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A19.2 RWG Terrain, Nice job. Much better than a19.1


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The terrain in a19.2 is so much better than it was in 19.1 no more of those super common microbumps (I call em that anyway) that kill vehicle speed. Its so smooth now, I hope it stays this way, as the smoothness off the terrain is the best i've seen in recent memory.

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Good news. But as long as i need to create hundreds of maps until i get at least one of each skyscraper, i will stay with nitrogen. Also the variety still isn´t really there. They aren´t all the same, but they kind of are all the same. Way to less options that would allow different looking maps.

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28 minutes ago, Ornias said:

Nitro with Compo pack. Come on TFP just write someone a check and make this a core part of the game please.

Even if they wanted to, they can not make the generator part of the game. The Nitrogen Generator is written in Java and the game is written in C#.

And the Combo Pack contains a lot of not optimized POIs from different designers under different licenses. This would be a legal nightmare and every single POI would have to be reworked.

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