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Any way to remove road markings?


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Being non-technical this is likely a daft question and the road markings are not tied to config files but resource files.


But seriously - they look like utter @%$#e. Combined with the non-functioning and clearly broken AA - visually it looks like a @%$# show.


If there's some sort of mod to revert to plain tarmac without this nonsense I'd love to hear about it.



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They are likely a placeholder until the game has a better decal system.  They look decent to me for the most part, is there a specific place where they look bad?


I have heard people having issues with having to remove them before they can build on asphalt but nothing about them looking bad.

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6 hours ago, Laz Man said:

They are likely a placeholder until the game has a better decal system.  They look decent to me for the most part, is there a specific place where they look bad?


I have heard people having issues with having to remove them before they can build on asphalt but nothing about them looking bad.

It looks bad when you don't have AA enabled, however that's to be expected without the edge smoothing. The road decals specifically look like blobs of lines, but it's nothing to the point of looking like shi* as they called it.

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14 hours ago, EVH said:

Being non-technical this is likely a daft question and the road markings are not tied to config files but resource files.


But seriously - they look like utter @%$#e. Combined with the non-functioning and clearly broken AA - visually it looks like a @%$# show.


If there's some sort of mod to revert to plain tarmac without this nonsense I'd love to hear about it.




Can you post a screenshot? Something doesn't sound right - whilst I've not noticed spectacular 'realism' I've also not had my retinas sprayed with faecal effluence.


What are your game video settings? What's your gpu and gpu control panel settings?


Might be worth posting this as we might be able to help with settings.


What I see - a bit more blending wouldn't go amiss, but nothing drastic: LrLU9RO.jpg


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My main issue with the road markings is their hit box, like in the parking garage POI, I was trying to remove some painted lines so I could make an enclosed area, and the lines acted like a full block, keeping me from setting down that last block.  When I tried to demolish the line, (it should have 200hp, I kept hitting the block underneath for 5000 hp).


I eventually broke out the concrete block that it was on, and still could not hit the painted line until I went underneath and broke it out from where I had demolished the concrete block it was "painted" on. 

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  • 6 months later...

So i was reading through everything looking for a fix but no luck. I decided to just try and find a solution and i found one!!!!! I can provide screenshots as well but my brain cant figure out how to put one in seeing as it asks for a link from a URL
You stand in line with the line and then hit it dead center of it then it has a total of 250 health and you can break it


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