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boss horde


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Depends on if you want a wandering horde full of boss zombies or do you just want to spawn a large group of the zombies.  Thru the console you can use the command spawnwh and it will spawn a wandering horde for you but it won't dictate what types of zombies will be present.  You can press F6 and it will bring up a spawning UI that will allow you to spawn whatever types of zombies you want to.

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17 hours ago, Reddevil said:

as an admin is there a way to call in a boss horde?

If you have a twitch account, simply turn on the twitch integration, make sure votes is turned on, and turn on the Boss votes feature to what you want.   Generally, one boss vote a day and since you are not streaming, it will pick one from the list.   Be aware, in the early days, bosses are EXTREMELY hard if you don't have enough ammo.   Good thing is you get a reward for living through the boss after killing them all(boss + minions).  

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I tryed spawnwh twice and nothing ever came. I was the only one on so it didnt go to anyone else. I did find that if I used the shift-f6 menu and choose vote immortal (zombie type) it would spawn in a boss and minions but they spawn right on top of me. Kinda annoying but atleast I can see what they are like.


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28 minutes ago, Reddevil said:

yes the f6 spawn box does that. but the summons i called from the shift-f6 box did not do that.


Did you happen by chance to look in the console to see what happened?  I haven't done shift +F6 myself, but I think if something was to spawn in, you should get a game message.

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4 hours ago, Boidster said:

The F6 ought to spawn them where your cursor is pointed (might need to be within a certain range). I use it all the time to spawn test subjects *a few meters over there*.


Oh, so now I'm supposed to closely read the original post? PFFFT...what EVER. ;) 

LOL I do wish the boss summon would do that instead it seems to summon them right behind you and start smacking you right away.


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5 hours ago, Boidster said:

The F6 ought to spawn them where your cursor is pointed (might need to be within a certain range). I use it all the time to spawn test subjects *a few meters over there*.


Oh, so now I'm supposed to closely read the original post? PFFFT...what EVER. ;) 


Would it help if the OP spoke in c# instead?

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