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Improved Hordes [V1.0]


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Note: These are optional. The ImprovedHordes mod must be installed for the add-ons to work. Installation for these add-ons is the same as for the ImprovedHordes mod, the folders prefixed with "IH-" go into your 7 Days to Die "Mods" folder.


> Bigger Hordes Add-on: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes-Addons/releases/latest/download/IH-BiggerHordesAddon.zip

  • Increases the maximum size of hordes when spawned.


> Random Hordes Add-on: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes-Addons/releases/latest/download/IH-RandomHordesAddon.zip

  • Removes gamestage dependent spawn count increases and instead lets the zombie hordes occur at random sizes. You could get big or small hordes, totally random.


> Reduced Screamer Scout Spawns Add-on: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes-Addons/releases/latest/download/IH-ReducedScreamerScoutSpawnsAddon.zip

  • Halves the chance that a screamer will spawn. To further modify the chance, you can modify the XML file included in the "IH-ReducedScreamerScoutSpawnsAddon" folder in your Mods folder.


> No Screamer Scouts Add-on: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes-Addons/releases/latest/download/IH-NoScreamerScoutsAddon.zip

  • Makes it so scouts no longer spawn.


To download all add-ons at once: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes-Addons/archive/refs/heads/dev.zip


Note: If there are not many zombies, change the max_alive_per_horde_player setting in your "Mods/ImprovedHordes/Config/ImprovedHordes/settings.xml" file.

Edited by FilUnderscore (see edit history)
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  • FilUnderscore changed the title to Improved Hordes [A20.1]

I'm hopefully understanding the instructions correctly but I'm not sure.

Do the instructions say that this mod is not EAC compatible at all? or only when you install the mod single player that EAC has to be turned off?

I'm running it on an EAC enabled server, and even though I get no errors and the mod seems to be loaded, I'm not 100% sure it's running as designed.


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12 hours ago, pharrisee said:

I'm hopefully understanding the instructions correctly but I'm not sure.

Do the instructions say that this mod is not EAC compatible at all? or only when you install the mod single player that EAC has to be turned off?

I'm running it on an EAC enabled server, and even though I get no errors and the mod seems to be loaded, I'm not 100% sure it's running as designed.


Not EAC compatible on client hosted games. Dedicated servers can use EAC since the zombies are all handled server-side.

Edited by FilUnderscore (see edit history)
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The mod was working fine (I did install all the files that were necessary) but now I get the info after I tried to get a screamer horde for xp (image)


I spawned then more screamers, logged off and on but the message is the same. No more hordes for me it seems. Dont know why. Everything worked great.




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6 minutes ago, Krisrennt said:

The mod was working fine (I did install all the files that were necessary) but now I get the info after I tried to get a screamer horde for xp (image)


I spawned then more screamers, logged off and on but the message is the same. No more hordes for me it seems. Dont know why. Everything worked great.




By default, screamers start spawning after GS 15 to give you a chance to prepare a base and whatnot, since most of the time they will summon a horde.

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7 hours ago, FilUnderscore said:

By default, screamers start spawning after GS 15 to give you a chance to prepare a base and whatnot, since most of the time they will summon a horde.

And thats my problem. Because they wont summon a horde anymore. I am way over GS 15 and before this message everything worked fine.


But the mod says now: No horde spawned for group PlayerHordeGroup as there were no matching horde groups.

Edited by Krisrennt (see edit history)
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6 minutes ago, Krisrennt said:

And thats my problem. Because they wont summon a horde anymore. I am way over GS 15 and before this message everything worked fine.


But the mod says now: No horde spawned for group PlayerHordeGroup as there were no matching horde groups.

Alright, so do you have any of the add-ons installed? And what is your GS?


Also just want to check, the screamers still spawn (but the hordes don't) or do they not spawn as well?

Edited by FilUnderscore (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, FilUnderscore said:

Alright, so do you have any of the add-ons installed? And what is your GS?


Also just want to check, the screamers still spawn (but the hordes don't) or do they not spawn as well?


Yes I wrote above that I installed every mod you said is important and it worked. Now I can spawn screamers manually and they would not summon any zombies.

My GS is 72.


I dont understand the error message that there is no horde match for my character.


I will delete the mods and install them again. Maybe that will solve the problem.

Edited by Krisrennt (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Krisrennt said:


Yes I wrote above that I installed every mod you said is important and it worked. Now I can spawn screamers manually and they would not summon any zombies.

My GS is 72.


I dont understand the error message that there is no horde match for my character.


I will delete the mods and install them again. Maybe that will solve the problem.


Edit: Figured it out. You may have installed the mod and all the add-ons (including the no screamer add-on, which would explain why the screamers are not screaming and calling a horde). To fix this, delete the "IH-NoScreamerScoutsAddon" folder, and you may choose to delete the "IH-ReducedScreamerScoutSpawnsAddon" folder if you do not want to cut the chance of a screamer spawning in half.


I have clarified in the main post now that all the add-ons are completely optional, the original message was to try make it clear that for the add-ons to work the mod must be installed. The add-ons themselves are optional and do not have to be installed to use the mod.


Let me know if this does not fix your issue.

Edited by FilUnderscore (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, FilUnderscore said:


Edit: Figured it out. You may have installed the mod and all the add-ons (including the no screamer add-on, which would explain why the screamers are not screaming and calling a horde). To fix this, delete the "IH-NoScreamerScoutsAddon" folder, and you may choose to delete the "IH-ReducedScreamerScoutSpawnsAddon" folder if you do not want to cut the chance of a screamer spawning in half.


I have clarified in the main post now that all the add-ons are completely optional, the original message was to try make it clear that for the add-ons to work the mod must be installed. The add-ons themselves are optional and do not have to be installed to use the mod.


