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Просадка фпс \ FPS drawdown


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2 minutes ago, starinfo said:

What can I say, it means I'm lying

No, it means that your system has a problem that you have not found. I can demonstrate that I get over 100 FPS with an i5 3550 from 2012 and a 1060. So, that means there is something on your computer that is a problem. It could be software, AV, network, disk, - etc, many options. But you are more interested in arguing than making any progress on your issue.

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11 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

No, it means that your system has a problem that you have not found. I can demonstrate that I get over 100 FPS with an i5 3550 from 2012 and a 1060. So, that means there is something on your computer that is a problem. It could be software, AV, network, disk, - etc, many options. But you are more interested in arguing than making any progress on your issue.

Yes .... it is my system that has problems, though I played with a person at the same time and EXACTLY I have problems
I am special)
though the 2nd user is also special, he has a completely different system and the same behavior(
many of us special gathered
Another strange feature in special ones, I’ll tell you a secret, I have a lot of games and I’m special only in 7 day
(of course, Cyberpunk is still sad, but there is simply no optimization, but on 2070 you can play quite well at 60 fps, but then some kind of cyberpunk, and this is 7 day)




I have already taken care of the excess and found the reason, instead of blaming me or my incompetence, you need to pay attention to the fact that the load is lost from the video card, this is the root of the whole problem.
Why at one time the load is close to constant 100% without vertical synchronization enabled, and at another moment the load disappears, this needs to be investigated and checked.
Although why? you can say that you have problems there and do nothing, profit)

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23 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

Thank you for demonstrating the truth of my point.

I don't know anymore, my hands drop
the project is raw, it is developing
I found a mistake and I poke your nose into it, and they tell me that I have a problem
After that, you see, they turn out to be right, the problem is in me
only in me that I show the logs. screenshots, don't care, the main thing is to prove that the problem is in the user, then only joy and flowers


I probably can’t be heard, it’s already really easier for me to abandon this game, if it’s like that and score on it. I just don't care, I'm tired, I'll upload the video to YouTube now, throw off the link and I don't care what happens next
I will listen further that I am wrong and in general I have a problem

23 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

Thank you for demonstrating the truth of my point.

The fact that you write that you have Intel and it works just proves my theory

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The fact that on version 20.3 there was a problem with automatic turrets, I did not even begin to write.
We noticed that when power is supplied, there is simply a drop in FPS,
judging by the forum, we found a way out, we just removed them.
This is a minor bug, well, it lags when there are PP turrets and a shotgun, what's that so bad?
this did not affect the gameplay, but when the whole game lags, it can no longer be done

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Open powershell as an admin and enter this 

get-process | out-file “path to file”


Replace path to file with something like C:\processes.txt


That will breakdown everything running in the background in your system, there may be something conflicting.

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7 hours ago, Jugginator said:

Open powershell as an admin and enter this 

get-process | out-file “path to file”


Replace path to file with something like C:\processes.txt


That will breakdown everything running in the background in your system, there may be something conflicting.

Where to upload a text file?


5 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

Check for a bios update as well.

Of course, I will put the most important driver on the monitor (if they are not) it directly plays a role)))

Perhaps I need to install updates on Windows? I take a break for 5 weeks, most likely because of them)))))



Numbers in the top left corner
Video card: Temperature - load percentage - fan speed on the video card
CPU: Temperature - CPU load

The video is ready, I had to remove the sound and it became 1080p, it was originally in 2k
If I remember correctly, this is 3600(4.3GHz), 32ram(3200), rtx2070, ssd - m.2 970 evo plus


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I decided to try again for the test at 1060, reinstall the game (I deleted it because it was useless).
And in general, the FPS was within reason, a couple of parameters were even set to High and the textures were completely.
50-90 fps showed.
I don’t know what this is connected with, even the 7th day was quite playable, not lower than 50 fps
This is due to the reinstallation of the game, so that the experimental version or something else is not clear.
for 1060(6) I think this is quite a good result
But, the test is not entirely correct, I played solo, I definitely won’t do 300 hours since I played before, but I think it also affects.

