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A20 Infection Issue


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I apologize if someone already brought this up, but has anyone else noticed that they added a model for apiaries (man-made beehives)? Perhaps the current scarcity of honey in tree stumps is in preparation for making those apiaries something more than just a model.


The fruit stand with the sign that looks like a bee has some, and I have seen them in a few other places.


Just sayin . . .

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On 1/30/2022 at 5:38 PM, InterDan said:

It's called 7 Days to Die, not 7 Days to @%$# Around In The Forest. Any time spent grinding for honey is a) not fun and b) takes away from time preparing for horde night, which you desperately need.


Finding honey IS preparing for horde night. It's one of the tasks you need to do and can't ignore. Much like hunting for food. I mean you can say looking for animals to get meat is not preparing for horde, not fun,and you should just jump off a building when your hunger gets low....

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On 2/1/2022 at 11:10 AM, seagas said:

Just like birds nests, early game, good source of feathers for arrows and eggs. Late game, I'm still checking them for eggs.


Oh for sure! I need dem eggs for my pumpkin cheesecake to use on trader restock days!

On 2/1/2022 at 7:20 PM, Reckis said:

I apologize if someone already brought this up, but has anyone else noticed that they added a model for apiaries (man-made beehives)? Perhaps the current scarcity of honey in tree stumps is in preparation for making those apiaries something more than just a model.


The fruit stand with the sign that looks like a bee has some, and I have seen them in a few other places.


Just sayin . . .

Good mention. Yeah I noticed it too. The first time I tried to break it down to see if I would get honey from it but unfortunately all I got was wood.  I hope they expand on this idea and make it to were you can have your own bee's nest in the future.

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Brother HL-2250DN

On 2/1/2022 at 8:58 PM, ChickenWings said:


Oh dear god I remember those days, and having to crawl around you were praying for a zombie to find you and kill you 🙂

Yeah it's very rng for me now on the honey.   I've gotten 2 in a row, and then can't even buy one.

-2250DNther HL-2250DN

     Ah yes! Comedy and tragedy to rival Shakespeare. The slo mo comedy chases, perma broken legs making it feel like swimming through molasses. It was hideous, and yet i still played. You have to be a special kind of stupid to play under those conditions. No wait...........

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Personally I have ok RNG and not getting hit/getting armor asap as been way more useful. Mid to late game, I stock up on all curatives and usually never need to worry.

I find in the early game, getting hit too much is likely (with little to no armor) to get you infected.....and you havent had time/invested in getting said anti infection items.

In ALPHA 20 Alone RNG wise I have had several characters I played that got infected early, out of 8 game startups (multiplayer included) that got infected early 2 on multiplayer where either we group searched or someone had a curative, 6 were single player, 4 of those 6 just died either from Issue the disease gave, or trying to go out of my way to get infect cured but other injuries stacked up and I died from that.....not the disease itself.
1 of those 6, I got to 40% and just killed myself

however the last one was interesting, I got infected like first 3 minutes playing the game....thought should i just die? then was like, no, no, I got this went around but made 100% sure to destory all stumps i happen to see/look for a curative.
Boy was that game interesting, it was a brawler, machine gun, shotgun, club build for a farmer build testing in alpha 20 here. Feral sense on at night, cause of reasons too long to explain. I had 7-9% infection each time I seem to get one honey, oh did i mention that zombies that hit can increase the infection % it seems, or the rate at which it goes up at least, cause i have had infections before and this game felt different, but then again brawling didnt help a little, it was the damn animals that kept infecting me in that build. Still the story goes that I had that infection even for the first horde night, it was at 2% that night,  Made a easy to do quick melee one, with a toilet pistol and pipe rifle. (pipe shotgun sucks too bad even tho i was going to use shotguns)
I kept finding honey from stumps at the right times to keep it down, I actually used the club more often, and did have a perk in brawler should of used that more to prevent infection ability in hind sight. I think the highest i got was 18% on infection Heck i even found 2 honey in a POI loot grab at one point but laughed as i had just hit 11% at the time.
it wasnt til day 9-10 when i check the merchant they had a antibiotic, only 2 of them but i got both. interesting game.
Still have the save, and I dont think I have died once on that one. Heavy Iron armor was a priority in that one, didnt get the steel schematic til like day 43? even with 200% exp on, loot was at 100% and in the winter biome is where i finally found it.....after i had two tier 6 pieces of steel on.......I grinded two merchant who where not too far from each other til both had offered tier 5 POI quests then i just did those as much as possible, boy did i level up fast, that crackabook headquarters is really good for exp when your sent there 3 times in a row XD in two days and cleared it out before doing the mission for the double up effect.

Still infection/ disease in the game is not very......interactive or an issue overall. its annoying yes, if you cant cure it more so, which encourages cheese deaths. But overall its not very.....threating. Should it be, no, could it be more intuitive? I could think of several ways it could.

Moral of the story, the dam animals are more likely to infect you cause zeds are a bit easier to dodge.......dam birds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/29/2022 at 10:36 PM, InterDan said:

Future infections, I think I'll have to just jump off a tall building, eat the XP loss and save the time spent looking for honey.

