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NPCMod and Addons


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7 hours ago, Hayran said:

Hi you forgot update it. The link/file is from 5 days ago xD. 



6 hours ago, ate0ate said:

Is there a way to make the nurses killable? They drive me nuts shooting around POIs when I am trying to explore them stealthily. I'd like to be able to silence them:) I am playing singleplayer and have the player kill setting on 3 "kill everything" so I'm not sure why I cannot simply shoot them, but I cannot. Is there a setting somewhere that I can tweak?


In the Entityclasses.xml file in this mod, you will find a commented out section around line 140, which I pasted below.  


        <!--  This effect group sets a cvar on the player called "DamageRelationship" which is the faction relationship at which the player can damage NPCs. 1001 means "everyone." 400 is the default, and what is in effect when this effect group is commented out.  This is only for faction targeting - it doesn't affect allies (hired NPCs), and other players and their NPCs are governed by the server's "Player Killing" setting. If you want to adjust the value: 800+ is "Love", 600+ is "Like", 400+ is "Neutral", 200+ is "Dislike", and 0+ is "Hate". -->
            <!--<effect_group name="Damage All NPCs">
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfFirstSpawn" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="DamageRelationship" operation="set" value="1001" />
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEnteredGame" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="DamageRelationship" operation="set" value="1001" />
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="DamageRelationship" operation="set" value="1001" />


Uncomment just the effect group, and make sure the values are set to 1001 like in the example above.  With that effect group commented out, the default relationship value is 400, so you cant harm Neutral characters, or those with even more positive faction relationships.  

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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ok i had the server people to install this for me .. since i can not do it cause of the dill... i get errors. 


ould not instantiate classEntityAliveSDX, SCore' for entity_class 'npcNurseDPistol'
2022-02-15T08:54:41 93.459 ERR Could not instantiate classEntityAliveSDX, SCore' for entity_class 'npcNursePipeMG'
2022-02-15T08:54:41 93.461 ERR Could not instantiate classEntityAliveSDX, SCore' for entity_class 'npcNurseAK47'


Edited by xyth
too much text (see edit history)
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So this might be me being stupid because I'm new with mods but I have a Mods folder and the mod does work but I only see the nurse, Harley, and the baker and yes it was the only mod downloaded when I could only see them and I did download the RaiderGurlzPack,  RaiderzPack, SoldierPack, RaiderGurlzPack-Friendly and khzmusik_Zombies and I put them in the Mods folder but do I have to put them somewhere else? Like in the npccore? I dont know and im sorry if im being stupid 😅

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7 hours ago, SiCookieWolf said:

So this might be me being stupid because I'm new with mods but I have a Mods folder and the mod does work but I only see the nurse, Harley, and the baker and yes it was the only mod downloaded when I could only see them and I did download the RaiderGurlzPack,  RaiderzPack, SoldierPack, RaiderGurlzPack-Friendly and khzmusik_Zombies and I put them in the Mods folder but do I have to put them somewhere else? Like in the npccore? I dont know and im sorry if im being stupid 😅

The core Mods beginning with 0-, the Addon Mods beginning with 1-, and the Addon Expansions beginning with 2-, can all be placed in the Mods folder as they are so the end result will be 2 with 0-, and a collection of 1-'s and possibly 2-'s, that may need a 1- as a prerequisite such as the spiders.

Nothing needs to be placed within another folder beyond the Mods folder, as the creators have already taken care of that.

1 hour ago, RobWed said:

Are the Bakers supposed to be non-hireable?

I have a bunch wandering around town (there must have been a baker's convention when the apocalypse hit) and I'm not able to interact with any of them

Some of them are Hireable and some of them are Non-hireable wandering survivors from what I've experienced. Things may have changed since I observed that but I believe it's still that way. The same applies for the Addon Packs such as the Soldiers with some getting on with their own thing and others ready to team up.

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Bakers are Hirable in the Exp version.  That version will be pushed to stable soon.

On 2/15/2022 at 12:00 PM, Kazina said:

ok i had the server people to install this for me .. since i can not do it cause of the dill... i get errors. 


ould not instantiate classEntityAliveSDX, SCore' for entity_class 'npcNurseDPistol'
2022-02-15T08:54:41 93.459 ERR Could not instantiate classEntityAliveSDX, SCore' for entity_class 'npcNursePipeMG'
2022-02-15T08:54:41 93.461 ERR Could not instantiate classEntityAliveSDX, SCore' for entity_class 'npcNurseAK47'


Looks like the 0-SCore mod didnt get loaded

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12 hours ago, arramus said:

The core Mods beginning with 0-, the Addon Mods beginning with 1-, and the Addon Expansions beginning with 2-, can all be placed in the Mods folder as they are so the end result will be 2 with 0-, and a collection of 1-'s and possibly 2-'s, that may need a 1- as a prerequisite such as the spiders.

Nothing needs to be placed within another folder beyond the Mods folder, as the creators have already taken care of that.

Some of them are Hireable and some of them are Non-hireable wandering survivors from what I've experienced. Things may have changed since I observed that but I believe it's still that way. The same applies for the Addon Packs such as the Soldiers with some getting on with their own thing and others ready to team up.


