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NPCMod and Addons


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6 hours ago, humanturd said:

can I pls have photos of the 1-darks zombies of every zombie and there group and name because they look awesome but some of them I don't like to much

You can do that yourself in game. Just enter dm in the console and then you can hit F6 and spawn them in to know which one is which. Can hit * once in DM mode to freeze the AI to make it easier.

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Searched for PitMonk at nexus and didn't find anything new...

18 hours ago, PitMonk said:

...I have today published my first ever mod containing 3D modelling and Unity, and what a steep learning curve it has been, Im mentally exhausted after just 2 weeks. Its published on nexusmods.com/7daystodie...

Edited by ktrain (see edit history)
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Hello! The main problem with the mod is that the npc companions that follow the player at some point stop shooting zombies and just stand there watching them. Taking them as an item in inventory and placing them again sometimes solves the problem and they start shooting again, but it doesn't always help. Please fix this because this bug is very annoying as it happens quite often.

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On 11/20/2023 at 9:00 AM, Keibl said:

Hello! The main problem with the mod is that the npc companions that follow the player at some point stop shooting zombies and just stand there watching them. Taking them as an item in inventory and placing them again sometimes solves the problem and they start shooting again, but it doesn't always help. Please fix this because this bug is very annoying as it happens quite often.

I'm assuming you're speaking about the NPCmod as a whole an not just my addition?
If that is the case, I haven't seen this yet.
What I have noticed is that they tend to only engage if:
A, You are also fighting
B, The zombies are in their range of agro
C, If they themselves get hit.
These all seem to be by design.
Ive also noticed that there is about a 1 second delay as they recalculate or reloading. Also if a zombie is too close, they begin to fight in melee mode.

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12 hours ago, PitMonk said:

I'm assuming you're speaking about the NPCmod as a whole an not just my addition?
If that is the case, I haven't seen this yet.
What I have noticed is that they tend to only engage if:
A, You are also fighting
B, The zombies are in their range of agro
C, If they themselves get hit.
These all seem to be by design.
Ive also noticed that there is about a 1 second delay as they recalculate or reloading. Also if a zombie is too close, they begin to fight in melee mode.

I specially recorded a video with this bug, which often happens inexplicably because of what, please watch it. Mode "hunting" and "resume". Npc was 4, they started running after me and shoot zombies, after about 10-15 minutes two npc stopped shooting, the other 2 npc prolonged normal behavior and shoot zombies. I removed the 2 normal npc in the inventory and left 2 npc that did not shoot at zombies and from this point recorded a video.

Edited by Keibl (see edit history)
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NPCCore updated to .15 : Fixed Bandits healing the player when they healself.  Adjusted some UAI  distances to test SCore UAI changes (follow distances) to pre/post calculations.  

12 hours ago, ahugehit said:

do the raiders and soldiers and what not roam the map simialr to zombies?

Yes they do, or maybe placed in custom POIs.

On 11/21/2023 at 4:56 PM, Keibl said:

I specially recorded a video with this bug, which often happens inexplicably because of what, please watch it. Mode "hunting" and "resume". Npc was 4, they started running after me and shoot zombies, after about 10-15 minutes two npc stopped shooting, the other 2 npc prolonged normal behavior and shoot zombies. I removed the 2 normal npc in the inventory and left 2 npc that did not shoot at zombies and from this point recorded a video.


I have not seen this bug in my testing, but maybe it takes as long as you say.  I also noticed you had a drone deployed, perhaps that is part of it, I've not tested with drones.  The NPCs you show are clearly task locked, but not sure why.  

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9 hours ago, xyth said:

I have not seen this bug in my testing, but maybe it takes as long as you say.  I also noticed you had a drone deployed, perhaps that is part of it, I've not tested with drones.  The NPCs you show are clearly task locked, but not sure why.  


I have seen this behavior too, and when I saw it, unfortunately it is not task locking. I'm pretty sure the task is always "MoveToAttackTargetSDX".


It's infuriating because it's sporadic, there are no errors or warnings in the logs, and I can't find anything that would cause this in the SCore code. (My final guess was some kind of miscommunication between the C# code and the Unity controller but that's probably just my ignorance talking.)


But I've never seen it as bad as it is in the video, so maybe this is a different issue.


If anyone here sees it, this might help triage the issue:

  1. Hit <esc> as soon as you see it, so the game and AI don't change while you're doing the next steps.
  2. Hit <F1> to open the console.
  3. Type "dm" to go into debug mode.
  4. Hit <esc> twice (to get out of the console and to resume the game), and immediately hit "0" on your number pad. This will show an "info panel" above each entity's head, including the heads of NPCs, which will tell you a bunch of information about the current AI state.
  5. For NPCs that use UAI (which is all of the friendlies), pay special attention to the "Active Action" entry. If it is rapidly flickering between two or more actions, then those actions are fighting against each other so rapidly that neither one has the chance to do anything. I'm pretty sure that's what Xyth meant by "task locked."
  6. It's possible the "Active Task" or "Active Target" entries could also flicker, but I've never seen that (NPC Core only uses one UAI task per action, and if it's the same task and action then the C# code should stick with the same target). If for some reason you see that, then that's probably also "task locking" and is an issue worth reporting.