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9 hours ago, starinfo said:

Where to upload a text file?

Pastebin or wherever else you wish to host it. 


I can't read those monitorings. But that looks like your CPU is choking, which would be a reason why your GPU utilization drops like you stated. It's waiting on the CPU to send it more frames to render, reason why I saw the CPU is getting slammed is because it happened in the video when zombies were active. You likely would be able to see better results if you're the client with someone else hosting.


And note if it says something like 35% CPU load, that is just the average of all cores, physical and logical. If you check all the cores you'll see 4 at max.


Try playing in 1080p, not 2k.


But I still am interested in what processes you're running in the background. 

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41 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

Pastebin or wherever else you wish to host it. 


I can't read those monitorings. But that looks like your CPU is choking, which would be a reason why your GPU utilization drops like you stated. It's waiting on the CPU to send it more frames to render, reason why I saw the CPU is getting slammed is because it happened in the video when zombies were active. You likely would be able to see better results if you're the client with someone else hosting.


And note if it says something like 35% CPU load, that is just the average of all cores, physical and logical. If you check all the cores you'll see 4 at max.


Try playing in 1080p, not 2k.


But I still am interested in what processes you're running in the background. 

I looked at the loading of the kernels, somewhere there was even a screenshot and none were 100% loaded
It is doubtful that 1060(6) can load ryzen 3600 to such values. And again ... I understand everything, well, 2k22 is in the yard, I have a lot of games on the PC, everything is ok, but there is one problem and they already tell me about fairy tales with hardware, this is not how it works.
It will come to the fact that I will upload screenshots of memtest+, victoria, maybe AIDA?


Have you tried playing on a 1080 monitor at 720p?
maybe in 360?
doesn't bother you?
when the render crashes, those pixels are very hard to play with, that's not how it's done



I just do not understand what you are trying to convince me that I have a bad computer? - OK
I understand everything, but there is no miracle, all my programs also work when I play other games and there are no problems
Or do you think I'm running more processes specifically for the sake of this game?


I tried to connect to the user.
At that time, there were no major changes.
FPS drawdowns were, especially in the city

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I also noticed a "decrease" in fps when you dig in the ground, and a lot of screamers will gather from above, which summon zombies and they start digging the ground

It seems like the problem with lags due to zombies is promised to be fixed in the next version, I hope

For this reason, I'm already waiting for Alpha 21

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Now I started to test what with the kernels.
Indeed, the load this time is only on 1 core.
It’s just interesting, in 2022, when the game can’t work with multi-core processors, is this a user problem or is it still bad optimization?
And the second point, if the minimum processor is specified in the Steam system requirements, for example ryzen5950, I will have no questions, it will just be a game for the elite, but everything will be ok. Is it correct? I think it's up to everyone to decide for themselves.


11 minutes ago, q123 said:


^ this (and all the other Razer-stuff in your list) - I would remove them and test if that changes something.

Those. there are no problems with other games, but the process is to blame
What's the problem with killing? easily


As you can see from the video, it did not help, vertical synchronization was removed.
As soon as I enter the building, the load disappears, yes, not by 50% and not by 20, it would be generally sad, but noticeable


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5 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

Asus fan control, Samsung Magician. What version is your bios? Did you check for an update?

Read this: https://wccftech.com/asus-amd-agesa-1-2-0-7-bios-firmware-to-its-x570-x470-x370-b550-b450-b350-a520-a320-motherboards/

Asus fan control - I will not turn it off)
it definitely doesn’t bother me, but the program is squeamish
I have 5 coolers in the case, all of the server segment, 120mm and 3000 rpm, without this utility, unfortunately, I won’t be able to control them, so it’s definitely past.
Samsung Magician - also not, thanks to Samsung, they have an interesting feature, my sata ssd speeds up by taking part of the RAM as a cache (this does not apply to the ssd on m.2 on which the game is installed and does not touch the system partition)
The BIOS version is not the latest, 3205. But it's not old, so it's quite ok, it's just compatible with Windows 11



