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Door/Window Mod Request (if possible)

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I had the thought to make a 2 wide single door that sits in the middle of 2 half blocks and a 3 wide door/window that sits in the middle of 2 half blocks.

The 2 half blocks could be decorations/glass or just solid.


Is this possible?

I've looked in to modding a bit and seems like a lot of work to bring this about, but I know there are a lot of talented modders who could probably whip this out in less than a week (if its even possible)

Single door between 2 solid half blocks (highlighted red) (white square is a where a normal cube block would be placed):

TS4_x64_0ysllmD7wc - Copy.png


Single door between 2 glass/decorative half blocks:



Double door between 2 half blocks:





Window examples:


Double window:



Single Window:


Edited by NolanStaark (see edit history)
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Is it possible to make 1/2 blocks connect in the middle of the block?  Very highly probability the answer is "Yes".

Has anyone done it yet?  To the best of my knowledge, no.  There are modders who have created functioning double doors and/or single doors that have hinges on left and right so they can be installed like "double doors".  I am not sure if there is a stand-alone modlet for that, but I know The Wasteland overhaul and others have incorporated the doors.



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Yeah, I've seen double door mods and they're really well done!! But I was looking more for a single door that is 2 wide, and it sits in the middle of 2 half blocks.
Like this, see how it's green rectangle sits between 2 full blocks (the thick lines not dashed on the floor):

Then something similar but 3 wide for double doors

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The problem with that is that, due to the voxel nature of the game, you can only place one item per cubic meter and if your door takes up half that space, the rest of it is still unavailable for block placement. You can totally make a 2-block-wide door like you describe, have it straddle block lines, and what-not, but you wouldn't be able to fill in the spaces to either side. If you made the same door technically a single block wide, you could probably have the other side pieces extending into the space to either side, but they wouldn't have collision or be targetable, I believe, and if you had full-sized blocks there instead of half blocks, nothing would show of the glass panes to either side of the door.

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all good suggestions, but I feel like I've tried those and didn't work for what I was hoping for.

I understand the voxel system to some degree, and realize that each block has to take up 1m^3. And what I'm looking for, and based on my understanding of Voxel, this should still be able to work, I just don't have the skills/time to learn those skills to make it happen.

Here is how I see it working:
 If we take a double wide door asset for example, its 2 voxel blocks, with a single door occupying each block, that sits naturally in a 2 block space in the world.
 What I was looking for would still fit neatly into those 2 blocks in the world, but only a single door centered, so the start of the door would be in the halfway point of the first block and end halfway into the second block, for a total still only 1 block. The remaining half blocks on either side of the door would be decorative, like half pains of glass on either side. 

This image shows the above example as a single place-able asset with 1 door occupying 2 blocks, with the blue squares being Voxel blocks in the world at 1m^3 each

Edited by NolanStaark (see edit history)
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You should be able to do this fairly easily, you would need Unity and the template project to do it, and there is a bit of a learning curve.


I do not have it all set up anymore, but last time I played with it I was able to make custom doors, gates, even elevators. As long as you tell the game it is a door it will use whatever animation you set up in Unity, so making what looks like it would be a 1x2x2 block with a door in the middle would be fine, the game doesn't really care that the door is in the middle, it is just sees it as a 1x2x2 block with an animation.


Edit: I should add that I had no prior experience with Unity before I looked at this stuff, I just followed Xyth's Tutorials over in the Tutorial and Guides section of the forum, they really are very good and will teach you how to make things like this.

Edited by Ananais (see edit history)
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Yeah, there are many door options coming soon, so you might want to wait and see what they look like before spending a lot of time trying to get a custom door working.  But I don't really see any issue doing what you're trying to do.  All you are really trying to do is make a 2-block wide door that is only a single door instead of a double door.  So it's basically a double door with a single door image (with side panels) and a single door animation.  Shouldn't be any different from making any door.  You aren't asking to be able to change the side panels or anything like that but just to have them be part of the door block, so it should be fine.  Of course, I have only barely started learning Unity and I have limited knowledge of the limitations of voxels, so I admit I could be entirely wrong.  ;)

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