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New Controller Controls (FEEDBACK)

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The way the cursor snaps about the inventory just feels wrong. At the very least please add the option to have the cursor in free move again for people used to the old version.

The worst offendor though is having to hold "Triangle" or "Y" to THEN use the D-Pad. It worked just fine how it previously was. There was no need to add that. There are no buttons it takes up if you revert it back. It feels clunky and wrong. Bottom line.

Video showing the new "controls". 


It just doesn't work.




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I use a controller (stop laughing lol) and the 1.0 controller settings are horrible. I used to be able to use my controller like a mouse when in my inventory. That allowed for quick grabs of items (think first aid on horde night). Now though, you have to cycle through all your inventory slots to get to the items. It soooooooo slow!

Also, when I select an item in my inventory, for some stupid reason, I now have to hold down y (triangle on ds4) to see the options menu for doing things like scrapping an item or modifying an item. It has added a click when its not necessary. Super annoying!


Please please please change this the settings for controller back. 

Edited by homie_tatanka (see edit history)
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  • homie_tatanka changed the title to New 1.0 Controller settings are horrible!

If I have a full inventory and need to move it to all separate boxes it is going to take forever cause you have to move each piece a square at a time.

13 minutes ago, Immhotep said:

Definitely agree. It needs to be sorted by the 25th or I ain't paying for ps5 version.

Just took me 21 clicks on my controller to move a item from my backpack to my hotbar and the item that was in my hotbar to that open space in my backpack. that used to take 3 clicks.

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52 minutes ago, homie_tatanka said:

Just took me 21 clicks on my controller to move a item from my backpack to my hotbar and the item that was in my hotbar to that open space in my backpack.

Mouse & keyb here, (also A21 info),  but once I realized that the "equip" button will actually do a swap between the item and your equipped item, that's what I've used. Might help you save a few clicks if it's still like that. :)

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56 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Mouse & keyb here, (also A21 info),  but once I realized that the "equip" button will actually do a swap between the item and your equipped item, that's what I've used. Might help you save a few clicks if it's still like that. :)

No. That won’t fix it. They have completely redone the controller settings and it’s not user friendly whatsoever.

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1 hour ago, homie_tatanka said:

No. That won’t fix it.

Ye, no, won't help your box sorting one iota; but sorry for trying to offer whatever little help I could. I won't do it again, until next time, I swear! ;)

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I had to create an account just to express how absolutely abysmal the new controls are. Why do we need to hold triangle in the crafting menu to be able to use any shortcuts? Why aren’t there any shortcuts to go to your first slot on your toolbar other than that new useless quick swap? This is a complete mess in the heat of battle. Especially for anyone who enjoys overhaul mods with massive tool belts and inventories, it’ll be impossible to do anything without hitting 20 buttons. But even for vanilla, this is beyond horrible. My wife and I have played over 2000 hours in the past few years and we’ve both completely lost interest because of these garbage controls. If this doesn’t get fixed, I’m sure many who use controllers will quit because this new setup is unusable. I don’t understand how anyone thought this was a good idea.

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I have to ask, what’s the point in having a dedicated button to drop stuff from your tool belt? Who is going around dropping stuff from their tool belt so often that they needed a dedicated quick button? It’s not your inventory, it’s your tool belt! That’s where everything you use regularly goes. People are definitely going to accidentally drop something important in battle while panicking and trying not to die. Then it’ll despawn shortly after if it’s covered in zombies. I understand that I can just unlink the button to that command but I don’t understand why something like this was added over the old options to quickly go to one of the first 3 tool belt slots. I’m baffled by these decisions.

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Just finished an 8 hour stream and 100% agree with everything said here. I'd like to add that driving the bicycle why is the turbo now the R1 button when the accelerate

button is R2? Why is the reload/inventory open buttons reversed from A21? It takes forever to do inventory management. Using crafting stations, moving items to and from boxes are all a major chore now and everyone watching my stream agreed. Nearly died several times because of the removal of the directional pad hotkeys.


I'm not mad or anything but I had to resort to using the mouse when doing inventory management and using crafting stations because of how slow it is.