Okay so I have them all in the mods folder, but when I load a new game it says

2022-02-16T15:12:54 70.560 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entityclasses.xml' failed


2022-02-16T15:12:54 70.567 EXC Did not find 'extends' entity 'RaiderJayneClub' 


2022-02-16T15:12:58 74.717 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entityclasses.xml' failed


2022-02-16T15:12:58 74.717 EXC Entity with name 'npcRaiderJayneClub' not found


22-02-16T15:13:08 84.951 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'spawning.xml' failed


22-02-16T15:13:08 84.951 EXC Entity spawner 'Dog_Sm-Territorial' contains invalid group ZombieDogGroup 


How do I fix that? Also zombies dont spawn in as much 

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5 hours ago, SiCookieWolf said:


Okay so I have them all in the mods folder, but when I load a new game it says

2022-02-16T15:12:54 70.560 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entityclasses.xml' failed


2022-02-16T15:12:54 70.567 EXC Did not find 'extends' entity 'RaiderJayneClub' 


2022-02-16T15:12:58 74.717 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entityclasses.xml' failed


2022-02-16T15:12:58 74.717 EXC Entity with name 'npcRaiderJayneClub' not found


22-02-16T15:13:08 84.951 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'spawning.xml' failed


22-02-16T15:13:08 84.951 EXC Entity spawner 'Dog_Sm-Territorial' contains invalid group ZombieDogGroup 


How do I fix that? Also zombies dont spawn in as much 

That's a lot of critical files which are being seen but not loading. And naturally you already have EAC set to off\false, so something else is at play here.
Best to share your Mod list to look for any conflicts.

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I don't know if this has been suggested already, but would it  be possible to add factions? For example, the raiders hate everybody, but survivors and soldiers like each other and so forth? Just might be a fun way to add some life to the world and maybe even pave the way for the play to gain or lose rep with factions and enable faction quests and such.


Thanks for a great mod!

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EXP version just promoted to stable

No new exp version is currently available.  We need more testers, but so far this build seems stable enough.  Need new save game as several changes are not save safe.


As always, please let us know if you find new issues.  SCore is currently undergoing many changes so please use the latest public release, which is linked on the first post.


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You mentioned that there are fraction...

And that they have a relation to the player from 0-1000. Is this ralationship influence in the game and if yes by what actions?

How can I remove the soldier with the rocket launcher - he is blowing up the whole territory when he is hunting Z's 😞 

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6 hours ago, Ancientwolf said:

Gonna bring this one up here-  /Mods/0-SCore/SCore.pdb cannot be uploaded to dedicated server. (Gportal)



Redo the install following the install instructions.  You'll see it does NOT say to install everything on the score git. 

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2 hours ago, gwydion62 said:

How can I remove the soldier with the rocket launcher - he is blowing up the whole territory when he is hunting Z's 😞 

You should be able to edit the entitygroups.xml of whichever expansion the NPC is from (raiders I believe) and comment out the lines where the rocket launcher raider spawns are.

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Haha.  Harley is a member of the bandits faction and they hate most other factions.  


You can go into the entity classes.xml and change Harleys faction from bandits to whiteriver.  You will need to change her AI packages and add the hired package if you wanted to also hire her.  She likely only has the basic AI packages as well so if you want to control her more you would need to replace those AI packages with the advanced packages.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Pushed a new NPCMechs pack, many of the mechs from A19 are in there, and some new ones. 


There is also a vomiting Bee and a flying ranged template (drone with ranged, and ranged "melee" ) that are not in set to spawn yet, as they are works in progress.  


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The MOD is great! Impressive work done...

Would like to add a few thoughts:

Transfering items to the NPC is not working (only manualy piece by piece) - the other way it works. Maybe u can add this too?

Inventory of animals should be much smaller...

Is it possible to integrate the control buttons in the UI somewhere else and not in the tool belt which is even small without the mode buttons 😉


How many animals, I saw only fluffy... And what is he doing if I aske him to loot?

Again my question: are the NPC's learning to get better and can I give them armor and other weapons they will use - don't think so at the moment, but is it planned?



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The adding a control area to the UI is planned, and perhaps a pet bar.  The only animal so far is the fox in the base pack but you can expect more expansion packs in the future.  This mod is basicly a resource for the large mods like Wasteland, rebirth etc but can be used standalone with some adjustments to suit.  So expect some new animals that might be exclusive to those mods.  


The NPCs get better based on their kills and on the level of their owner.   They do more damage,have more armor etc.  Right now there is no way to change weapons or armor manually.  They have custom, adjustable AI so you can do a lot with that as is.  Looting is a work in progress, only the fox has it enabled now as I was using his to test.  The fox hangs at times when looting but that should be fixed at some point.  I wanted him to gather feathers and eggs and maybe some shiny things he finds.  

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On 1/8/2022 at 10:11 AM, xyth said:

They are uncommon spawns, but are around.  Nothing is balanced yet, mostly because this isn't primarily intended to be a mod used alone, but for POI builders and mod makers to use in their mods.  You can use it alone, but balance is then on you because we don't know how many or which expansion packs you might load.


I want to say that you and your team has done a wonderful job with this project.  Just want to let you know that your hard work is appreciated. 

Edited by Kingston621 (see edit history)
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16 hours ago, shizhiwen said:

How to use the unity tutorial? I didn't find any instructions to use it

There are a ton of tutorial videos linked in the Tutorial and Guides section of this modding forum.


11 hours ago, Kingston621 said:

I want to say that you and your team has done a wonderful job with this project.  Just want to let you know that your hard work is appreciated. 

Thanks!  We appreciate words of encouragement.  


Pushed a tiny update .07 to fix a bug when NPCs fired a sniper rifle under water.  Noted all NPCs can fire guns while swimming under water, will look into a fix for that eventually 🙂

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