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Sam's Stuff - v1.0


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Just now, saminal said:


I'll check out the sedan thing tomorrow, thanks for the heads up.


Re: the birds nests - on public servers, the birds nests around the spawnpoints will be taken and never come back, as the spawnpoints will always have people around within the last X amount of time. New players will join the server and have a 2km walk to find a feather for their starter quests.



Hah! That makes total sense! Was wondering that. :D

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Absolutely love the concept of "Sam's Working Stuff" which I have used for ages.


Is it possible to get a version that removes the sink functionality? (Prefer our community server to stay a little closer to vanilla mechanics, just with the usual QOL/UI improvements and additional deco choices.)

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4 hours ago, AtlasP said:

Absolutely love the concept of "Sam's Working Stuff" which I have used for ages.


Is it possible to get a version that removes the sink functionality? (Prefer our community server to stay a little closer to vanilla mechanics, just with the usual QOL/UI improvements and additional deco choices.)


Yeah definitely, I appreciate that. Here you go: https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home?url=https://github.com/saminal1/samsmods-a21/tree/main/SWorkingStuffNoSinks

9 hours ago, Zeinath said:

Fyi, Sedan's don't appear to be leaving the little repsawn plants. Thought it was a one off, but had a blue, white, and red each not leave one. All others seem to be leaving the respawn plants without issue.


I've tested this this morning and the sedans are definitely downgrading to respawner plants on my game. Do you have any other mods loaded that might be conflicting?

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Yay! Working Stuff! Thank you!! 💖


I mean, I really love what TFP have done with the campfires in A21 but I still don't want one in my kitchen. 🤣 🔥 I've actually resisted starting a base in my current save and have just been spending the night in random POIs instead because kitchens matter. I can build a usable home now with a working stove, and then start working towards the real meat of the game. No, not Blood Moon, decorating my home. Is it even worth surviving the apocalypse if you don't have a nice kitchen to come home to?

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3 hours ago, Mahnogard said:

Yay! Working Stuff! Thank you!! 💖


I mean, I really love what TFP have done with the campfires in A21 but I still don't want one in my kitchen. 🤣 🔥 I've actually resisted starting a base in my current save and have just been spending the night in random POIs instead because kitchens matter. I can build a usable home now with a working stove, and then start working towards the real meat of the game. No, not Blood Moon, decorating my home. Is it even worth surviving the apocalypse if you don't have a nice kitchen to come home to?

Good news, your lovely home can now have lovely doors! Building Stuff is available for download :)

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Hi, I'm getting this error message on Sam's Working Stuff:

WRN XML patch for "progression.xml" from mod "Sams_Working_Stuff" did not apply: <append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingFood']/display_entry[@unlock_level='27,35,43,51,59']/unlock_entry/@item[@item='foodChilliDog']"  (line 21 at pos 6)

There are no other mods loaded except yours. Maybe you can check again.

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1 minute ago, Blackmadman said:

Hi, I'm getting this error message on Sam's Working Stuff:

WRN XML patch for "progression.xml" from mod "Sams_Working_Stuff" did not apply: <append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingFood']/display_entry[@unlock_level='27,35,43,51,59']/unlock_entry/@item[@item='foodChilliDog']"  (line 21 at pos 6)

There are no other mods loaded except yours. Maybe you can check again.


I did find and fix that error, it should be working fine if you download the latest version.

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9 hours ago, saminal said:

Good news, your lovely home can now have lovely doors! Building Stuff is available for download :)

 Oh wow! Your timing could not have been more precise, because last night just before I closed the game to go to bed, I was looking at some doors on the location I was at, and thinking, "Why can't we make those? I want to make those!" 😁Thank you again!

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Not to bust your bubble ... The Game will allow you to upgrade to steel bars, if you have the steel to do it ..... But not spike, so that is a good one for sure.


Just my thoughts on the subject ....... I have downloaded a couple of the other ones. 

Have a good day and Thank you

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17 minutes ago, gpcstargate said:

Not to bust your bubble ... The Game will allow you to upgrade to steel bars, if you have the steel to do it ..... But not spike, so that is a good one for sure.


Just my thoughts on the subject ....... I have downloaded a couple of the other ones. 

Have a good day and Thank you


All good, I'm aware you can upgrade wood bars  > cobble > concrete > steel. I just miss the wood > iron > steel process that used to exist. The bars look AWFUL in cobblestone, for one thing.

On 6/18/2023 at 4:52 AM, AtlasP said:

Absolutely love the concept of "Sam's Working Stuff" which I have used for ages.


Is it possible to get a version that removes the sink functionality? (Prefer our community server to stay a little closer to vanilla mechanics, just with the usual QOL/UI improvements and additional deco choices.)


Hey, was just thinking about this again.. entirely up to you of course, but you could have the sinks with the same speed as dew collectors and requiring the same / similar resources to craft? Then the mechanic / balancing is the same, but people can have their functional kitchens?

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3 hours ago, saminal said:

Hey, was just thinking about this again.. entirely up to you of course, but you could have the sinks with the same speed as dew collectors and requiring the same / similar resources to craft? Then the mechanic / balancing is the same, but people can have their functional kitchens?


I think that's a solid idea with the two key criteria you listed: same cost/difficulty to craft and same resulting speed. (Taps barely working slowly and the water from them still needing filtered still fits narratively as well as game-mechanically for me.)

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9 hours ago, saminal said:

Hey, was just thinking about this again.. entirely up to you of course, but you could have the sinks with the same speed as dew collectors and requiring the same / similar resources to craft? Then the mechanic / balancing is the same, but people can have their functional kitchens?

Maybe there is a way to run a pipe from the dew collector to the sink to make it functional? Seems to make sense...

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1 hour ago, Lasher said:

Hey Sam - will you be doing your "Steel Electric Fence Posts" , "Hunger Tamer" and "Auto Shotgun Unnerf" Mods for A21 as well?

Love your mods BTW - great work.


Hey, yeah I'll be getting to them soon. Day job got in the way, hoping I have some time for modding this weekend!

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8 minutes ago, Beefthelegend said:

So im having issues with the working sinks with Filters.  the Droplets turn red, and stop filling.  

Any ideas why that may be happening?


On 6/22/2023 at 3:53 AM, gpcstargate said:

Good day Sam

Just a thought, Put a note for working sinks ... that they need to go outside ... I put on the inside and all I got are red icons and no water. Lol Thank you


This is why - because the sinks use the Dew Collector code, they only work outside. You can punch a hole in the ceiling directly above them as a workaround.


I'm trying to find a way to fix this but as it's hardcoded into the game, rather than being an XML thing, I doubt I'll be able to fix it in a server-side only mod.

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Question... I looked for a long time seeing about changing the dew collector slots from 3 slots to 9 slots. Am I missing it or is 3 slots hard coded?  If it isn't could your working sinks be turned into 9 slots? Or is this a change if can be done wouldn't no longer be considered server side only type of things?

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On 6/27/2023 at 9:16 AM, crazywildfire said:

Question... I looked for a long time seeing about changing the dew collector slots from 3 slots to 9 slots. Am I missing it or is 3 slots hard coded?  If it isn't could your working sinks be turned into 9 slots? Or is this a change if can be done wouldn't no longer be considered server side only type of things?

I'm pretty sure it's hardcoded I'm afraid.


23 minutes ago, Freyaa_ said:

Is there any way to remove wooden planks from the doors in Sam's Building Stuff?

Yes, hit them with a hammer 😁 all the door models now have different states from "basically broken" to "reinforced" within the one prefab, at different amounts of damage. A clean plain door is about 2/3 max HP

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