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Dedicated Server - In GOD MODE but still hungry every 10 minutes?


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Good morning everyone.


I rent a server and have recently installed the War3UK mod on it, I am building a base for players to gather for BM so I am in god mode and every 10 or so minutes my player is hungry/thirsty or is losing stamina really quickly?


Does anyone know how to stop this from happening please? IF you suggest a string of "Code" can you tell me where to put it please or is there a command or a mod to stop it?


Many thanks.

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Here is the no-code solution if your character is strictly the admin toon and you don't want to use him for playing:


You might just give him loads of xp with giveselfxp and add all the perks that improve stamina usage (sexrex, cardio) or increase mileage from food (Iron gut). Also levels themselves are good as they increase your total stamina pool. Then get a stack of spaghetti from creative menue and you should be set for a long time. (This is for vanilla though, the mod may have some other perks you need. If the mod has learning-by-doing you are probably out of luck)


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Hi, thanks for the relpy.


I did forget to mention ive achieved level 300,read all the books and also got all the XP skills ticked but having to eat tons of Gumbo Stew which is hardly helping tbh?


Many thanks for the suggestions.

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Ok. Maybe the creator or warzuk knows a better way but probably this is just part of warzuks being a hardcore mod. If the mod still has coffee and it reduces stamina usage you might just copy the definiton of coffee to a new item coffeeXL in items.xml and boost duration and stamina reduction to the hillt. (If it isn't you could copy the code from vanilla)


Since coffeXL won't be in any loot list it won't change anything for players but you can get yourself stacks of it from creative menue


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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I noticed lately on my server that if I go into God mode I'm not auto-healing or losing status effects (broken bones etc.). I can fly, but also zombies can kill me. I didn't recall that being the case before, but I very rarely use God mode on the server so maybe it's always been this way. NBD, I just load up on medkits food and water. My ID has the max permission level in the server config (it's on a local machine, not hosted).

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43 minutes ago, Boidster said:

I noticed lately on my server that if I go into God mode I'm not auto-healing or losing status effects (broken bones etc.). I can fly, but also zombies can kill me. I didn't recall that being the case before, but I very rarely use God mode on the server so maybe it's always been this way. NBD, I just load up on medkits food and water. My ID has the max permission level in the server config (it's on a local machine, not hosted).

I think it depends on which God mode you are using.  I saw the same thing but saw different results if I used "Q" to enter and exit God mode and through ESC and selected the option.  Not sure why that is the case though.


I don't recall the last Alpha version that I did go into and out of God mode, maybe 19.2?

Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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may not be what youre experiencing but there is the "Q" which is "God Mode" and then there is "H" which isnt "god Mode". "H" lets you fly and move about sorta like God Mode but you do not have no clip while in the "H" mode.


supposedly "God Mode" is to keep you alive while doing certain things in game as an admin i believe, which is is probably why we have no clip and such because it being used by server admins for various reason.


i really do not understand why we even have the "H" mode. if you didnt know about "H" mode then....


1. turn "DM" on

2. hit "H"

3. now jump up and soar through the sky

4. remember, you cant no clip through objects

5. get back to ground and the hit "H" again to turn off

6. now hit "Q" - this is God Mode


also i may not catch it when discussing this but i remapped my "God Mode" key to "G" like G=god.... yeah i know some other games use Q as well... but for me the time to hit the G key is the same as you hitting the Q key only for me... G makes me feel better and in my game thats what counts... everyone else feels differently about it.


anyways... check to see if "H and G" act differently in your case to help or make worse.

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Sorry for the delay guys and THANKYOU so much for the posts and info/help, I have figured it out and this might be very useful to some, I was going in the game via the Launcher and then pressing ESC and then ticking the boxes on the right which inc GOD MODE, Thats where my issues started as that GOD MODE seems to be differernt to the one if you press Q?

As I started to read the posts above I read "RANGER  & QAs" reply and I noticed that my character was crying out for food and I had a red food/hunger icon on the left of my screen,  once I clicked on the Q the woman I was playing stopped groaning and the red hunger icon disappeared...

So its basically use the god mode via the Q key on your KB rather than ticking the boxes on the right...

A BIIIIIG thank you guys!!

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19 hours ago, Biglittle said:

pressing ESC and then ticking the boxes on the right which inc GOD MODE, Thats where my issues started as that GOD MODE seems to be differernt to the one if you press Q?


That's probably my issue as well. I have always been using the ESC/DM controls pane to select God Mode (then using H to toggle flying on/off as needed). I didn't use Q very often and didn't pay attention when I did, apparently.


Why are they different though? What purpose does God-Mode-but-not-really on the DM tools pane serve? (He asked into the void...)

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17 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

bad thing about this is... i had made a video showing you all this an d damn forgot to add it. well at least you found the issue. :)


late but here it is if you want to see it.


  Hide contents


That was more than I was going to do.  I was just going to go into my current playthrough, jump off a tall building, and cycle through the various God modes to determine which one did what.  Glad I came back to the forum before I did that  😉


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