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10 years of 7 days to die


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1 hour ago, Nolla said:

So glad I back this on kickstarter, back in the alpha 1 days!!

Argh I so would have but didn't know bout it til a5 lol which I then went and bought a pc just to get this game lol. 


And from having to jump up a hill to running up a hill to where it is now . Wow just wow love it and if it goes another 10 years that would just show the dedication tfp have to the game . 


Keep up the great work

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(mimics Conan O'Brien's skit "in the year 2000" but it is in Alpha 22 instead)

In Alpha 22, glass jars make a comeback. But much to everyone's chagrin instead of providing a vessel to boil clean water, everything put in them gives you a 99% infection.

Pimp Time is finally defined by scientists as being equal to the time it takes for one McDonald's ice cream machine to be fixed.


Toilets are made their own separate vehicle and only work when the No Stealth is used on Twitch Integration, but you move at 30 m/s during that time along with a sludge trail that zombies will ragdoll on.


Arrows are given bells on top so you can hear when they eventually stop in a random place in midair you didn't even shoot at because arrow physics.


The cheerleader and football player zombies will be brought back to the game, where they will sit in the upper bleachers of the football field and cheer on survivors in magnum duels.


Trader Joel finally follows his true life goals, gets jacked and dresses like The Undertaker in his American Badass motif, and sports a fluffy pink bunny tattoo on his left buttcheek (which is clearly visible thanks to the mirror behind him and you can't unsee it).


....i ran out of ideas. i have visions of a giant electric bunny ragdolling me to death



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