Even if you don't see the flickering that I mentioned, it will probably help you all understand what is going on behind the scenes. So if you see something that doesn't make sense while an issue is occurring, that might lead us to the solution.

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Hello guys !
First of all, congratulations to the creators of NPC, you have done an incredible job!

And I thank you because it’s very cool to play!😃
But I have a question !
Is it possible that NPCs are bad?
For example a group of NPCs attacking your base with weapons?
This could be cool and intense in addition to zombie attacks!
If this is possible it would be incredible! :)
Thank you in advance and congratulations AGAIN to the creator, you are the best! ❤️

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14 hours ago, zeR said:

Is it possible that NPCs are bad?
For example a group of NPCs attacking your base with weapons?


Some of that is possible, some of it isn't. For instance:

  • It is possible to add NPCs to hordes, but they have to use a specific SCore class that isn't as widely used nor as widely tested. They also need custom AI to "wander" appropriately.
  • For NPCs that spawn into hordes - which hordes? You could replace an entire stage of wandering hordes, no problem. But NPCs shouldn't spawn into blood moon hordes because they'd just fight the zombies. It's the same for screamer hordes - and unfortunately you can't have more than one type of screamer (e.g. a "bandit screamer" that summons bandits).
  • It is not possible for NPCs (or anything else) to target "your base." The game cannot tell if a block was placed by a player. It is possible to make NPCs break blocks in general, but NPCs also spawn into their own POIs, and you don't want NPCs to destroy their own homes.


My Whisperers pack spawns with zombies in wandering hordes, and when I release my Rogues and Psychos pack, it will be possible (with modifications) to spawn those into wandering hordes too. But that's about the extent of what I intend to do, and other pack authors probably aren't going to bother with anything more than biome spawns and NPC POI spawns.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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Hi there.  I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction on this:  I've been playing The Wasteland mod lately, but the constant profanity when using hirelings or encountering raiders (via this mod) has become annoying, especially since lately I often have family hanging out watching me play. 

I poked around in the Sounds.xml (both in the Wasteland mod folder as well as the NPCmod one) and tried commenting out the sections for the VO sounds included under "GuyAttack" (and all of the 'Guy' sections, even), and/or subbing in a 'silence sound' instead, but have seen zero change in-game. 


I have a fairly decent amount of modding/tinkering experience, and have successfully made or tweaked a number of other mods to my liking, however the solution to this particular issue has eluded me so far.  I've even tried renaming the source file for the humanoid VO with no change (except errors in the console, of course).  Seems like maybe disabling the specific voice lines in The Wasteland's sounds.xml just causes NPCmod to default to it's own source files for the same VO (but I didn't find an XML file to tweak those)?
I realize that Fallout had a ton of foul-mouthed raiders, etc... it's all thematic and everything. I get it, but for my ongoing personal playthrough (and often not alone) I'd like to shut them up if possible.


Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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1 hour ago, arramus said:

Here's the thread specifically for the Wasteland Mod. While it uses the NPC Mod to power the NPCs, things like that are very much a feature of that overhaul.
The creator is very active and will certainly respond and offer assistance.


Thanks.  I've posted my request there as well.  It wasn't clear to me which mod provided the VO source material, or which governed the specific sounds I'm looking for.

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5 hours ago, Keibl said:

Recorded this video according to the instructions offered earlier "khzmusik". 3 npc follower ran and shot, everything was normal. After a while 1 npc continued to shoot, the other 2 stopped shooting.

Regarding the XNPC mod. I had an issue with the latest XNPC mod in War of the Walkers overhaul. The NPCs were not responding to Zombies as mentioned by @Keibl ...and one more thing I noticed was, if I crouched...NPCs even farther away from me were responding to it and crouching. Usualy the closest one crouches.  On horde night...randomly only 1-2 NPCs(Out of 6) were shooting, which was not the response in the previous version.


So to check, I used an older XNPC modlet all worked normal. I am using Alpha 21.2 Stable. Thanks.

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2 hours ago, AceManoj said:

Regarding the XNPC mod. I had an issue with the latest XNPC mod in War of the Walkers overhaul. The NPCs were not responding to Zombies as mentioned by @Keibl ...and one more thing I noticed was, if I crouched...NPCs even farther away from me were responding to it and crouching. Usualy the closest one crouches.  On horde night...randomly only 1-2 NPCs(Out of 6) were shooting, which was not the response in the previous version.


So to check, I used an older XNPC modlet all worked normal. I am using Alpha 21.2 Stable. Thanks.

I checked the NPCCore changes from .10 to present and there is nothing apparent that would effect this.  It might be related to changes in SCore however, but make sure you are on the latest version as there have been updates that might impact this issue.


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53 minutes ago, xyth said:

I checked the NPCCore changes from .10 to present and there is nothing apparent that would effect this.  It might be related to changes in SCore however, but make sure you are on the latest version as there have been updates that might impact this issue.


Okay. Thanks. 🙏

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The version that has been overhauled
I'm allowed to play.
I have two requests.

