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A20.6 EXP Prefab folder question.


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Ok, so I read the notes, and I have a question regarding this... and yes, you're not going to like it, and I'm also going to call out a small bit of misinformaiton.



Due to Microsoft requirements, custom prefabs can no longer be saved directly to the game folder.
They will be saved to the User Defined Folder (UDF).
This default location is:


To avoid having to re-save each POI one at a time in the prefab editor, all POI's currently located in...

\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs

...should be manually moved to the UDF.

The UDF can be declared in the game launcher as a command line parameter.
Add the following to the command line:





The UDF can also be set in the serverconfig.xml file.




<property name="UserDataFolder" value="C:\MyServer\Users\TFP\123456\MyDediSaves" />

This is not a Microsoft Requirement!!!


You can run prefabs directly from \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods\Modname\Prefabs.

Because I've done it on the MS Store/Xbox app version of the game in 20.5

Therefore, my question is this.

Why the location change? Why not just run from \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods\Modname\Prefabs when works fine, along with C# DLL's and XML files? This is just making things more complicated for end users, which is exactly what I warned would happen when you guys felt the need to change where mods were installed in 20.5.

C'mon... you really, really, really need to start talking to the modding community before doing things like this, because we actually TEST it and we're used to users doing things wrong and helping them troubleshoot. You've got a resource of untapped potential here, and I feel like it's not being used for no good reason.

EDIT: I have been informed this is ONLY for saving prefabs, not loading them and loading them will still work the old way (AKA - the directory I mentioned).

If someone could confirm this, it would be appreciated and may be worth clarification in the notes.

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i know modders aren't exactly held in the highest of regards when decisions like these are made but it would be nice to get some confirmation on how this will work, and if this change will be a permanent thing going forward in A21.


Not only for modders but for prefab builders who wish to share their work as well.

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30 minutes ago, JaxTeller718 said:

Not only for modders but for prefab builders who wish to share their work as well.


I can't speak for every POI designer, but I develop within my modlet, so I locate my work in progress in /AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/Mods/ZZTong-Prefabs and then use Git and Git-Hub to handle my pushes and checkouts.


When I have made a new Prefab, the first save (prior to A20.6) meant the files were created by the Prefab Editor in the game's folders because the "save" feature doesn't give you the ability to specify a location. I would then move the POI's files to my modlet. The next launch of the Prefab Editor would find them in the new location as if nothing had changed.


With A20.6, I expect to find newly created POIs in /AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/LocalPrefabs where I will once again move them into my modlet.


The changes do not represent a significant complication for me.

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As long as it's just a change to the default save location, and loading from Mods/Modname/Prefabs still works, then we're all good. But the patch notes could've been... a little more specific on that. ;)

Side note, yes it seems to still work but would be nice to get confirmation it will remain like that.

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1 hour ago, zztong said:


I can't speak for every POI designer, but I develop within my modlet, so I locate my work in progress in /AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/Mods/ZZTong-Prefabs and then use Git and Git-Hub to handle my pushes and checkouts.


When I have made a new Prefab, the first save (prior to A20.6) meant the files were created by the Prefab Editor in the game's folders because the "save" feature doesn't give you the ability to specify a location. I would then move the POI's files to my modlet. The next launch of the Prefab Editor would find them in the new location as if nothing had changed.


With A20.6, I expect to find newly created POIs in /AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/LocalPrefabs where I will once again move them into my modlet.


The changes do not represent a significant complication for me.

So I was told this change will be permanent in A21, along with the Mods folder moving to AppData, so unless we get clarification chances are this will have an impact on you,


Which is why clarification on it would be nice here.

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7 hours ago, JaxTeller718 said:

So I was told this change will be permanent in A21, along with the Mods folder moving to AppData, so unless we get clarification chances are this will have an impact on you,


Which is why clarification on it would be nice here.


I'm confused. I just described how I believe I am complying with the changes and have not been having any issues.


