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NPCMod and Addons


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47 minutes ago, xyth said:

They are uncommon spawns, but are around.  Nothing is balanced yet, mostly because this isn't primarily intended to be a mod used alone, but for POI builders and mod makers to use in their mods.  You can use it alone, but balance is then on you because we don't know how many or which expansion packs you might load.


I am encountering them most often in areas on city edges and just outside of towns. I do see them other places, but they are more prevalent in that belt of rural outside of town i think. I also think their frequency is impacted by your max animals settings atm and the grace of RNGesus hitting those probabilities instead of wild animals. 

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4 minutes ago, piroman182 said:

Yex i think the spawn is broke..i have spawn a new world ..pregen 10k..maybe i need to start a new map ? i have all expansion packs and i have not see any npc yet :(


Trust me, they will show up. I would tell you how to boost their spawns, but that would lead to the opposite extreme if not balanced well. For now, make sure to go to forest biome and stay there, even build a base there, keep exploring forest biome and they will eventually show up. Why forest? Well, because that's where they spawn for now. There are no complex and specific spawn places at the moment.

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That or if you're running another mod that affects spawning in some way it could be circumventing the preceding code by this mod since all other mods will load after the ones that start with 0- so that would be a thing to check. You should also check your output log to see that the game loaded all mods without conflict. 

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3 hours ago, xyth said:

Added 2 new expansion packs from DarkStarDragon:  Vault dwellers (The Wasteland mod has Vault POIs, so expect these to live there eventually)  , and a Robots pack.  

Why, thank you. An initial run through shows how beneficial the NPCMod can be with absolutely no requirement than to place the mods in the correct Mod folder. The Vault Dwellers really add to the immersion with the perfect match up and certainly bring out the best of what the NPCMod can offer even in these early days. A good use of scripted debug menu spawns here but just to showcase what's going to be possible.


'We want to take back the Vault from a Raider incursion.'


It's on.





Job done.



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So on default balance:  Right now all of the expansion packs spawn into the wildgameforest group.  In vanilla, there is a  65% chance of spawning a rabbit or chicken, 30% chance of spawning nothing at all in that , and a small 5% chance of a deer or wolf.  The expansionpacks all loaded with the core changes this to about 60% chicken or rabbit, 20% nothing, and 3% deer/wolf etc.   Then about 10% chance of a human, and 7% a bird


So humans will spawn, its just not as common as other things at this point.  The NPCCore entities spawn in other biomes generally, like snow or desert.

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I cant read your error.  Linking a log would help



From Steam 

From Mod Launcher

From  .exe  
%AppData%\..\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log

From dedicated through startdedicated.bat 


From Executable
<homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die <- Dedicated>/Player.log

From start scripts or Steam

From server with management scripts



Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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So I am new to modding, what is the best way to install this? and does it work without any editing? I have been trying to find an install video but it seems this mod is too new for that. I have attempted the mod launcher but this mod doesn't show up and i have no clue how to operate it. Any help or ideas for me? The items seem to be invisible when i open the creative menu. I am sure im missing something, but everything loads correctly. 

Edited by DarkCloudNinja (see edit history)
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This wasn't clear in the install instructions? 


"Option 1:  Download using the links below then just drop the 2 Core modlets into your MODS folder.  Then load as many expansion packs as desired.  If you are using a dedicated server, you also need to load both Core modlets into your dedi server Mods folder.  So copies in both the client side Mods folder and also on the server Mods folder."


So you need to load 3 mods, SCore, NPCCore and then the soldiers.   Load all 3 on BOTH the server and every client.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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OMG I remember using this mod in A19, it was one of the best mod to enrich the gameplay! I'm so exited it is still worked on for A20! I have a question though already (duh). Where can I disable hiring NPC? I don't want to comment out too much from xmls, where should I look? I play with group of friends only so we agree we don't need friendly hired NPC, but also want to use all packs. Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work!

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Hello community,


I'd like to share my first small add-on for this awesome mod. I apologize for delay, the mod and its download link were ready 2 days ago, but if and when it gets published on the main page here is not in my control, so while we wait for it to be added there, here's the basic info and download link.



