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Zombie vs Players

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I have a genuine advice, maybe others will agree. 


So, Zombies can crawl through 1 block but players can't unless is 2 blocks high.


I was in a teir 5 quest in a Pop & Pills POI and there's a section where you reach those lines that carry boxes through an area and it was 1 block high. I crouched thinking i could go through it realistically but saddly it was not the case. 


In horde night zombies simply broke 1 block of my base and crawled through that into my fortress. I must admit my 1st words was, "This is Bull@%$#". I survived tho. But honestly, players should be able to crawl through 1 block spaces too. It makes sense, humans actually think. Zombies are dumb. But after what i went through it feels like my character has the IQ of a toddler... 



Just saying. 


It would be a game changer tho. 


Think about it. A new feature before console release too 

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If my memory is correct one time we could crawl through a one block hole. But then (again from what I recall) it was said if zombies couldn't do it then players shouldn't be able too.

Then dogs and crawlers could get through.

I would assume if zombies regained the ability to do it then we should have too.

Not being a dev of the game I have no power to do that so guess playing with the settings as is is all I (we) can do.

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As long as it remains uneven, I have no qualms if someone wants to build their horde base exploiting the mechanic; make a long corridor to crawl thru, gets the zeds crawling in face first... headshots have never been easier .. :)

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Players would lose a lot more abilities than they would gain if the devs decided to make players and zombies equal. 

faatal said it best…you can’t crawl through a 1 meter hole because of that 4x4 jeep you have in your backpack. 

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4 hours ago, Roland said:

you can’t crawl through a 1 meter hole because of that 4x4 jeep you have in your backpack.

But but, the chassis is pretty close to the full jeep in size, no? Zeds seem to carry those around just fine ;)

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There is a mod out there SCore I think it is that has loads of options, and I believe 1 block crawl is a thing. I might be wrong about which mod, but I used to use one to add


1 block crawl

Fire that spreads

Lootable zombies that decay to gore blocks.


Those 3 things make the game feel so much better to me. Fire is WAY over power in PVP. Molotovs are just insanely OP against wood.

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