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Pls fix iron sights. 


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I'm with you. It is one of the things that drives me nuts about the guns. They feel so bad to shoot with your face an inch from the sight like it is and lining up the tip of the front sight to make a shot is so annoying. I love the game but really hate the guns as they are now.

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4 hours ago, ate0ate said:

I'm with you. It is one of the things that drives me nuts about the guns. They feel so bad to shoot with your face an inch from the sight like it is and lining up the tip of the front sight to make a shot is so annoying. I love the game but really hate the guns as they are now.

I tried to get the hint across years ago with my avatar... rant

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Two things bother me about the guns: This, and the fact that guns with individually loaded rounds don't actually load one at a time. So I can't load just one shell into my shotgun then fire it.

Most of the new gun models look nice but I don't like how, not only are the sights misaligned, instead of raising the gun higher they've just extended the front sights. Looks goofy.

Edited by Deceptive Pastry (see edit history)
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The guns are the worst part, but the issue extends to the overall weapon fov in general. Your hands are just way too close to your face. I can't even play a brawler build with how goofy it looks. It's like boxing with your hands literally in front of your eyeballs.


This is the closest I could find, but imagine walking around like this with broken scissors and corkscrews strapped to your knuckles. Just silly.




I agree about the reloading too. Its especially noticeable to me with the new pipe pistol/revolver. I fire one bullet, hit reload, and dump the whole chamber on the ground. Why?

Edited by ate0ate (see edit history)
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Maybe I've been used to it, plus personally (IRL) I prefer a 6'oclock hold. It prevents my sights from obstructing my target. Old school term was the "lollipop" method of aiming where your front sight post was the "stick" part of a target and just the top was considered the actual strike point. I can absolutely understand why this would feel "off" though for people. The first game I see let you customize your point of impact will get a high remark from me on principle. 

2 hours ago, Deceptive Pastry said:

Two things bother me about the guns: This, and the fact that guns with individually loaded rounds don't actually load one at a time. So I can't load just one shell into my shotgun then fire it.

Most of the new gun models look nice but I don't like how, not only are the sights misaligned, instead of raising the gun higher they've just extended the front sights. Looks goofy.

Same with the lever action. On one hand it's nice that I only slap in two shells and somehow it magically becomes eight. On the other, it'd be nice to see a level of detail where each round counts. It'd make wanting the auto shotgun more important, same with the marksman/sniper. That magazine would remove tedious loading time. 

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Totally agree with you. The misalignment of the sight of the pistol, .44 magnum and other guns is so game breaking. I just can't take them seriously.


Also, the size of the front sight.... for some guns like SMG and hunting rifle... it seems like they had a slippery mouse pad and extruded too much the sight of these during the modelling process.


In the end, if I may add anything else ... I'm not a big fan of the hunting rifle and lever action rifle reload animation.

I don't know how to explain it, but I'd like to see a more "aggressive" animation of hunting rifle, putting more "weight" in the process of opening the chamber and inserting the bullet inside.


For the lever action rifle, I'd like to see the bullet inserted into the chamber... the current animations of these two are quite simple and "anonymous"

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