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I have the following problem.

When I try to start a save game or create a character I can't even get into the game and get this error message:

nullreferenceexception object reference not set to an instance of an object


I've tried everything and nothing helped. Does anyone know what I have to do to get everything working again?
Thanks :-)


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ok, here you go:


pastebin: https://pastebin.com/embed_js/MkmpZ48N

Mods: NO (except for stupid intro removal)

GameType: N/A


There is no game type because the game goes into error loop right after the intro and you must use Task Manager to close the game. This started after the last silent update. I removed all mods, then deleted all content in the 7 Days folder and had steam 'validate' to get a completely clean copy. It is complaining about something called XUi_FallThrough.Update () [0x0012e] in <a58aca9c8ed54d639b41f6dc2ac2f31b>:0

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You get a file access error on the initial load.  Have you fully excluded the game client and save folder from security software?

Alternatively, does your user name folder in Windows have spaces or strange characters?


Something is preventing the client from accessing the files.

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3 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

You get a file access error on the initial load.  Have you fully excluded the game client and save folder from security software?

Alternatively, does your user name folder in Windows have spaces or strange characters?


Something is preventing the client from accessing the files.

it worked perfectly fine before the silent update last week, path spaces included. Like i said, i went so far as to completely delete the entire steam 7 Days folder and had steam do a validation to get a fresh copy (no custom poi's or anything. I removed all mods, except for the removal of the intro (that really should be a 1-time thing).

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Well I checked to make sure nothing bad happens from deleting the intro clip, worked fine. There was no silent update that we did last week, unless you mean Windows or something else. This is looking like an antivirus getting in the way, they update all the time.

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1 hour ago, Jugginator said:

Well I checked to make sure nothing bad happens from deleting the intro clip, worked fine. There was no silent update that we did last week, unless you mean Windows or something else. This is looking like an antivirus getting in the way, they update all the time.

There is a startup argument you can add that will skip it from playing. I don't recall what it was offhand, but I can look it up. Was like -notintro or something similar.



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2024-02-28T07:04:56 0.054 INF Command line arguments: G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\7 Days To Die\\7DaysToDie.exe -force-d3d11 -disablenativeinput -nogs -noeac -UserDataFolder=C:\\Users\\Larson Stole\\AppData\\Roaming\\7DaysToDie -logfile C:\\Users\\Larson Stole\\AppData\\Roaming\\7DaysToDie\\logs\

did you manually add all those starting parameters to steam or was it some kind of a custom launcher which did it for you?

I would try to remove the following part of it:


-UserDataFolder=C:\\Users\\Larson Stole\\AppData\\Roaming\\7DaysToDie

(it is pointing to the default folder, so not really needed)

this space in your username smells like the reason...

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3 hours ago, Larson Stole said:

it worked perfectly fine before the silent update last week


That's a steam update, not a 7 Days to Die update.  I think those are called shader cache updates.  I just ignore them since they are usually small in size (kb) and happen frequently.  When I see a larger file size download, then I know it was a game patch.  I think you can turn them off in Settings.

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huh, even tho i have no startup switches in any shortcuts or in the steam properties panel, I did notice the flags in the log file.


my normal startup of the game is via the desktop shortcut that steam placed when the game was installed. I just now tried to run 7 Days directly from the EXE in the folder and it ran fine. something with that steam link (which simply says: "steam://rungameid/251570" ) seems to be the cause.


Thanks for attempting to help guys (gals?), it was steam... go figure 😕

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