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Curious about this alpha


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I thought it would be like old alphas. I thought there would be maybe an 19.1, .2 maybe .3. I also was expecting a Alpha 20 thread by devs when this one went stable. Maybe I am getting mixed up somehow. No big deal as no one else has said anything on it so am thinking it is just something I am confused about.

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There will most likely be a 19.1 since they are still mostly working on bug fixes and optimizations. Any fixes being done for A20 that will also work for A19 could potentially be pushed to a 19.1 experimental and then tested and released as 19.1.


The A20 dev diary won't be started until Joel has content that he wants to report on. He has said a few times that he wants to get away from sharing plans and possibilities and move towards just reporting on things already done. Since most work is still on fixes and optimization there hasn't been a new content reason yet to open the A20 dev diary. But there will be eventually.

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