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Zombie Heat Map


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I don't know if it decays over time but a screamer spawning will lower the heat map in that chunk. The heat accumulation and screamer spawns were changed fairly drastically in A18. I don't know the precise changes but I know that it takes much more than it used to to spawn a screamer from workstation activity and that screamers spawn more regularly from mining iron.

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I believe once you stop doing activities that raise the heat level it will start decreasing over time.  Sadly I don't see heat level as anything worth worrying about anymore.  Last Screamer we had scream on us called in 2 zombies and a dog.  Not much of a threat anymore.

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It decays over a loooong time. I don't know precisely how long, but I'm running a test right now on that.

The other day I watched a chunk for 2 hours in-game time and the heat value never decreased. But when I came back hours (real-time) later the heat was at 0%.


I just M60'd a chunk up to 99% heat and I'll watch the game over the next couple of (real-time) hours.

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1 hour ago, Boidster said:

I just M60'd a chunk up to 99% heat and I'll watch the game over the next couple of (real-time) hours.

Okay well crap, I got sidetracked and 10 in-game hours passed before I got back. Heat was at 0% so at least I have an upper bound. Or maybe a screamer spawned and lowered it. Going to try again...

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9 minutes ago, xXx said:

Only way to decrease it is to wait and do nothing. Interestingly gamepedia says that even by lollygagging the heat map increases so I don't know how's that possible.

Leave the area on a long raiding mission for a few days using small satellite bases to unload your inventory then cart it all back to base in a few trips.

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22 minutes ago, Danidas said:

Leave the area on a long raiding mission for a few days using small satellite bases to unload your inventory then cart it all back to base in a few trips.

Yes. That could work. Still this unnecessary complication is grinding my gears. I didn't spend 24 hours building my base with all the goodies to avoid it.

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1 hour ago, xXx said:

Only way to decrease it is to wait and do nothing. Interestingly gamepedia says that even by lollygagging the heat map increases so I don't know how's that possible.

Well I've only seen that if something is actively going on in the chunk (or surrounding chunks, because heat does spread apparently).


I didn't watch quite closely enough, but here's what I saw so far:


1200 Day 2: M60 firing until heat was at 99.6%

2200 Day 2: heat still 99.6%

0300 Day 3: heat still 99.6%

0800 Day 3: heat had at some point dropped to 22.95%


AI was off, so no screamers spawned. It took a loooooong time to drop, and it appears to drop very quickly when it does. I really need to lower my day length to 30 minutes for easier testing (assuming this is game-time based, not real-time based).


Edit: I dunno, maybe never mind that. It doesn't seem consistent with later results (below)

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1 minute ago, Boidster said:

Well I've only seen that if something is actively going on in the chunk (or surrounding chunks, because heat does spread apparently).


I didn't watch quite closely enough, but here's what I saw so far:


1200 Day 2: M60 firing until heat was at 99.6%

2200 Day 2: heat still 99.6%

0300 Day 3: heat still 99.6%

0800 Day 3: heat had at some point dropped to 22.95%


AI was off, so no screamers spawned. It took a loooooong time to drop, and it appears to drop very quickly when it does. I really need to lower my day length to 30 minutes for easier testing (assuming this is game-time based, not real-time based).

Interesting data. Thank you.

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Yeah, but it gets weirder. I tried again, but this time I increased the 'ticks' setting, so the game would run faster. This time, within about an hour of in-game time, the heat had dropped from ~80 to zero. I need to do more testing; I have no good idea what is going on.


Edit to add: okay so instead of testing 4 clips of M60, I tested in much smaller increments:


1 pistol shot: 110 in-game minutes to 0% heat

2 pistol shots in rapid succession: 110 minutes to 0% heat (one shot's worth disappeared right after the other)

10 in-game minutes of continuous pistol fire: first reduction occurred at 110 minutes, with all others coming off in rapid succession over the next 10 minutes

1 in-game hour of M60 fire (enough to get over 90% heat): first reduction occurred at 110 minutes, with the rest coming off in rapid succession (with appropriate delays during at the points when I was reloading 110 minutes before)

20 M60 shots, wait 100 minutes, 20 more M60: the first group of 20 starts decaying off at 110 minutes as expected (the subsequent shots did not reset the counter of the first 20)


So this was all consistent - each firing "event" lasts 110 minutes or so.


Multiple dev Super Digger (block destroyer) shots to damage a building: the gun itself gives no heat, but block destruction & collapse do; the collapse events start decaying very quickly - within 10 minutes game time.


I cannot explain why I had over 14 in-game hours sitting with no heat decay. Still need to replicate that result.

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I have no idea about that 14-hour event, but otherwise what you're seeing is what I've always understood it to be;

Different events give different amounts of heat, but ALSO "decay" at different rates. Gunshots seem to be one group in your test, kinda makes sense; but torch heat, forge heat, building and mining are separate beasts.


With that in mind, for you 14 hour experience; it wouldn't be too far fetched that some heat type is just simply bugged - the xml settings for heat are perfectly unreadable, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone just misremembered the system while doing a change..


Also it used to be the case (not sure for current patch) that even jumping/landing would cause heat, which made testing .. annoying. :)

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