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Looking to play the game like it was back when you first started, with immersion and fear? Try out the wasteland challenge!


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It's the closest I've been able to play like the old days, remember?  When there was fear?  Newbs don't even try, you don't want this noise trust me.


Here it is:

-insane mode

-create a random map

-when you spawn in on day 1, set a quick marker at the middle of the map, and then just take off running in that direction.  Do not do any of the startup quests (you will later in the wasteland)  Don't pick up honey, eggs, feathers,  women, or anything on the way.  You can however pause to let your stamina refresh, those &^%$ing dogs...

The idea is to run until you find wasteland.  If you find a biome border, try running along that border until you hit the promised land 🙂

-once you find wasteland, step inside and never leave, not one step across the border.  You can do the initial quests, but the "find the trader" just delete because he will be a gazillion miles away.

How long will you last with no deaths?


It's @^&!ing hard.  Week 1 is especially hard.   I died a lot at first, and once I die I always make a new map.  It might take you 2 days to find some wasteland, or you might spawn right into it.  I'm up to day 17 or so now, and I would love to say I've got mad skillz but to be honest a little luck was involved.   I will confess that I turn off all wind and rain because I find them just depressing, in the console when either appears, so admittedly it does give me an advantage.  I've got lots of tips but will hold off for now so I won't spoil it for those up to the challenge.


It's a true survival experience, and you will learn to fear the zombies or pay the price!

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Challenge accepted.... but on Warrior. Sorry, Insane is just not for me under any circumstances.   #twominutesperzombieisntfun


If Warrior is too easy I'll go up one more but more likely than not I'll have to reduce to Nomad after several attempts to stay alive. Also, I always just cancel the first quest and do things in my own way. I hate the first quest and I like finding the trader by fortune. Also, I'll do an underground base just to put some dirt in the eye of those who claim it ain't possible no mo.





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11 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

Increase zombie spawnrate by 4, decrease animal spawnrate by 4.
That should make it a bit more fun and less of a "how long can you run away from dogs" challenge.

I really like the amount of zombies in the Wasteland but hate the number of dogs, bears, and vultures. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/19/2022 at 7:34 PM, Roland said:

Challenge accepted.... but on Warrior. Sorry, Insane is just not for me under any circumstances.   #twominutesperzombieisntfun


If Warrior is too easy I'll go up one more but more likely than not I'll have to reduce to Nomad after several attempts to stay alive. Also, I always just cancel the first quest and do things in my own way. I hate the first quest and I like finding the trader by fortune. Also, I'll do an underground base just to put some dirt in the eye of those who claim it ain't possible no mo.





Back to square 1 for me!  Bought the farm on day 29, did a fetch challenge, and went in through the top hole in the roof, fell actually.  And then proceeded to break my cardinal rule of always have an escape, I did not build a ladder up and out for running.  What happened?  Overconfident and ran into my first feral something or other, surprise to me lol, game over bubby! 🙂


Was a shame too, I had a nice little setup going, lots of crops planted, forge, workbench, minibike, cement mixer, easily beat day 28 horde, lots of potential down the drain 😀

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2 hours ago, Hyperbolt said:

Is this challenge including feral sense on?  I havent done this in A20, ive only heard rumours about being trailed by a constant horde of zombies as soon as you sneeze in the wasteland 😅

I haven't touched the feral sense yet lol.  But maybe I will at some point just to see how fast I get offed 😀

14 hours ago, ElCabong said:

Go ahead and pick up women. A good woman is hard to find


There are some hotties in the game aren't there?  Good clean church going types.    Pretty sure I saw Wendy from Breaking Bad at the motel 😀

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I am on Day 1 using the 8k Pregen map. I spawned right on the edge of the wasteland so I was able to run in before anything started spawning. I canceled my starting quest but still ran right into a trader compound so I headed there first and raided it finding a pistol in a purse and then plenty of ammo in the crates. I grabbed a fetch quest and then ran out and laddered to the roof of the nearest house. I broke into the attic, killed all the zombies and knocked out the ladder leading up. Then I cut out an opening in the wall and looked out to see the world start populating dogs and zombies all around. Yikes...what now?


I plan to sneak out at night and see if I can stealth my quest in the cover of darkness but I suspect my death is coming soon...


No way did I select feral sense.

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19 hours ago, Roland said:

I am on Day 1 using the 8k Pregen map. I spawned right on the edge of the wasteland so I was able to run in before anything started spawning. I canceled my starting quest but still ran right into a trader compound so I headed there first and raided it finding a pistol in a purse and then plenty of ammo in the crates. I grabbed a fetch quest and then ran out and laddered to the roof of the nearest house. I broke into the attic, killed all the zombies and knocked out the ladder leading up. Then I cut out an opening in the wall and looked out to see the world start populating dogs and zombies all around. Yikes...what now?


I plan to sneak out at night and see if I can stealth my quest in the cover of darkness but I suspect my death is coming soon...


No way did I select feral sense.

I don't go out at night lol, that's crazy talk 🙂  At least until I have a minibike.


Rocks to distract some zombies.  Although the spitting ones ignore rocks, which I think might be a bug because in 19 all zombies followed rocks if I remember correctly.


I have found that often times dogs are "territorial", for lack of a better word.  If you kill some near you, they don't spawn back in the next day.  So it's possible to clear out an area, so to speak.  As clear as an area can be in the wasteland  You got a lucky start, finding a trader is one of the keys, and that vending machine that gets restocked with food.


Make sure you find a water source, ASAP 🙂

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Bought the farm on day 5, was walking the wasteland looking for a road to take me to town.  Encountered one of the crawly half zombies, no worries just walk around him.  Well, I heard one, maybe two growls and my brain just assumed it was that crawly zombie.  But then boom red screen, and suddenly I realized  o $%@! that was a bear not that dumb slow zombie.   Never saw him just a red screen, one shot from a bear and you dead bubby.


Had a nice little base on top of a pass n gas out in the middle of nowhere, was a good start.  Crap!  Back to square one again.

5 days only hit once, on day 5 by a dog that was suddenly there when I rounded the corner of a fence.  Thank god no infection because no honey.   A vulture immediately showed up lol but 9mm pipe machine gun ended his meal 🙂


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