slots might allow me to spread my stuff around again, but I don't think I will; a) I don't want to learn another system again, b) I can find most icons quite easily by now, so even when I need to look for something and c) having the space for picked up loots be randomly among my necessary stuff is just way too error prone to do anything with, and the "stack similar/all" works fine either way .. :)


At most I might move the EDC to the bottom of the inventory, so the new stuff is separate from it - but with the encumbrance system that might be hard to read.

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This is a fantastic change! And so soon after the ability to lock by the line was brought in. Took me only a moment to figure out. I keep my key inventory in a block of nine squares to the left...


Grass. Stone. Wood.

Food. Arrows. Water.

Picks. 7.62. Meds.


...and arrange everything I loot by row. So having the lock the top nine slots all along the line with the old system was a bit unworkable. Now I can use the auto-dump and know I'm not about to leave the house without something critical and have to come all the way back to get it ... or try -- usually with often fateful results -- to struggle through. I'm sure the zombies know when I've left all my spare 7.62 back in the box.


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The locking feature only recently became officially available in vanilla, and before that I would group the items I needed at the bottom.


With the system that lets you lock any number of items from the top, items are placed in order from the empty slots at the top, so there was the issue that slots that had already been used up would be filled with unnecessary items and locked in.


Still, playing with the locking feature was more efficient, so I had to get used to it, but it's very helpful that you can now set any lock slot you want. This is a good update.

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I must say that this new lock toggle button is confusign dont know how ti works there nothign to let us know how to use it I preffer the oldway personally, anyone  able to give me a glue on how to use that lock button

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49 minutes ago, WolfMcFocker said:

I must say that this new lock toggle button is confusign dont know how ti works there nothign to let us know how to use it I preffer the oldway personally, anyone  able to give me a glue on how to use that lock button

Just click on the padlock icon above the slots. You should now see padlocks in all the squares. If you click on one it changes color to show that slot will now be locked. Click the top padlock again to save settings and return to normal mod.


If none of that works, are you using a mod that changes your backpack? If so, you'll need to wait until the mod is updated, or remove it.

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