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NPCMod and Addons


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I have a problem with the mod. I cannot upload the SCore.pdb file to my server.
It gets rejected. I have already asked the support there but they say I have to contact you. Can you help me ?

Errormessage is:
/Mods/0-SCore/SCore.pdb cannot be uploaded to dedicated server. (Gportal)


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2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

I think there might be an issue with the last EXP builds. I've been getting some errors trying to load them.

Perfectly reasonable. I was reluctant to mention it at all as I know things are unstable, I just thought it worth mentioning on the off chance that it may be useful in some way. Thanks for checking it out:)

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2 hours ago, Shemasheko said:


I have a problem with the mod. I cannot upload the SCore.pdb file to my server.
It gets rejected. I have already asked the support there but they say I have to contact you. Can you help me ?

Errormessage is:
/Mods/0-SCore/SCore.pdb cannot be uploaded to dedicated server. (Gportal)



You dont need that file.  Are you only uploading the 0-SCore folder or his entire repo?



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A small update for the NPCMod Prefabs.




2 Prefabs are available for the Arachnid groups. At present, this only consists of the spiders but they are ready and waiting for other beasties of that nature.


They are compatible with:

2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion:  https://github.com/arramus/A20-NPCMod/raw/main/2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion.zip


The SpiderPack-ColonyExpansion can also serve as a Template for NPCMod Addon Pack creators and Prefab creators for the following:

- Has Sleeper Volume groups that are directly associated with the 0-XNPCCore (npcArachnidsAllGroup/npcArachnidsBossGroup)

- Has Game Stage specific groups from GS1, GS50, and GS100 which allow entities to increase in strength to reflect player advancement.

- Contains custom Prefabs and Sleeper Volume groups specifically made for only the spiders.


A few pikkies to show what to expect. The well known Army Camp 02.



The Arachnid Cave. This was made in A19 for The Behemoth, houses some Wasteland Super Mutants, and will be in CP48 for default zombies. A stone built POI with a darker theme.





Looking forward to some Scorpions or other Arachnid type entities for the future.

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To offer a fix we would need more information.  Please link your games logfile.


From Steam 

From Mod Launcher

From  .exe  
%AppData%\..\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log

From dedicated through startdedicated.bat 

From Executable
<homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die <- Dedicated>/Player.log

From start scripts or Steam

From server with management scripts


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10 minutes ago, cookie1996 said:

The mod is incompatible with lootable zombies. i apologize for how dull i am, corpses work now and everythings killable, incredible work! im sorry again. Thank you for making the mod



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On 2/10/2022 at 10:42 PM, arramus said:

This question is going to repeat itself time and again for sure. Here are some simple step by step instructions and suggestions for Server Admin and Player Hosts:


Changing the settings in 0-XNPCCore\Config\entitygroups.xml and the same entitygroups.xml for each of the Addon Packs, e.g. 1-RaiderzPack\Config\entitygroups.xml will allow you to increase or decrease the amount of NPCs that spawn.


For example, in the 0-XNPCCore\Config\entitygroups.xml, you will see, as an example:


<entity name="npcHarleyClub" prob="1" /> connected to EnemyAnimals group.


This means that Harley carrying the Club is allowed to spawn at a potential probability rate of '100%' in comparison and relation to other characters and entities in groups that start with 'EnemyAnimals' in their group name (I believe) of the same and different probabilities.


npcHarleyClub's probability of 1 for this group is actually incredibly low considering the EnemyAnimalsForest's, animalWolf is 9, animalBear is 3, animalDireWolf is 3 and 'none' is 85. 'none' may or may not relate to a non spawning entity that keeps numbers in check or to 'thin' the herd and cause players to gradually move further out.


If you are seeing too many NPCs, consider reducing the probabilities to somewhere from 0.1 - 0.25. The setting 0.1 is being used in the individual RaiderzPack and they appear at a comfortable rate.


I have Zoomed through the Wasteland and have seen NPCs appear very frequently even though they are only set from 0.25 - 1 for Harley. This is actually incredibly low and was a clearly considered entry when we see the default values for others in the same spawn group are animalSnake at 20, animalZombieVulture at 30, animalZombieDog at 30 and animalZombieBear at 20.


However, something is not working out, and with experience for the Snufkins, I have seen that Mods can disproportionately take precedence over default probability values in some groups. Again, consider reducing these NPC probability values to 0.1 - 0.25.


It will be helpful if you can report back your findings if you give these a try.


It is best to edit entries individually with entitygroups.xml.


If you want to change the spawning as a whole, that is governed in the spawning.xml. However, this will simply reduce/increase the overall respawn amounts and frequency proportionally and you will have exactly the same issue but at a reduced rate, if the issue is one entity is spawning too often.