I agree! When my infection reaches over 25% I just eat glass. 

On 1/30/2022 at 4:32 AM, meganoth said:

4) trader always has very expensive honey for sale, but make tree stumps scarce over time.

...and if you sell the trader honey it can drive the price down.




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I can understand your frustration and the reason you ranted about it. I've been there myself. It helps to remember this problem your having is tied to this one playthrough. You are more than likely to have a different experience with this particular issue in your next one. It's not fair-minded to blame the "loot table" for your negative experience and think it needs to be changed, especially when it's an issue type that: A) Has multiple preventative measures such as those listed in this thread & B) Can be completely different in a different playthrough. 


You got an infection, couldn't find honey or antibiotics in the time/place you allowed yourself, you died, you felt frustrated and @%$#ed about it, you don't want it to happen again therefore something in the game needs fixing, & you needed to let the game community know about it. Dude.... seriously, I sympathize, but.... you over reacted with your original post IMHO. I take it you didn't have a playthrough going when the honey was truly nerfed with the original a20 release? You think now is nerfed....pfffft. 

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If they make it so easy to find cures for infection they may as well remove it. Which I hope they don't. 


You people talking about eating glass or throwing yourself off buildings instead of hunting for a cure must've missed that survival is a part of this game. Trying to loot a good POI or dig up a treasure and get infected? Guess what that means? Finding a cure is now #1 priority. Hell, if you're just gonna take the easy way out you may as well just use the console to clear the buff or spawn some honey or pills in. 


Even playtesting my mod where I'm rarely full health, I don't seem to get infected all that often. But I play smart early and avoid fights as much as possible. My buddy I was playing with who is brand new to the game charged into everything and I don't know that he got infected ever. Though he also died a looot. lol. 


They may well buff up antibiotics availability as they almost always swing their pendulum too far when making changes like this. But I've never had trouble keeping a few jars of honey around, and I see antibiotics often enough from either quest rewards or the trader's inventory. Sounds like the people complaining just don't want to adapt, but rather throw a fit instead. 

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17 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Trying to loot a good POI or dig up a treasure and get infected? Guess what that means? Finding a cure is now #1 priority.

Yeah, despite finding it annoying I find this actually keeps the game interesting. Since stumps are usually a bust and I play with a lot of towns, I strike out immediately for a pharmacy to loot for antibiotics and I've never not found a cure in time.


I think the infection mechanic might be a little unfair to new players because cures are somewhat uncommon, I don't think the game ever tells you to look for stumps (I learned that here), and infection is really easy to get in the beginning when you have no armor. But day 1 dire wolves aren't fair either, which is why the game gives you no death exp penalty until level 6 so you can adapt and learn how to survive in an unfair world.


If you've made it to day 15 with no antibiotics I think that goes beyond RNG and is more a sign that you aren't keeping your eyes open. Stockpile cures when you don't need them so you aren't hunting them when you do.

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22 minutes ago, ElDudorino said:

Yeah, despite finding it annoying I find this actually keeps the game interesting. Since stumps are usually a bust and I play with a lot of towns, I strike out immediately for a pharmacy to loot for antibiotics and I've never not found a cure in time.


I think the infection mechanic might be a little unfair to new players because cures are somewhat uncommon, I don't think the game ever tells you to look for stumps (I learned that here)




So now whenever I am out lumbering, any stump on my way out and in gets whacked.  Plenty of 🍯 my last play. 

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On 1/31/2022 at 6:17 PM, InterDan said:

No, I'd rather play a game with better loot tables so I don't have to spend all my time searching for tree stumps. This is an *alpha*, that means the devs look for feedback and make changes to improve it. It's an alpha of a *game*, that means it should be *fun*. Hence this thread.

while this is true, they also took the feedback from previous alphas and came up with "we need to reduce the amount of honey in the world and make infections more common".


soooo they(Madmole from what i understand) WANTS you to be hurting if you don't find honey or anti biotics of some sort so you might want to change your playstyle and find honey FIRST before you start attacking everything in sight because that's what The Fun Pimps WANT(as of A20 when they reduced honey drops from tree stumps and increased infection chances)




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I have never had a real problem with honey, and have little need of antibiotics, herbal or otherwise. Playing a Strength build for the first 15 levels or so, usually grabbing Iron Gut, Cardio, and Pain Tolerance early to help with stat loss, I go Level 3 Sexy T-Rex and Miner 69er ASAP. This helps beat the grind and the zed. I do have the "Wandering Horde Frequency" mod by Khaine. I found the game a little too chill so it adds some intensity, as well as more XP to the game, and well as play at 125% exp gain, again to help combat grind and keep the game moving. By spending a couple of in game days searching for nests and stumps in week 2, I usually find more honey than I need. I always keep some on my vehicle, so that in a pinch you have it nearby. Just make sure you replace it when you use it. Nearing loot stage 40 I noticed I found honey 3 out 4 times when I harvest a stump, and nearly every nest has eggs.


I used to play Perma Death and would restart with A19, made it to day 30 when A20 hit the streets, and it is a bit tougher, but so far I am having a blast.


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