I must be being dense on some issue. What am I missing?

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11 hours ago, zztong said:


The next launch of the Prefab Editor would find them in the new location as if nothing had changed.


That part would no longer be the case. It will not break your work no but it will break overhauls if we can no longer have a Modname/POI folder in AppData or Mods. Which is why clarification would be nice here.

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13 hours ago, JaxTeller718 said:


That part would no longer be the case. It will not break your work no but it will break overhauls if we can no longer have a Modname/POI folder in AppData or Mods. Which is why clarification would be nice here.


You can have a Modname/POI folder. It is working in A20.6 experimental. The Prefab Editor and the game find them as expected.


I suspect the confusion has to do with where the Prefab Editor creates NEW files, not how RWG or the game find POIs.


OLD: Prefab Editor created a new POI's files in the game's Prefab folder.

NEW: Prefab Editor creates a new POI's files in /AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/LocalPrefabs 


The Prefab Editor's SAVE feature doesn't give you a chance to change the destination directory, so the LocalPrefabs folder is where they land upon first save. They don't have to stay there.


I can also confirm this is working in A20.6 experimental.


Where you choose to relocate those files is up to you and should work fine. I move new POIs into my modlet's Prefabs folder.


Or, am I being dense and missing your point?

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14 hours ago, zztong said:


You can have a Modname/POI folder. It is working in A20.6 experimental. The Prefab Editor and the game find them as expected.


I suspect the confusion has to do with where the Prefab Editor creates NEW files, not how RWG or the game find POIs.


OLD: Prefab Editor created a new POI's files in the game's Prefab folder.

NEW: Prefab Editor creates a new POI's files in /AppData/Roaming/7DaysToDie/LocalPrefabs 


The Prefab Editor's SAVE feature doesn't give you a chance to change the destination directory, so the LocalPrefabs folder is where they land upon first save. They don't have to stay there.


I can also confirm this is working in A20.6 experimental.


Where you choose to relocate those files is up to you and should work fine. I move new POIs into my modlet's Prefabs folder.


Or, am I being dense and missing your point?

No. Just remember this conversation when a21 comes out and this isn't optional but mandatory. Like Modlets, they already confirmed we will no longer have the option to place them in the 7 days to die/Mods folder they WILL need to go into AppData and no where else. I was told the prefab change will ALSO be mandatory and no longer optional. If this means nothing to your work then that's fine, but I suspect on the user end this may cause some confusion and getting confirmation now would go a long way to prepare us for this change,.

For you and I this means nothing because we will still work how we do, but it means a LOT to the users who download our work.

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8 hours ago, JaxTeller718 said:

For you and I this means nothing because we will still work how we do, but it means a LOT to the users who download our work.


I'm not sure how to interpret this. It will mean a lot to them... because?


They can basically use either game features or operating system features to put their Mod folder anywhere... except within the game folders, I guess. (I'm not really sure how TFP would stop you if you're the Admin on the system, but that's neither here, nor there. I don't want to intermix my stuff with the game's files on my computer, but to each their own.)


The game includes some command line option for moving your local folders if you don't like the APPDATA default. The operating system offers symbolic links which lets you basically put anything anywhere. Many users won't know those options, of course, so maybe you're warning me of having to provide more tech support in A21?


I get the sense you're warning me of some future peril and I feel dense for not seeing what it is. I don't want to fall into some future trap, so what am I missing?

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12 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

Propably missing that a LOT of people have no clue how to find the appdata folder as it´s hidden.

This too. I did bring that up when they said they were changing it and suggested they use the documents folder instead (which has cross platform support for Mac and Linux)

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10 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

This too. I did bring that up when they said they were changing it and suggested they use the documents folder instead (which has cross platform support for Mac and Linux)


Documents would be easier but also very much a hack. People using that folder for the designated use would not be happy about it.


(The final solution for the worst case user will be steam workshop anyway)

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