As someone who has seen Ryzen processors, you should know that AMD's entire line of processors has a big problem with voltage, and therefore with overheating.
I came across a very successful sample of the processor, which operates at a frequency of 4.3 GHz with a voltage of only 1.2 volts and the temperature of the processor under load does not exceed 70-75 degrees under constant high load.
Default values are up to 4 GHz and 1.45 voltage, at which the processor can warm up to 90 degrees with the same cooling.
If you update the BIOS, you need to set all the parameters again, I don’t want to do this because of one game.
Saving settings is not safe to do when updating BIOS

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There's no need to be so defensive and attack people trying to help, and nobody is saying your system is crap. There're differences between your system and others that's causing this.


Yes optimizations are/will be worked on. 


Disabling the Razer software does nothing if you disable it while in a game. Do it first and try. I've had 3 other people have this issue that had Razer Cortex running, uninstalling it gave them a solution.


I would upgrade your bios to 3604.


Most games only utilize 4 cores properly, the difference is this game hammers your CPU, unlike cyberpunk or others you mentioned. That, and this game is in alpha and unoptimized. 

29 minutes ago, starinfo said:

AMD's entire line of processors has a big problem with voltage, and therefore with overheating.


This is the first time I've heard of this. Intel runs hotter than AMD and AMD also uses less power. I can overclock my 5800x with a double fan heatsink cooler and it won't break 75~. Although I gave it a lower power limit than normal, because I usually don't use most of the performance out of it.

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2 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

There's no need to be so defensive and attack people trying to help, and nobody is saying your system is crap. There're differences between your system and others that's causing this.


Yes optimizations are/will be worked on. 


Disabling the Razer software does nothing if you disable it while in a game. Do it first and try. I've had 3 other people have this issue that had Razer Cortex running, uninstalling it gave them a solution.


I would upgrade your bios to 3604.


Most games only utilize 4 cores properly, the difference is this game hammers your CPU, unlike cyberpunk or others you mentioned. That, and this game is in alpha and unoptimized. 


This is the first time I've heard of this. Intel runs hotter than AMD and AMD also uses less power. I can overclock my 5800x with a double fan heatsink cooler and it won't break 75~. Although I gave it a lower power limit than normal, because I usually don't use most of the performance out of it.

From this, what is the conclusion, we are waiting for the update, they promised to "clean" the zombies and optimize the windows in the buildings.
We'll see what happens there.
While I was running around and observing a positive vector, as I wrote above, at the moment the game works noticeably better, I don’t know what this is connected with.

Until I bought a processor, I also did not know that AMD had problems with high temperatures.
And then I got into the official AMD forum and it would be better if I didn’t do it, it’s just a lottery.
Now they say Intel is also very hot.
For myself, after reading and asking a question, I solved the problem with overheating by reducing the voltage and overclocking the system.
As you can see, I do not have a top-end motherboard, maybe everything would be different on the x570 chipset, who knows.
I do not plan to change anything yet, as everything works fine.
The bottleneck is the video card, but with the growth of mining, it’s impossible to buy for normal money (
Today, the positive news is that Foxcon seems to be going on a production scale, I believe, I hope.
Maybe my problem will be solved in another way, I'll just buy a video card)

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't posted in a while, but I have some info
I upgraded my CPU to a Ryzen 5600 and GPU to a 6750XT.
everything seemed to be cool, other games just fly, it's nice to play.
But I launched the 7th day, went to the city, and it’s true that on ultra settings I see 40 frames ...
just 40 frames and I have nothing to add, closed it and forgot about it
it's just a shame, I'm waiting for alpha 21, they'll fix the windows there
+ update hospitals with doors, it's good that there are no problems in the game, just a little bit of texture to fix and it's normal

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I concluded that the game is the bottom, but it is broken
I do not know if the proverb will be understood normally.

but I think not only does the game behave like this, but also the level of support, instead of general optimization we will draw doors, doors Carl

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