Each overhaul author and
All the player has to do is fix it, but

1. At the time of distribution
A. Stronger than the current character
B. even stronger
Could you please prepare one for me?

Does the current character have low HP?
Is your defense weak?
Even if I take you to quest tier 5
It will die soon.

Therefore I modified
I take him after automatic recovery and defense UP.

2. NPC commands
X. Is it okay to choose only one weapon?
current situation? Divided into bare hands and rifles.
Y. code
Is it because I'm always in debug mode?
Isn't the displayed command/code related information unnecessary?

<passive_effect name="HealthChangeOT" operation="base_set" value="10"/> <!-- heal x point of (red) health / minute -->
<!--HP automatic recovery-->

<passive_effect name="PhysicalDamageResist" operation="base_set" value="90"/><!-- Physical damage resistance -->

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i see it has been asked before, but it's been awhile and im hoping there's an easy answer to this question... is there a blanket way to lower spawn rates of npc's ?

i assume i could manually edit the entire entitygroups file and reduce them from say .15 to .01 and that would probably work, but im hoping for a method that doesnt involve changing a 100 lines of code individually.

the reason im asking is because i used to have lots of zombies in my world, but now with the npc's running amok everywhere and wiping out all the zeds my world is looking pretty empty.

if there's another idea like making npc's non-aggressive unless attacked that would also be a start in the right direction.

Edited by ALo (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, ALo said:

i see it has been asked before, but it's been awhile and im hoping there's an easy answer to this question... is there a blanket way to lower spawn rates of npc's ?

i assume i could manually edit the entire entitygroups file and reduce them from say .15 to .01 and that would probably work, but im hoping for a method that doesnt involve changing a 100 lines of code individually.

the reason im asking is because i used to have lots of zombies in my world, but now with the npc's running amok everywhere and wiping out all the zeds my world is looking pretty empty.

if there's another idea like making npc's non-aggressive unless attacked that would also be a start in the right direction.

A small modlet that xpaths them to spawn less would work. Or you can easily do a mass search and replace in something like Notepad++ and change all those .15 to .01 with just a few clicks.

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Summary: Every time I try to load into a new world I just get a wall of errors and I manually installed it. I'm not 100% sure if it's a bug or I'm installing it wrong but any help would be appreciated.

Game Version: (A21.2 (b30) 

Platform: PC

Video Settings: Medium with motion blur turned off

Game mode:  SP 

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Yes

Are you using any other mods? No

EAC off?  Yes

Bug Description:

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

I manually installed A21.1 SCore: 0-SCore and NPCCore: 0-XNPCCore and as it begins the world generation and character creation it always gives me a wall of null exception and will not load in.

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8 hours ago, Arctic Wolf said:

Summary: Every time I try to load into a new world I just get a wall of errors and I manually installed it. I'm not 100% sure if it's a bug or I'm installing it wrong but any help would be appreciated.

Game Version: (A21.2 (b30) 

Platform: PC

Video Settings: Medium with motion blur turned off

Game mode:  SP 

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Yes

Are you using any other mods? No

EAC off?  Yes

Bug Description:

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

I manually installed A21.1 SCore: 0-SCore and NPCCore: 0-XNPCCore and as it begins the world generation and character creation it always gives me a wall of null exception and will not load in.

Make sure you have the 21.2 version of SCore and try again. If it doesn't work still, use pastebin to link your output log here.

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.16 released.  Pushed a small fix that reverted a UAI change to caused NPCs to enter chat at long distances.  

On 11/20/2023 at 4:00 AM, Keibl said:

Hello! The main problem with the mod is that the npc companions that follow the player at some point stop shooting zombies and just stand there watching them. Taking them as an item in inventory and placing them again sometimes solves the problem and they start shooting again, but it doesn't always help. Please fix this because this bug is very annoying as it happens quite often.

Might be fixed in .16 version

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NPC just keep frequently stop attacking , they still aim or watch at enemies but do nothing , that's really fxxking annoying , when about day 10 i finally got 2250 coin to hire a girl i like , but after 10 minutes in real world on the back home in game , a fxxking M60 guy shoot us to death , but i controlled myself from being angry  because we are both melee , but what happened today not just made me angry , it's fxxking rage , i was about to do a level 5 mission in a place called shamwai factory ?(whatever) i spent 3500 coins on hiring a guardman  with a M60 , and during the Fxxking mission , he just Fxxing spawned on a broken bridge where i temproraily cant reach in 5 minutes , and that bug happened again , he just stood there and let those green zombies smash him , and i broke my Fxxking leg trying to Fxxking save him , and he still didnt Fxxking make it , my mind went in blank in a sec , this stupid bug just keep testing me , it happened many times , but i usually just go to the trader and reload the save and everything just back to normal , but this time i was in a Fxxking level 5 mission , there were like a dozen of zombies knocking on the door and wall please fix it , i'd be Fxxking grateful . sorry for saying dirty words , i just got so angry , mods i installed : mega books , mega lootbags , longer lootbags , expanded weapon skill book , improved hordes , always open trader , better loot , score , npccore , summon fox friend , darkscleanerz , darkssoldierz , darksraidergurlzfriendly

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