Let me know if this does not fix your issue.

Thank you for answering so quick. I know that I did not install the no screamer scouts horde, because it was working great. I had a screamer and she summoned a horde but then, when I accidentally killed a scout before the horde ends, it got broken. After then, no horde showed up.


I deinstalled every mod and will install it later and report back, if its not working.

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8 hours ago, Krisrennt said:

Thank you for answering so quick. I know that I did not install the no screamer scouts horde, because it was working great. I had a screamer and she summoned a horde but then, when I accidentally killed a scout before the horde ends, it got broken. After then, no horde showed up.


I deinstalled every mod and will install it later and report back, if its not working.

Also I believe that screamers spawned in not using the "spawnscouts" command will not scream even in vanilla. Try spawning in the screamers using the command (if you haven't already) and see if they work. Also make sure that you haven't got any of the add-ons installed (prefixed with "IH-") when testing out just the mod (the "ImprovedHordes" folder).

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1 hour ago, FilUnderscore said:

Try spawning in the screamers using the command (if you haven't already) and see if they work.


I wrote above more than one time that I spawn the screamers manually and they didnt summon the horde ;)


16 hours ago, Krisrennt said:

Now I can spawn screamers manually and they would not summon any zombies.


On 2/6/2022 at 4:28 AM, Krisrennt said:

I spawned then more screamers, logged off and on but the message is the same.


I mean no offense by quoting myself, but in fact only want to show you that I wrote in my first posting about the spawning of screamers. I should have maybe write it better than just in a sentence. My bad - english is not my native language sorry.


Its funny, because now your mods are gone and the (manual created) screamers still dont summon the horde. It seems that something in my save game is broken. And because I am not ready to start a new one right now I have to stay with it now. Will install your mod next time I play. Maybe something will change. But the error, that every screamer is not summoning anyone is strange. And it doesnt matter if the screamer is normal/feral or radiated. I spawned every one of them and besides their scream nothing happened.


Thank you for taking your time and writing the mods - I really like them and hope they will work again for me!

Edited by Krisrennt (see edit history)
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Just now, Krisrennt said:


I wrote above more than one time that I spawn the screamers manually and they didnt summon the horde ;)




I mean no offense by quoting myself, but in fact only want to show you that I wrote in my first posting about the spawning of screamers. I should have maybe write it better than just in a sentence. My bad - english is not my native language sorry.


Its funny, because now your mods are gone and the (manual created) screamers still dont summon the horde. It seems that something in my save game is broken. And because I am not ready to start a new one right now I have to stay with it now. Will install your mod next time I play. Maybe something will change. But the error, that every screamer is not summoning anyone is strange. And it doesnt matter if the screamer is normal/feral or radiated. I spawned every one of them and besides their scream nothing happened.

Alright but just want to make sure that you are aware that spawning screamers using the F6 spawning menu, they will not scream not even in unmodded games. You need to use the command to spawn them if you want them to scream. Have you tried getting a screamer to spawn by attracting them with campfires to test whether it works without my mods installed? Because I have tried different ways and the only time with/without my mod the screamers work is when I use the “spawnscouts” console command. Have you also tested if they work in a different save?


The mod does not temper with save files and only takes over control when screamers are spawned. It does not do this when it is not installed, which leads me to believe that you are trying to spawn screamers using the menu (which does not work!)

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2 minutes ago, FilUnderscore said:

You need to use the command to spawn them if you want them to scream. Have you tried getting a screamer to spawn by attracting them with campfires to test whether it works without my mods installed?


I will do that - the campfires seems not really working for me - the Auger was way more effective and faster. Thank you for clarifying it, now I am the one who did not read your text correctly. I did spawn them witt F6 and will test it with the spawnscouts command when I play it next time. Thank you!

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  • Updated for compatibility with Alpha 20.2 b2.


  • Not cleaning up the stored player list when a client hosting a world launches another world, leading to a NullPointerException when the horde spawner tries to spawn a horde but finds the host player from the previous world null.
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  • FilUnderscore changed the title to Improved Hordes [A20.2]
7 hours ago, Greymantle said:

How often can wondering hordes spawn? Thanks for the information on how to disable wondering friendly animals makes food to easy.

Default setting is that they can spawn 6-8 times every 7 days. The times at which they occur are randomly scheduled so you could have 2 days without hordes and then have 2 in the same day, or evenly split throughout the week. https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/wiki/Settings#wandering-horde-schedule has information on settings that affect the weekly schedule.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I was helping someone make a csmm hook and we've come to realize this mod changes the log a little bit, so it got me wondering... Is there any way to make a mod to log when an item is used? I'm thinking item used, player that used and coords of where it was used. That would open so many possibilities...


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On 2/20/2022 at 3:12 PM, R2D2 said:

So, I was helping someone make a csmm hook and we've come to realize this mod changes the log a little bit, so it got me wondering... Is there any way to make a mod to log when an item is used? I'm thinking item used, player that used and coords of where it was used. That would open so many possibilities...


That would be possible with a DLL server-side modlet. There is an open GitHub issue dealing with CSMM hook support in particular at https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/issues/4 that you can request features specific to ImprovedHordes there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Myself and others have been enjoying using the Improved Hordes mod, but have been experiencing a problem where the mod doesn't trigger the scheduled hordes to spawn.  If no hordes are spawning as per the schedule, restarting the game and resetting the wandering horde schedule seems to get it back on track, except for the first entry in the schedule.  Even with resetting the schedule, the first horde in the list never spawns.  That's when I noticed, after resetting the schedule, it always says "Next Occurrence 2" below the schedule in the command console.  I even added the mod to a new Vanilla game on a different computer and on Day 1 it shows the next occurrence to be #2.  Can you fix this so that the first horde in the schedule is not always skipped?  Thanks!

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