Also curious why so many button assignments were switched around? I think if you just add an alternate control scheme with the old virtual mouse cursor that

would fix several of these issues. Otherwise I'm greatly enjoying Ver. 1.0

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Agree 100% with everything said here! I made a comment in the dev diary but good idea with this dedicated topic. 

The controls for player movement & vehicles are garbage now! 

Please Pimps....change it back! 

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4 hours ago, Ken7 said:

I had to create an account just to express how absolutely abysmal the new controls are. Why do we need to hold triangle in the crafting menu to be able to use any shortcuts? Why aren’t there any shortcuts to go to your first slot on your toolbar other than that new useless quick swap? This is a complete mess in the heat of battle. Especially for anyone who enjoys overhaul mods with massive tool belts and inventories, it’ll be impossible to do anything without hitting 20 buttons. But even for vanilla, this is beyond horrible. My wife and I have played over 2000 hours in the past few years and we’ve both completely lost interest because of these garbage controls. If this doesn’t get fixed, I’m sure many who use controllers will quit because this new setup is unusable. I don’t understand how anyone thought this was a good idea.

Same lol. My only posts are complaining about the new controls. They are god awful.

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Yes, PLEASE revert the controller settings. The changes to quickslots and menu navigation are TERRIBLE. This isn't hyperbole - The basics of the game on controller are so tedious/unfriendly that I legit don't want to play with the current system.


I certainly won't be buying the ps5 version now if it will have these new controller settings.

Edited by sturmgeist
minor readability change (see edit history)
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My favorite game of all time.

The following is from a place of love and just wanting to see this game succeed.  This was going to be a paragraph, but as I continued writing suggestions it became apparent that a list was required. 

  • Bring back the option for cursor in menus.
  • Remove hold Y to access dpad options in menus.
  • Remove the ability to drop a tool belt item with a single click. (you can unbind this currently)
  • I love the introduction of the toolbelt wheel
  • Press dpad corresponds to wheel(like image shared)
  • Hold dpad left for wheel(Move stick to select, release without selecting to select middle option. Personally, I would love to see 3 more toolbelt slots and make the wheel a clock.)
  • Hold dpad up for torch toggle
  • Hold dpad right for PTT(I guess)
  • Hold dpad down for remove HUD (or something)
  • Remove hold Y to access dpad options in menus.
  • Scope zoom in/out should require holding the ADS button.
  • Reload and inventory swap is a great change. Anyone who wants to flip it back can do so with button mapping.
  • Remove hold Y to access dpad options in menus.
  • Button mapping is amazing and I am incredibly thankful!


Best game of all time! I just want it to be fun again!

Any other suggestions feel free to comment!

Edited by ApokRi
Clarification (see edit history)
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Is anyone skilled enough to create a custom  7dtd community controller map for steam that fixes these issues? 

Would that do it? 

Or is it the game itself that needs fixing? 


Ruining 1.0 for me. 


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28 minutes ago, Immhotep said:

Is anyone skilled enough to create a custom  7dtd community controller map for steam that fixes these issues? 

Would that do it? 

Or is it the game itself that needs fixing? 


Ruining 1.0 for me. 


Controller mapping would not help. There's no way for us to re-add the cursor. TFP 100% need to undo this change.

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The cursor is still there if you use the track pad in the middle. It's the holding triangle to use an item that is really getting to me. Healing  eating,  crafting. Not to mention that you can't get to the individual pages (tools/science/clothing) of the creator menu. Oh and you can't navigate and read skills, the button to read them uses the points. And don't get me started on searching or bringing up an on screen keyboard. All those lovely new boxes I was going to play with are useless on controller. 

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I posted a bug report on it yesterday and basically told them they shouldn't have messed with the controller set up and that the expected resolution is to revert to the old controller settings. They saw all the online negativity regarding the controller issues and have moved my report to work in progress so hopefully it is resolved soon. I don't play with K&M so without usable controller settings, the game is unplayable for me and my wife (3000+ hours combined).

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1 hour ago, homie_tatanka said:

Good news. My bug report has been replied to and moved to Work In Progress. They are on it. Lets give them time. I am certain they are under a lot of pressure right now.

Good job man!! Hopefully that means they are fixing it!

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