This is an add-on for awesome RaiderGurlzPack from DarkStarDragon. This mod adds friendly versions of Raider Gurlz that are normally hostile, so that when you meet one of the friendly ones, you can hire them to work for you or to be your followers. Please note that for this mod to work, you absolutely NEED to have the base 1-RaiderGurlzPack from DarkStarDragon installed, because my mod relies on its resources, thanks for understanding!


Download here.

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13 minutes ago, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:

Can npcs level up or are they just static? 


There is some basic feature for that which seems to be a work in progress feature which may or may not improve in the future. In the meantime, I'm working on a mod that would further enhance your NPCs and really let them stand out from the others in different ways depending on their type, skills, etc. It just takes time and lot of testing and balancing, so stay tuned is all I can tell you at the moment. :D

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On 1/8/2022 at 2:57 PM, JustBeDeadPLS said:

well I have a problem downloading these, maybe I missunderstand something but, I have downloaded the 2 cores to the mods folder but when I try to join the console pops  up and I got this. https://www.udrop.com/6fN0/konstig_saaaaaak.png


The error says the SCore is not loaded.

1 hour ago, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:

Can npcs level up or are they just static? 


They spawn with some random perks, but in this first release, beyond those perks, only damage increases as they get kills.  We want NPCs to otherwise level up, and be trained up using books placed in their backpacks, but this release is just about validating all the new features and AI we added for A20


8 hours ago, DDzu said:

OMG I remember using this mod in A19, it was one of the best mod to enrich the gameplay! I'm so exited it is still worked on for A20! I have a question though already (duh). Where can I disable hiring NPC? I don't want to comment out too much from xmls, where should I look? I play with group of friends only so we agree we don't need friendly hired NPC, but also want to use all packs. Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work!


You can edit the xml to make the hiring cost very high so it cant be done.  That's the easiest solution


            <property name="HireCurrency" value="casinoCoin" />
            <property name="HireCost" value="1000" />


That is found in entitieclasses.xml, under the first NPCMelee template, top of file


Currency can be any item.   


Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, xyth said:


The error says the SCore is not loaded.


They spawn with some random perks, but in this first release, beyond those perks, only damage increases as they get kills.  We want NPCs to otherwise level up, and be trained up using books placed in their backpacks, but this release is just about validating all the new features and AI we added for A20



You can edit the xml to make the hiring cost very high so it cant be done.  That's the easiest solution


            <property name="HireCurrency" value="casinoCoin" />
            <property name="HireCost" value="1000" />


That is found in entitieclasses.xml, under the first NPCMelee template, top of file


Currency can be any item.   



Oh, well that works. 

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seems i may have found a bug, i am unsure though. but my new game just crashed. 


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at EntityAliveSDX.SetDead () [0x00028] in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SCore\Scripts\Entities\EntityAliveSDX.cs:923 
  at EntityAlive.ClientKill (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x00012] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at EntityAlive.Kill (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x00049] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at EntityAlive.ProcessDamageResponseLocal (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x00762] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) EntityTrader.DMD<EntityTrader::ProcessDamageResponseLocal>(EntityTrader,DamageResponse)
  at EntityAliveSDX.ProcessDamageResponseLocal (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x0005a] in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SCore\Scripts\Entities\EntityAliveSDX.cs:1025 
  at EntityAlive.damageEntityLocal (DamageSource _damageSource, System.Int32 _strength, System.Boolean _criticalHit, System.Single impulseScale) [0x00566] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) EntityAlive.DMD<EntityAlive::DamageEntity>(EntityAlive,DamageSource,int,bool,single)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) EntityTrader.DMD<EntityTrader::DamageEntity>(EntityTrader,DamageSource,int,bool,single)
  at EntityAliveSDX.DamageEntity (DamageSource _damageSource, System.Int32 _strength, System.Boolean _criticalHit, System.Single _impulseScale) [0x00074] in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SCore\Scripts\Entities\EntityAliveSDX.cs:887 
  at EntityAlive.OnUpdateEntity () [0x0009a] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at World.TickEntity (Entity e, System.Single _partialTicks) [0x00127] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at World.TickEntitiesSlice (System.Int32 count) [0x00037] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at World.TickEntitiesFlush () [0x0000c] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00033] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x002ee] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 




I get this error and the server crashes. let me know if you want the log file.

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