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Constant Crash on Launch


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After not experiencing any crashes over several years of gameplay, I'm suddenly crashing constantly... No one action seems to trigger the crash; instead, it's like it'll let me run the game for about 30 seconds and then crash, no matter what I'm doing. Obviously, I can't really get past the menu.


I tried verifying the game files, wiping game data, reinstalling... no luck.


  • Unmodded
  • A20.7


This is the most recent log after wiping game data: https://pastebin.com/zDkqs6dG

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Log ends abruptly without any errors. 


I would try to first backup any save data you wanted to keep.

Then follow these instructions...https://community.7daystodie.com/announcement/8-please-be-aware-that-a-wipe-of-previous-save-data-and-generated-worlds-is-recommended-for-a20/
Then I would exclude the client from security software. (Covered in the Pinned FAQ thread)
Then verify the files at least twice. I've had to do it three times sometimes in order for Steam to actually repair all the files.

Then try again, and post the new log if it still occurs at that point.

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1 hour ago, lowwaterer said:

After not experiencing any crashes over several years of gameplay, I'm suddenly crashing constantly... No one action seems to trigger the crash; instead, it's like it'll let me run the game for about 30 seconds and then crash, no matter what I'm doing. Obviously, I can't really get past the menu.


I tried verifying the game files, wiping game data, reinstalling... no luck.


  • Unmodded
  • A20.7


This is the most recent log after wiping game data: https://pastebin.com/zDkqs6dG

That log appears to be only up to the menu and then closing the game.  It doesn't really show any problems.  It could be that a crash is preventing the log from updating with the last info, which makes it a hard problem to diagnose.


A couple of thoughts...

  • Look at older log files and see if you can find the last one that got past the menu and see if there are any errors at the end of that log.  You might get lucky and find something useful.
  • When wiping game data, make sure all options are checked so everything gets wiped.  Then verify files twice before starting the game.
  • It can also be a good idea to make sure there isn't anything at all in your Mods folder and to create a new profile (if you have time before crashing).
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Also, you could check the Event Viewer in Windows to see if Windows recorded the shutdown. Abrupt shutdown of the game with no note in the log ‘could’ point to something outside of the game itself, anywhere from corrupted drivers, faulty ram module or even Microsoft screwing up something through one of their updates.

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Someone I know recently had this same problem and it was the weight of the gpu that was causing the issue. The gpu was sagging

in it's socket causing unreliable signals. A gpu support fixed it for him.

You can test if this is your issue by laying your computer on its side with the motherboard down and retest everything.

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