Ok trying it out tonight. I'll post back.

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In entityclasses.xml, she will have an entry with sound properties like these (there are others too, this is a sample)          


   <property name="SoundRandom" value="HarleyRandom" />
   <property name="SoundRandomTime" value="60.0"/>

   <property name="SoundSense" value="HarleySense"/>


Change the value to an empty value "" so like:


<property name="SoundSense" value=""/>


Then they wont say that.

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6 hours ago, xyth said:

In entityclasses.xml, she will have an entry with sound properties like these (there are others too, this is a sample)          


   <property name="SoundRandom" value="HarleyRandom" />
   <property name="SoundRandomTime" value="60.0"/>

   <property name="SoundSense" value="HarleySense"/>


Change the value to an empty value "" so like:


<property name="SoundSense" value=""/>


Then they wont say that.



This did the trick:
<!--            <property name="SoundRandom" value="GurlzChatterRandom"/> -->

Edited by RobWed (see edit history)
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35 minutes ago, mnjparks said:

I pretty much changed all entity groups to .25 and I honestly don't feel like it changed too much. Survivors I feel should be rare,  and there are in my opinion too many still.


Its impossible to balance this mod due to all the expansion packs.  I have no idea how many packs you might load.  This mod, unlike other mods, is primarily a framework resource for modders to include in their large mods.  If individuals want to use it, and want to add many packs, the burden falls on those folks to take a moment to balance the spawn rates to suit.  If that is beyond the persons skill, then it is best if they play a mod like the wasteland, war of the walkers, etc.  that use this mod as its NPC engine.   

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2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Looks more like he is using FZ to upload the mods to a server. @Kazina Is that correct? If so, it looks like the dlls are the problem. Some server hosts won't allow you to upload mod dll files. If this is the case I'd suggest you find a better host.

yes your right .. ok making sure so i cant use the new mobs

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2 hours ago, mnjparks said:

I pretty much changed all entity groups to .25 and I honestly don't feel like it changed too much. Survivors I feel should be rare,  and there are in my opinion too many still.

Go a lot lower. Try like .05 and see how that is. .25 is pretty high still. Maybe even try .01.

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5 hours ago, mnjparks said:

I pretty much changed all entity groups to .25 and I honestly don't feel like it changed too much. Survivors I feel should be rare,  and there are in my opinion too many still.

Here are a few other things to consider:


- animal class and non animal class characters may well be on a different spawning system based on class and not the entitygroups.xml areas they are listed in. Since NPCs are incorporated into animal spawn groups, additional calibrating will help to find the sweet spot. Having an animal with a probability of 9 is unheard for the zombie lists where they are typically 0.1 to around the 1.0 mark which infers a different way of spawning.


- Maxed spawned zombies by default are 64 whereas animals are 50. However, zombies/NPC classes do not have that 'none' of 85 which is potentially an 8500% probability to spawn. It is possible they are overriding that 'none' based on their class.


- The size of the World and the amount of Open Regions will also have an impact. This is the reason the Snufkin Zombies have a default entitygroups.xml and a 'lite' version. On a new world with minimal regions unlocked, those 'Maxed spawned zombies' values will be much more noticeable until unlocking Regions thins things out a little. In addition, it appears a 6K World and 10K World distribute differently with 6K showing a much higher density of entities in one Region regardless of how many are opened.


The NPCMod Core is very much a base for creators to work from, and your feedback will certainly be noticed for future releases, where the template spawns are concerned. The same applies for individual NPCMod Pack Addon creators who will read the feedback to see how things are playing out. While Darkstardragon has also incorporated his 'Raiderz' into the wild animals spawn lists, their 0.1 probability has felt very balanced, and dropping to 0.05 or lower as bdubyah suggested will provide even greater balance where it may feel they are still a bit on the high side. This is a very subjective topic based on each host, and typically the reason for the option to change MaxSpawnedZombies and MaxSpawnedAnimals.


GansSpecialZombies Addon Pack is actually very sophisticated in its approach, by injecting the zombies directly into the default spawning, by using Boe as their feeder. While the NPCMod has been released for public use, there are things that couldn't be comprehensively checked for all areas, simply because each server has their own dynamics and requirements, and there is far too much to check. It will be very helpful if you can also post your findings once you test 0.1, 0.05, and other settings you may try as this will serve as a useful guide for others who may share your specific requirements.

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Is there a way to make the nurses killable? They drive me nuts shooting around POIs when I am trying to explore them stealthily. I'd like to be able to silence them:) I am playing singleplayer and have the player kill setting on 3 "kill everything" so I'm not sure why I cannot simply shoot them, but I cannot. Is there a setting somewhere that I can tweak?

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