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Art of Mining - One shot

Dark Wun

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I don't remember this being emphasized as A21 was about to be released, but I just realized this final perk was taken out. The final bonus perk from completing the set is still called one shot , but now you just get 20% more ore instead of having the chance to destroy a block with one swing when mining rocks and ores. This is a significant nerf that not many pointed attention to considering how much more painstaking it has made resource collection for ores.


So my point/question: is there some other hidden facet of the game that kind of brings in some kind of equivalent to the game? Or is mid-late gaming mining just really tedious now? I know max'ing Miner 69'er and Mother load will help, but has anyone calculated whether the mining rate is comparable to what it was with the one-shot perk book?

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59 minutes ago, Dark Wun said:

This is a significant nerf


59 minutes ago, Dark Wun said:

has anyone calculated whether the mining rate is comparable to what it was with the one-shot perk book?

This combination can't logically exist in the same post... no worries thou, point received ;)


Can't say much about the maths, but I'm not upset they've reeled it in a bit. The change won't kill mining by any means, the effect was strong for sure, but it was on the strong side.. other book sets give things like bulk crafting, which is a 25% increase in output.


This one at least synergizes with Miner69'r, instead of making it obsolete. Wouldn't mind an increase to 25 or 30%, depending on how it stacks with Mother Lode.

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2 hours ago, theFlu said:


This combination can't logically exist in the same post... no worries thou, point received ;)


Can't say much about the maths, but I'm not upset they've reeled it in a bit. The change won't kill mining by any means, the effect was strong for sure, but it was on the strong side.. other book sets give things like bulk crafting, which is a 25% increase in output.


This one at least synergizes with Miner69'r, instead of making it obsolete. Wouldn't mind an increase to 25 or 30%, depending on how it stacks with Mother Lode.

It's to the base amount, so if you have max Mother Lode, it's basically a 10% increase.

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I'm curious as to why this change was made. I get that some players just prefer the quietness that comes with a pick axe, but there are plenty of players who prefer using the auger (one less tool to carry) and this change makes the auger essentially useless now.

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12 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

this change makes the auger essentially useless now.

Well, even if it's exactly on par with the steel picks, it's "one less tool to carry". If it's too weak in comparison, it's just a matter of buffing its block damage by a percentage. The old version of the book made a q1 auger essentially the same as a q6.. from that perspective, I welcome the change. Not that I would've advocated for it, the old way was fine as well.. :)

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52 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

I'm curious as to why this change was made. I get that some players just prefer the quietness that comes with a pick axe, but there are plenty of players who prefer using the auger (one less tool to carry) and this change makes the auger essentially useless now.


An unperked person is going to harvest more iron ore in the same time with an auger vs a steel pick.  Not sure how this makes the auger useless if it harvests faster and you don't lose stamina in the process.

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3 hours ago, canadianbluebeer said:

nope, that's what the Hammer of God is for.   :D

Can't tell if you are being serious, but I meant for players who prefer not to use cheats/helpers. Anything in the game can be made easier with admin tools.

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Steel Picks definitely are fun to use again when you reach the one shots for stone and stone type ore blocks.

Auger IRL is for mud and dirt, so technically auger should be the machine tier type of shovel and currently feels exactly like that to me. Maybe TFP will finally add a jackhammer or drill or whatever to have a machine tier pickaxe too?

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19 hours ago, Dark Wun said:

Can't tell if you are being serious, but I meant for players who prefer not to use cheats/helpers. Anything in the game can be made easier with admin tools.


for base oopsies, it was sorta serious, sorta tongue in cheek. (I use it when trying to place drawbridges, as they have a crapton of HP, and are an absolute PITA to place correctly)


Otherwise, yeah, pickaxe works just fine short of steel. 

(I never ever place steel blocks directly, unless I'm using creative mode to test something. So easy for a block to go in the wrong place)


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